Could I get more ridiculous...

May 03, 2010 00:33

You would think, maybe, that in five years I would have figured out how to do school, and schedule myself and whatnot. This appears to be so beyond the opposite of true that it is basically ridiculous. I basically spent three days with a series of short naps at odd intervals, b/c of scheduled stuff, culminating into headachy-ridiculousness saturday afternoon/night, and being so tired I couldn't sleep. And then getting a legitimate why-aren't-you-done-grading email, and, despite telling myself that said TA would want me to sleep and just do the grading the next day, because my health was more important, apparently guilt mixed with tired-ness - induced insomnia meant that half an hour later, at 11ish, I had gotten up from my inability to sleep, and proceeded to get dressed and go to school. So I finally finish grading at like 4 in the morning, (and by then I'm finally tired, thank god), go back home and go to sleep, and end up sleeping till 7:30 at night. I expected this, so it's fine and all, but I have class at 9 tomorrow, and zero interest in going to sleep right now. Faaiiiill. This turned into a stupid waste of a weekend; I seriously need to just convince myself to stop doing activities on the weekends or something, so this doesn't keep happening. Or stop having midterms. Something! On the other hand I just feel soooo much better right now b/c I finally got some sleep that I just don't care.

So. Tomorrow a science writer, Rebecca Skloot is going to be speaking in San Diego at a book store. I am SO excited for this, can't even tell you. Skloot has written this book called the The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks which is about a poor black woman who died of cancer - but her cancer cells lived on, and revolutionized science, etc, while meanwhile her family didn't know about any of this, and didn't get any sort of monetary benefits from it, or ever give their consent to use her cells. The whole book is a great commentary on society, class, and race, and is an intersection of many of the subjects I like to read about: science, sociology, ethics, and the politics of race, class and privilege. It is unequivocally a great piece of science journalism, and just a great human story besides. No I haven't read it yet but I've read a bit about it; certainly enough to convince me of its importance. I am basically planning to buy it tomorrow when I see her speak.

Just one problem. I have a required class at the exact same time. I'm not really sure what to do about this. Not only is said class required, but the take-home midterm is being handed out tomorrow, so I have to at least pick that up. I'm really not sure what to do about this. If it were any other night of the week, I could skip things, rearranging my tutor hours around it, etc., but no, it had to be Monday night during my class. WAH. I am actually thinking of talking to my TA after discussion tomorrow and being like "this is super important to me, can I pick up my midterm early" but I don't know if that'll work. It's one of those things though... a year from now it'll be way more important to me that I saw someone I admire speak, than that I went to class. But I can't really afford to miss a giant chunk of my grade either. Dilemma. Sigh.
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