(no subject)

Apr 26, 2010 18:29

I could make a real post! As I haven't posted in awhile. Or I could talk about silly things. I choose the latter.

1. I really want to read/want someone to write Voltaire/Madame du Chatelet fanfiction. There is no logic to this; I JUST DO OKAY? I just think it would be hilarious and apt. Because I've been reading too much history of science lately because of impending midterm, and they are canon, and Madame du Chatelet is like the only woman in science ever mentioned in europe at that time (this was before Marie Curie okay), and because everyone has to read about Voltaire in english or history class, so why not some Madame du Chatelet on the side? I'm not picky though; any fanfic with key scientific players of the enlightenment era would be pretty golden. I'm sure we could throw some slightly viable slash pairings in the mix too. No but for serious, I am so going to read a biography on her at some point. Seriously, the only reason she is not as well known as Marie Curie I am thinking is probably b/c she died young, in childbirth, and thus didn't get to live out her full potential, as thus barely finished translating the Principia. Must have seriously sucked back then; pregnancy was practically a death sentence. Ugh.

2. Quote from this site:
4 year old boy: Mom, is God real?
Mom: I dont know, Google it.
Minneapolis, In line at Arby’s

3. I am doing this awesome thing that an engineering club at my school sponsors every year, that I am not going to put the name of because I don't want to be the third hit on google for it. But basically you build a boxcar out of junk, then race it down a steep hill, meanwhile trying not to go off course or you know, hit something and die. I'm mostly interested in actually qualifying, heh. Also my team is a bunch of people I don't know, freshmen I think, and people I got together the night before the last day of registration. This last minute thing, I win at it! So yeah, spent part of saturday collecting junk, and I think I got a bit sick from it actually - not in a virus kinda way, but in a feeling nauseous and bleh for a few hours. Possibly somewhat dehydrated. And I get to do the same thing next Saturday! This time I think I may go by myself, so I can go at my own pace, and take care of myself. Also wear gloves, that would be very good I think.

Anyway, if you are in san diego you should come watch! It's pretty cool. I promise to make a fool out of myself! Or at least someone on my team will.
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