(no subject)

Jun 03, 2010 00:51

Omg you guys I went to the last meeting of the year of my enviro club (sniff sniff) and we all sat around and ate chinese food (bought with club funds) and then sometime in the middle of it they gave me a card and a little present as a "happy graduation we'll miss you" gift, and omg but no has ever done a thing like that for me ever I was so touched by it. And one of the things in the gift was a DVD called "Wuzzby Goes Green" which is a kids' program aimed at preschoolers to teach them how to save the environment and we spent like half an hour laughing at the description of it, and seriously this is like the best gag present for me EVER because it is exactly my type of humor. It is like VeggieTales! But instead of being anviliciously Christian it is anviliciously environmental! Best ever? I THINK SO. I haven't watched it but that will just have to wait possibly till tomorrow because insane schedule is insane.

It is so weird it has taken me an entire year to make friends, and now that I have finally found some I am graduating and who knows how many of them I will see again. I'm serious, I was actually a bit depressed because of this fall quarter, b/c all my friends of my year had graduated, and it was like starting over. But now that I've started hanging out with people in my enviro club it's weird because they acknowledge me and invite me to stuff. And I've started making new CS friends/acquaintances too - all like three or four years younger than me, and this goes for every friend or acquaintance group I have now. I'm not really sure how this worked out but I guess it's like sometimes making friends with new people just tends to work I guess. CRY. But. I am still going to be here in July. Not a rat's ass of an idea what I will be doing after that but hopefully I'll have some people to hang with then?

ALSO. Today was the last day of paleoecology. We took the lab final during class, and of course I didn't get any sleep because I stayed up all night finishing three lab reports. I didn't study very much at all, it was pretty bad. But then at the end of class we all got a photo print of the whole class in front of the house-in-the-rocks place we stayed at for the overnight field trip, and it is really pretty adorable. I've been with (most) these people for two quarters now, taking the paleo classes, and have gotten to know some of them... I'm kind of sad about it all ending.

I guess in all my chomping at the bit to finish school I forgot about some of this stuff. Today was a really, really good reminder. And now, I didn't sleep last night, so must get on that, really.
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