Hey Everyone! Love and Peace to all!
I am accredited with having amazing luck, but what most people don't know... is that my luck excludes three regions of my life. If anything these three regions can be called my bad luck areas.
Bad JuJu #1: Money!
I personally have a horrible time with money. It's always been hard for me to keep and hard for me to fully understand. I didn't really fully grasp the concept of money until I was about 8 years old. Isn't that rather strange? I mean it should be rather simple. If one is able to add and subtract one should be able to understand money fairly well. An instance of major confusion for me was the when money changed hands.
Person A borrowed $10 from Person B. Person A later gave Person B $20. Person B therefore gave Person A $10 back.
This was a big question mark for me way back when. I guess never really being taught how to handle money was quite an annoyance for me. But then again if I never really wanted anything back then. It is quite clear that money would be a moot point for me. Perhaps it is just not being taught the ways to handle money. The ways to spend and save, balance and budget. Who knows.
Bad JuJu #2: Love!
Okay I know some people will say that I had a great love life. I will admit to date I have had a fairly successful time at it. I found someone I could love and that loved me back. We may have broken up badly, but I remember that I cherished her nonetheless. I may have found someone else to like now. He can't return my feelings at all. I doubt he will ever really even acknowledge me anymore, but that's okay. Cause I think I love him and I want him to have the best senior year he can have. Regardless of my own feelings.
But Love is something everyone struggles with. There is no perfect fit. There is no lesson in love. As I stated before I only go after people that I have a resonance with. Just thinking someone is cute isn't enough for me. It has to be much more and thereby creating a problem. I'm sure I could be happy with just about anyone with enough work on my part, but I don't want to be just happy. I want to be in bliss. Every moment I spend with that person has to be an eternity. That's just how I feel I suppose.
Bad JuJu #3: Technology!
Okay. This is a doozey for most people to understand. I have horrible luck with computers. Even though I can find information very well using technology. And it is something anyone can learn I just generally have very bad luck with technology of any kind. Cars especially.
Let me give a few examples:
Earbuds - Every single one I've had generally only lasts about half a year. If that. One pair I remember only lasted one week. In addition last year my earbuds would not stop electrically shocking me. Quite ridiculous in my opinion.
Computers - I've crashed 4 computers. 2 or 3 because I typed to fast and the rest because of sheer bad juju.
Cars - I was almost run over by a car when I was 5 years old. In addition I just got two tickets. (this kind of just compounds on top of my... money problems)
mp3 Players - Ahaha when am I not without one anymore. But in seriousness, they have a tendency to cause me trouble. I've had three freeze up on me. The one I'm currently using seriously would not start every other week or something due to electric discharge. (at least that's why I think it wouldn't)
Loves and Hugs to all. I could really use some myself. But thanks for bearing with me through the stupid times. Just don't call me lucky. bad luck + good luck = normalcy
Peace and Love! See ya all soon hopefully!