Cookies and Things

Feb 13, 2012 14:00

I am making chocolate chip cookies today, for several reasons.  One is that I am antsy and need something to do.  Another is that Lucas and I decided not to do anything for Valentine's Day this year -- we're not buying each other presents or going out to eat or anything -- but I figured making cookies for him and for his officemates isn't *quite*' getting him a present and should pass as OK.  A third is (TMI ALERT!) that I've had weird twinges today and started freaking out that maybe it was labor, and needed to distract myself somehow.  If it isn't labor, well, I was going to make the cookies anyway.  If it is, that's a funny story I can tell my son later.

I don't think it is, I think it's just weird twinges.  But at this point (tomorrow is 38 weeks) pretty much anything different is going to make me freak out a little.  Or a lot.  You guys know me.

Also I have had headaches for like the last week straight, and it is kind of annoying.

I haven't been able to get much writing done lately -- way too scatter-brained over here -- except for one not awesome short story for an anthology, but I do have some work to do that's more reading-based.  I have to beta something for my sister, and I have a big project to edit, plus a book to read and review for someone (I was actually asked to read and review a book!) and I always have stuff on the slush pile to read through.  I'm thinking today I might take a hot bath and settle down with my Kindle and try to get some of that stuff taken care of, although a lot of that is going to depend on whether I can settle my mind enough to do something that takes a little more mental concentration than stirring things together in a bowl.  If not...well, it might just be a "play Sims World Adventures all day" kind of day, alas, and I will try my hardest not to feel guilty about it.

UPDATE: Yeah, not labor, unless it's really really slow and very weird.  But I made SO MANY COOKIES, and got some good editing done, and got my laundry sorted.  Now I think I'm going to put on the Sims anyway (it's 7pm, it's OK, right?) and chill out unless Lucas gets home.

freaking out, cooking, baby, rambling

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