5.09 Episode Review, part 5

Jan 22, 2010 16:06

Dean must be pretty desperate here if he's trying to appeal to a total civilian for help - especially when he turns around and shoots down rp!SamnDean for asking to help. I think it's because at the moment, the actress is the only one actually qualified for the job, and as such, she's the one he has to ask.

But She Works At Hooters!

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Also she looks like Leighton Meester.

... So when rp!SamnDean tell Dean they want to help 'because that's what Dean would do' ... Wow. So much yes, Show.

Although I don't think Dean quite agrees. I think this is his WTF face.

There is no Croatoan virus for 'down there'?

Dear Show,

Is that REALLY four weeks in a row with the std jokes?
(for those of you kiddos keeping track at home yes, yes it is)
Look. I know we caught it from the big VD that they put on top of us, but do we have to dwell so hard?

*shifty eyes*


PS - Fourth Walls Make Good Neighbors, you know.

You've Got The Croats!

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I understand there is a fear factor going on here, but Leighton isn't blowing me away with her mad actin' skillz. Although it must be working at least a little, since Sam is able to get the door open without getting a hernia.

You know how your phone goes off at the WORST times?


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Don't worry, Leighton. He's not mad - he just came in to see what the HELL is on your ringtone.
I love it. Anyone have a DL? Please tell me it's Lady Gaga.

Big Damn Hero pose in 5,4,3,2 ...


Where we were at on the third commercial break ...

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Digging graves WOULD be hard. They are lucky that whenever they need to dig one, the ground isn't frozen, or it would be impossible. I'm just sayin'.

Also, Sam saves Dean FTW!!!

Meanwhile, back in the main ring of the Evil Clown Apocalypse, Woogly!Man is not listening very well to directions.

Oh wait. Wrong cap. Here you go.

Dood. This is like Newsies gone horribly, horribly wrong.

The rest of you take full damage.

Sometimes I miss a good old fashioned ghost whacking. I like.

Look! It's art imitating life imitating art imitating life!!

I have thoughts about Becky and Chuck. I think she was in love with him all along - well, she loved his work, and she just needed some time to figure out that even though Sam is awesome, Sam really IS the Sam in the books and just isn't ... dateable. So really, deciding to go back to loving Chuck over Sam is just full circle.

Sorry, Sam. You know I love you.

Chuck and Becky OTP

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Dear fandom Becky fandom Becky,

Part 6
(it's the last part, I swear)

cons: chicago con, thinky-thoughts, picspam, epic show pwns everything, episode review, *dies*

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