5.09 Episode Review, part 4

Jan 22, 2010 15:45

*so many lolz*
That was my favorite line. I said it repeatedly forever.
I'm still saying it. It was hysterical.


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I love how Sam can touch a map for 3.14 seconds and tell it's at least a century old. I need him to come shopping with me sometime. We'll go find vintage stuff. Y/Y?
*puppy eyes*

"You're the Chuckles ... Chuckles."

I love Dean going for the REAL gun. HA.


Sam and Dean being Rufus and Bobby greatly amuses me. It would be ironic if Sam was Rufus.

This was making me squirmy. Not because it's wrong, but because SamnDean are RIGHT THERE. It's bad enough people even know that stuff, but look at Dean's you believe this face and Sam's little downcast gaze and the constant reminders of how he was willing to kill his brother that one time but it wasn't his fault except he still feels bad about it and he figures this is just part of the backlash he deserves and

If people were taking every bad thing I'd ever done and quoting it back in my face and obsessing over it and spreading it around and carrying ON and ON and ON about it and pretending to be me on twitter and just generally replaying all my worst nightmares, I'd asplode, too.

*pets Dean and Sam*

You're gonna cry, aren't you?

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Rp!Sam looks so unnerved.
Like he's thinking wow, maybe that dude is right. Poor SamnDean, we should think about their feelings more!

Hey - maybe he really IS Sam.


Deja vu shot of Cemetery from 5.07


I'm sorry, I can't stop saying it. No really, I can't stop. Someone lay some mojo on me.

I just thought this cap was awesome. Here, have a Cap Of Awesome.

Dear Show,

Why do the ghosts always go for Dean's heart? EVEN WHEN IT'S FAKE!DEAN? 


blacklid : Take out the bigger threat first.
tahirire : Don't call fake!Dean 'big', that's not nice.

\o/ *POOF* \o/


Here's where we were at at the second commercial break ...

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Here's the mirror caps from before. Alcohol - the universal equalizer.

How much do you love them for coming to pay for their drinks?
*hearts a billionty*

Supernatural lock-downs always reminds me of Ghostfacers, and when I think of Ghostfacers all I remember is how gut punched I felt when Sam turned to Dean and said, 'You had two months left, Dean. Now we're gonna die TONIGHT!'

Erm. Where was I?

Surprise!Leftover ghost!kid! It'd be nice if they'd just be up front about these things from the start, wouldn't it?

Answer the question!

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Ever have that moment when you realize .... you are colossally bad at your job? 
*pets them*

Sam: Well, damn.
Dean: Oh, crap.

Meanwhile, Crutchy, Spot and Jack have decided to gang up on the Hookman.

.... who is reminding me a lot of Jim Carrey. This episode is weird.
Truman Show, anyone?

Do you ever wonder what they say whenever they find a body and can't immediately leave the grounds? Um, excuse me, Mr Bellhop,  Sir? There's a dead body in your hallway upstairs. Yeah, it looks scalped. What happened? How should I know?

They count on Chuck to be the diversion. Sooooooo not a public speaker, that Kripke Chuck.

But hey, look!

Jared Gets to be Adam

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Before we move on to part 5, I leave you with this Winchester Montage of Funny Faces™.

.... during which they hid something important ...

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For those of you who missed it the first time, like we did - Chuck says, "John isn't really their father."

Do with it what you will.

Part Five

cons: chicago con, thinky-thoughts, picspam, epic show pwns everything, episode review, *dies*

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