Title : Do You Remember (sequel to Perfect Family) - Chapter II
Author :
asuka100492Pairing : OnKey, chibi!JongTae, chibi!TaeKai (for this chapter)
Rating : PG - 13
Genre : Fluff, Romance, Angst
Disclamer : I guess I only own the plot but one of these days I WILL OWN SMEntertainment! /bricked
Summary : Jonghyun returns in the hopes of fulfilling his promise to Taemin. Did Taemin hold on to Jonghyun’s promise?
It was usually Jonghyun who would tend his wounds when the need arose..with the help of Taeyeon’s first aid kit, of course. But now, Jonghyun was nowhere. His eomma and appa were at work. Taemin was alone, and hurting.)