Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2007 11:09

Figured I'd wish one to you all before I get caught up in my day.

Resolutions... yeah I have some of those.
FINISH SCHOOL!!! I will be finishing school this year no matter what. There is no way I can't unless I fail miserably.

That being said I need to better manage my time between what I need to do and want to do. I have a few things I want to accomplish in 2008. I want to do some form of exercise every other day. Yoga, hiking, walking, something. I want to write everyday. I'm already doing that and so far so good. I've been on this one since the end of November and I am at 27 thousand and some odd words. Goal is 300,000 by next November. Also I want to get back to taking enough pictures that once a week I can post a few here. I think getting out and doing more will facilitate the remedy for this issue without much work.

On a side note though not a resolution I really want to work on getting the house clean and keeping it that way. It is very difficult since I will do anything to avoid house cleaning.. even shoveling snow and such nonsense. **Sigh** I'll work on that.

Enough of that work. Some fun things for the new year. We are planning on investing in a larger fish tank for our enormous goldfish sometime in January. I want to move the aquarium down into the living room and so now we must work on finding a tank stand that can hold a 80 or 90 gallon aquarium and ideally matches the hardwood.

On the aquarium issue we are adopting a tank mate for our fish. She's a Green Severum. We will probably head out to pick her up this Saturday after a hike up in Moraine. It might sound weird but I feel bad for our goldfish. She's been alone in her tank and I don't like it. I always feel like she must be lonely.

Well off I go to clean and make pies. Hope you all have a wonderful new year. Be safe on the roads tonight and I'll talk to you all next year.

fandom, new years, adoption, resolutions, school, animal, writing

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