(no subject)

Dec 17, 2007 22:25

Time for those memes again, which last year I got from selenak. (Warning: Some of these links contain adult material and graphic violence)

a) The one in which you post the first sentence of the first story you posted each month this year:


“We’d make a hell of a team Snake.”
I Think the Rain is Getting to Him. (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Snake woke groggy and disoriented."
Asylum Fears (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Plissken stood watch in the doorway while the others set up a base camp in the abandon building. "
War is a Vain Attempt to Save Life (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Allison frowned behind the bar."
Disappear (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Ella stood in the doorway quietly watching her boy on the couch."
One Death Among Many (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Steven ran his hand down the sleek black body of the glider."
Always Where I Burned to Be (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Plissken had been watching her since the bus had pulled up to wait for the ferry."
Lady Liberty (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Snake sat down with the tape recorder."
Secrets of a Lone Man (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Snake had wanted to vanish, to disappear off the face of the Earth and be left alone."
Some Men Never Want to Quit (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Snake sat on the hill overlooking Deadwood with Sarge at his side."
You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Snake had woke up in one of those moods. "
Start a Commotion (Escape from NY/LA - Snake Plissken)


"Peninnah was startled by the phone."
Death Penalty (Peninnah - Non-Fandom Original Character)

Moving on to

b) The other year in fic meme:

Favorite story this year:
No Human Compassion This one is my favorite not because of how it is written or the style but because it portrays just how much is wrong with Snake's world. When I can read/write the things he sees going on the more I can understand why he is who he is.

My best story this year:
Painted up Children This story is not only good but it fits flawlessly in canon by filling in a point only mentioned in the script.

Most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
All of my Stuntman Mike fiction. Maybe no one knows I write him.. hmmm Who knows?

Most fun story:
April Fools - Turning Snake Plissken into a female cop via the will of Lucifer... Nothing could be funnier.

Sexiest story:
Red Dress I didn't write any smut this year. O.o though I did write a few pieces on sexual tension and flirting which I prefer both writing and reading.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Vengence Knows No Bounds. Based on roleplaying I knew when Snake's daughter was abused that bad things would have to be written. I never expected this though. I guess angry men do nasty things to protect their families.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Frailty So often heroes are portrayed as invincible even if the are merely mortals. Writing a piece on mortality of the body for Snake really shifted my persepective on him and also how he would view the world.

Hardest story to do: This two part piece
War is a Vain attempt to save life and One Death Among Many The emotional drain of these two was so intense that it was hard to finish.

Biggest surprise:
Displaced Soldiers I'm not sure if this piece is surprising in of itself but the way it came to me was. I had been at a war memorial when I jotted it down. Another surprise is how emotional it is in such a short story.

Most revealing story:
Just Like McGyver The story of Snake getting his nickname. A lot is revealed about a number of people in his life as well as Snake himself.

A story I want remembered:
The Snake/Brazen Series Particularly 108 Proof Surprise and Hate Me Enough? for the mix of seriousness, comedy and character development.

fandom, meme, snake, writing

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