Amy's Choice

May 15, 2010 22:46

This one wasn't half bad. Very Classic Who, with the evil villain stalking around and giving clues etc, but not in a bad way. And I'm glad they cleared up the whole Doctor-or-Rory thing as quickly as this, because a love triangle and jealousy etc, well, we already had that once, with Mickey, Nine and Rose, and Eleven, Amy and Rory seemed like the wrong characters for that kind of thing.

The Dream Lord was totally the Master. Or the Doctor thought he was, at least. Which, you know, made all the little side-glances and the lines about loving and leaving and the question about the Doctor's name so much more interesting. Poor Doctor. He never told the Master he loved him, and now he's gone. D'aw.

So, yeah. Nothing mind-blowing, but it was a good, solid episode, with OTP shipping material. I was reasonably entertained. Seems like Amy and Eleven work out as long as Moffat isn't writing the episodes. >_>

tv: doctor who

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