Summer Plans

May 14, 2010 23:32

Soo . . . I've not been around much. I was filming all last week, and in the studio all of this week. But both project are wrapped up now--the filming went alright-ish, the studio thing went really well--and I have only one essay left to write, and then I'll be done with uni for this year. Hurrah!

Which means I've got time to kill until September 26, which is the last day of my summer break. I've been looking for jobs, and applied to several.

One of them is a job as a personal assistant of a disabled person who lives in Cambridge. You're on for a week, and have to be around 24/7, and then you're off for two weeks. Travel expenses, food and accommodation provided, plus about 100 quid a day payment. I could squeeze six shifts into my summer break, which would make me about 4,200 quid. Don't know if I'll get this one though. Pro, I've got previous experience in health and patient care. Contra, I don't like to drive in the UK, and I can only do six shifts, when the job application said that she likes to employ people for a minimum of eight shifts. I sent the application off today; I'll see what will come of it.

The second one is a cleaning job in Germany. Nothing particularly glamorous, but I could work in a normal 40-hour week, with about 8.40 Euros hourly pay, which makes 336 Euros per week. If I work for three weeks starting May 31, I could make roughly 1000 Euros by June 18. I could use that money to fly to the US for two or three weeks, and then return to Germany for yet another job I applied to. Don't know if I have this one, either, though. The guy emailed me to call him on May 20, so we could set up a meeting. I'm going to ask him to conduct his interview on the phone, since I don't want to fly to Germany just so I can have him tell me I can't have the job.

The third job I'm hoping to get is the same I did last year--it's working for a publishing house. Nothing glamorous either, but it makes good money, 8.70 Euros per hour. If I do that for five weeks, I could make an additional 1,700 Euros, which I will need next year, since I'm doing my final project--a twenty minute production--which I don't have any budget for, yet. This job I can fairly certainly get, but not before July/August--they only need extra help over the summer months.

So it's either cleaning job plus publishing house job, and make about 2,700 quid by September, but have time to fly to the US to see Jasper, or it's personal assistant job, which would make me more money, but wouldn't give me time to fly to the US. Sigh. I hope the personal assistant lady gets back to me quickly. Honestly, I'd rather have that job, because it would make me an extra 1,000 quid--but if she hasn't got back to me by May 20, I will definitely pursue the cleaning job, because if she turns me down, and I turn the cleaning job down, I might end up not having any job at all in the end. And that would suck.

Hi, that was really boring. I just needed to sort out my thoughts on this, sorry. How is everybody?

travel, real life

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