Merlin, House and SPN

Sep 27, 2009 23:41

Good lord, Merlin. And here I was thinking it couldn't get any gayer than series 1. Although I did enjoy the ( minor spoiler )

tv: supernatural, tv: merlin, tv: house

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Comments 11

rose_cat September 28 2009, 06:46:03 UTC
I should just shut up and watch season one and two over and over.

I think you're right! Just like with Torchwood ;)


t_eyla September 30 2009, 17:58:22 UTC
Lol, well, as far as I'm concerned, Torchwood got better after s1 and s2. But I think we already talked about that at some point.

Idk, House is just such a disappointment. Because I love the House/Wilson relationship, and they've still got it in there, and they've got the makings of a great show, but they keep getting tangled up in stereotypical plot lines and highly conventional character development. They keep doing this thing where they seem like they're going somewhere awesome, and then they end up making it very mediocre and boring. And I go, dammit. B| Stop it, show.


wihluta September 28 2009, 06:47:05 UTC
And here I was thinking it couldn't get any gayer than series 1.
I told you!! I did! *bounces*

I loved the kiss. It was soooooo sweet. And it is legend, right, so who can fight legend? In my head they're all gonna be one big happy four-people-family. *nods*

but, having watched Takin' Over The Asylum, I've also seen much, much better.
YESYESYES!!! I thought exactly the same! I mean, the patients were so stereotyped, not to mention the magic fix-it at the end.

I rewatched it last night and - nope - it still makes me mad. I just hate it when people tell other people how exactly they have to behave to be happy. There's different happies!
Also, it all happened a bit fast...

I'm still thinking that he's gonna turn up in PPTH and be just like before within 2 eps max. Either because he faked it in the loony bin or because TPTB forget about it.


t_eyla September 30 2009, 18:10:08 UTC
Heh, nobody can convince me that Merlin and Arthur aren't gay for one another. I mean, Arthur's a future king, he'll need a queen to be able to have a heir, but that doesn't mean he can't have some enjoyable sexytimes with his manservant ( ... )


wihluta September 30 2009, 18:22:51 UTC
Mental disorders are as much a disease as any other disorders.
Which is one of the other reasons this episode annoyed me. The whole "lets make it funny and magically heal it" side. I hate that people still don't take mental illness seriously. Which is also, obviously, why House could change so fast, because - hey - it wasn't anything serious like his leg, it was just a mind thing. Fuck you. Depression does not go away like that.



hibernia1 September 28 2009, 07:33:12 UTC
I swear, if they don't deal with the pain-issue in a way I can live with I'll f*cking NEVER watch House again and just feed my House-addiction with fan-fiction. G*d. This pisses me off without end. It's insulting, that's what it is.

Yes. My issues, let me show you them.


t_eyla September 30 2009, 18:12:18 UTC
No, I understand where you're coming from. Aside from the fact that it's lazy writing and an inconsistency concerning one of the main aspects of the show, it's also insulting towards anyone who actually does suffer chronic pain and is dependent on medication in order to be able to deal with it.


hibernia1 September 30 2009, 18:31:05 UTC
Well, yes. That. But I thought it'd sound whiny and self-important for me to put it that way. But yeah, indeed, I do feel that's an insult and do you want to know something truly pathetic, it made me cry.

I haven't seen the episode yet so I have no opinion on the patients in the mental hospital, but I fear the worst... Funnily, patients in mental hospitals are remarkably like "normal" people.


psychedk September 28 2009, 19:32:20 UTC
I couldn't agree more with you on House. I dunno how people are at a mental institution but this just felt like every movie I had already seen. The patients were horribly clichéd. And House sees a person asking "Where is he going???" with a bit more emphasis on the words than one would usually have, and he labels him with paranoia? Seriously, is that supposed to show off his super attentive diagnostics skills? If that was all it took, everybody and their mother could diagnose *eyeroll*

And what a completely unnessesary arch with the doctor boss' dad dying. Oh god, we've SEEN House be compassionate before, we've SEEN him throw truths in the face of people, and most times it's because it's what they need, but now all of a sudden it's just wrong?

And I generally just don't like who House has become these past seasons, this harsh, unrelenting aggressive brute, and if he's not that, he's sentimental and weak and either in love, in heat, or intoxicated by whatever. Come on >_And I could go on and on. And I still love House/Wilson so I'm ( ... )


t_eyla September 30 2009, 18:18:02 UTC
but now all of a sudden it's just wrong?
I know, that really bugged me as well. House used to have a reason for being a jerk. He lost some of it over the last few seasons, and yes, that needs to be dealt with, but not in the stereotypical way they dealt with it in Broken. There was just nothing surprising about that episode, which in itself was surprising. House, the show, was always about challenging standard medical conventions, and standard social conventions--and now, by not having done that in their asylum arc, they're basically negating everything they had their main character do in the first few seasons. What? That just makes no sense.

I know, I loved the first few seasons as well. They were subtler, and much less pretentious. House didn't have to be the complete anti-hero, which actually made him a better anti-hero, because it made his character more credible. Now, you just roll your eyes and dismiss him as an incorrigible jerk. :/


psychedk September 30 2009, 20:19:31 UTC
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've been saying for so long that House used to do things for a reason, but now, since s. 4 (and parts of s. 3 as well), he's just rude and insults people for no reason at all other than to be a jerk.

Yes, much much more subtle. Less is more. I really don't know how it's possible to so radically change a show, and change House, the way the writers have done. I loved the medical cases in the first two seasons. Now I don't even remember a single thing from season 5. I just saw Epic Fail and realized that I actually enjoyed watching the ducklings go about their business without House and his constant talking down to people. But he seems to return to the diagnostics department by next episode. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.


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