Merlin, House and SPN

Sep 27, 2009 23:41

Good lord, Merlin. And here I was thinking it couldn't get any gayer than series 1. Although I did enjoy the 180 degree turn after episode one. Oh damn, Arthur is supposed to fall for Gwen, right? Let's film a slo-mo Gwen/Arthur kiss with lens-flare, that will make them forget the slash we keep piling on since the pilot. Or, y'know, not. Keep sparkling, shiny show. <3

I also caught up on House. I know, I said I wouldn't, but I couldn't resist the promise of another House/Wilson cohab arc. I didn't get to see much of that yet, sadly. Idk, there wasn't much I thought was noticeable in season 5, except the extremely pissed off cat in the "Here Kitty" episode. Man, that cat was not happy.

Kutner killing himself was random. Yes, in real life, most of the time it just happens and nobody can figure out why, but that's because in real life, you don't get an omniscient insight in everybody's point of view. All you have is your own point of view, and in case of a suicide, the one person whose point of view would explain why they killed themselves is dead. That's why you don't get a reason. But that's not how fiction works. Fiction is based on the tension of the audience knowing something the characters in the fictional piece don't know. If neither the audience nor the characters know, all you get is confusion. Boring, random, pointless confusion. I guess they could have handled it worse, but they could definitely have handled it better, too.

Chase and Cammy got married, Thirteen finally discarded her self-destructive bisexual ways and found true happiness in a "real", heterosexual relationship (I know, I know, that's a knee-jerk reaction, but come on. "She was sleeping with another girl every night, but now she's all better because she's with Foreman." "It's for the better that you guys broke up. It wouldn't have worked out anyway, because of the bisexual thing." If you're putting statements like this in your show, you need to critically distance yourself from them, because if you don't, a lot of people are going to assume you're a jerk and actually agree with what your characters said.), and House got sober.

Did anybody else think that this getting sober thing was a lot less of a deal than it used to be? I mean, yes, he did the whole psych therapy thing as well, but shouldn't he have been writhing in pain from being off his meds? He used to be, every time he went off Vicodin before the storyliners decided that this time, they were going to focus on the emotional and not the physical damage. Eh, I hate inconsistencies like that. They could at least try.

I don't know what to think of the asylum arc. I guess I've seen worse, but, having watched Takin' Over The Asylum, I've also seen much, much better. The catatonic patient eventually did get healed, House eventually did cave and take his meds, the shrink's dad conveniently died to let House have an opportunity to be compassionate, and hey, there was even the mysterious, smart and slightly troubled woman who decided to have an affair with a random psych patient. Probably because of his irresistible car-stealing abilities. I don't know. It was all so predictable and cardboard while trying so, so hard not to be. In the end, there was the magical solution of "just give her the music box", and "just be nice to other people and smile". And I went . . . that's it? You went to all this trouble to make this ~*deep*~ and now you're going with the cheesy Hallmark plot resolve after all? That's disappointing.

Idk, idk. I guess there was a reason I stopped watching. But cohab arc! I'm such a hopeless slasher; I just love the House/Wilson to bits. I should just shut up and watch season one and two over and over. Except that would get boring, so you get to hear me go on about how disappointed I am in that show, but how I still keep watching after all. I'm hopeless; I'm sorry. :|.

And, as I said, I also caught up on Supernatural. Ahahahahaha Jesus H. Christ. That show. It's baffling how they're trolling their slash fandom. First the fangirl in the first episode, and then the blatant Dean/Castiel in the, what was it, the third episode. God, the Sam/Dean slashers must be livid. Frothing at the mouth and throwing stones through Kripke's windows. I can't really blame them. But I also do not want to be in that fandom right now. I haven't checked fandom_wank for a while, but I'm sure SPN is all over it. Good lord, stop aggravating the tinhats, Kripke. Just keep making your bad show and pretend fandom doesn't exist, just like everybody else. But since Kripke's quite the tinhat himself, I doubt this petty junior high war will end any time soon.

I really enjoyed the Dean/Castiel episode, though. Since I'm watching this show solely for entertainment value--read, I watch it because I want to see how cheesy they'll get this week, and how much of a trainwreck the next episode will be--I don't care which pairing they're pushing on the show, and there were some delicious, hilarious scenes in that episode. And Misha Collins was having way too much fun. Unfortunately, then they had to ruin it by crossing the misogyny line--again--with the hooker joke. I was enjoying myself enormously up to that point, and then I just went. . . great. Thanks for ruining a perfectly hilarious slash fest. This is why I have never bought an SPN boxset or given you any money in any other way, and am not planning on doing so in the future.

And now they're going to spend the next season on finding God. Well, good luck with that, kids. I'm just going to get popcorn, lean back, and enjoy the show--both literally, and the show that's going to go down online.

Now, are there any other shows that I should catch up on?

tv: supernatural, tv: merlin, tv: house

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