
"I know you have auto log on"

Nov 16, 2007 22:41

Conversation with sxycutethang069 at 2004-08-01 17:25:00 on T7g77 (aim)
(17:25:00) SxyCuteThang069: I thought you stopped running away?
(17:25:13) T7g: I told you the other day
(17:25:21) T7g: I have a weak point for you
(17:25:29) SxyCuteThang069: but
(17:25:35) SxyCuteThang069: I thought you got over the running away thing
(17:25:38) T7g: Well
(17:25:41) T7g: I wasn't running away actually
(17:25:43) SxyCuteThang069: Remember you used to always do it
(17:25:46) T7g: I was just signed off so we wouldn't argue
(17:25:50) SxyCuteThang069: then you stopped
(17:25:58) T7g: I was working on this gentoo box
(17:26:01) SxyCuteThang069: I am not trying to fight with you or anyone else
(17:26:03) T7g: as it said in the convos I sent you
(17:26:11) T7g: As I said to Emma
(17:26:15) T7g: and you saw what I said to her
(17:26:20) T7g: She was hitting on me like fucking whoa the other day
(17:26:22) T7g: but fuck that shit
(17:26:28) SxyCuteThang069: Who?
(17:26:33) T7g: If I can't have a mature, happy, relationship with you, then I don't want any.
(17:26:35) T7g: Emma
(17:26:59) T7g: She was like
(17:27:09) T7g: "ur the only one who really makes me happy on the inside :)"
(17:27:14) T7g: I was just like, uhhhh... yeah..
(17:27:27) SxyCuteThang069: Told you
(17:27:32) SxyCuteThang069: I knew it
(17:27:33) T7g: I sent it to Alyssa I think as I exclaimed, haha yeah right
(17:27:35) SxyCuteThang069: I told her anyways
(17:27:48) T7g: Not ever
(17:27:52) SxyCuteThang069: She's like no....NEVER...NOT AT ALl
(17:27:53) T7g: Not fucking ever doing that shit again
(17:28:06) SxyCuteThang069: Well
(17:28:09) SxyCuteThang069: Fuck her
(17:28:11) SxyCuteThang069: I blocked her
(17:28:14) SxyCuteThang069: Heh
(17:28:47) SxyCuteThang069: We are gonna eat soon
(17:28:54) T7g: =)
(17:28:56) SxyCuteThang069: Then cake and ice cream
(17:29:03) T7g: I'm still trying to get this install worked out
(17:29:07) SxyCuteThang069: Wanna have cake ands ice cream?
(17:29:07) T7g: finally got the ram I needed
(17:29:10) T7g: yes
(17:29:17) T7g: but...
(17:29:38) T7g: I don't think it could possibly be as sweet as my sweetheart=\
(17:30:35) T7g: but yaeh
(17:30:35) SxyCuteThang069: Wil you please send me that conversation
(17:30:40) SxyCuteThang069: I know you have auto log on
(17:30:43) T7g: I know
(17:30:44) T7g: hold up
(17:30:48) T7g: it's like not in my logs
(17:30:52) T7g: but I sent it to alyssa
(17:30:55) T7g: I think she has logging on
(17:30:58) T7g: lemme pop over there
(17:31:01) SxyCuteThang069: please find it
(17:31:50) T7g: 2
(17:31:52) T7g: 2
(17:31:53) T7g: fawk sec
(17:31:59) T7g: found it =)
(17:32:01) T7g: ;)
(17:32:05) T7g: Told you I have logging on for a reason!
(17:32:06) SxyCuteThang069: good shit
(17:32:42) SxyCuteThang069: Can I see it please?
(17:32:43) T7g: sec
(17:32:47) T7g: copying it over to a webdir for you
(17:33:00) SxyCuteThang069: k
(17:34:16) T7g: lol
(17:34:25) SxyCuteThang069: oi vey
(17:34:27) SxyCuteThang069: What?
(17:34:31) T7g: I just exec'd a fucked up command that didn't look like it was gonna work, but it did
(17:34:44) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(17:34:46) SxyCuteThang069: Please
(17:34:47) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/for_rianna/2004-07-29.132702.txt
(17:34:50) SxyCuteThang069: don't edit anything out
(17:34:57) SxyCuteThang069: Did you?
(17:35:00) T7g: no
(17:35:00) SxyCuteThang069: Honestly?
(17:35:01) T7g: promise
(17:35:03) T7g: you can even
(17:35:06) T7g: see the one on lys's computer
(17:35:14) T7g: me? me? me! is alyssa
(17:35:19) T7g: and t7g77 is me
(17:35:23) T7g: if I edited it
(17:35:24) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(17:35:31) SxyCuteThang069: I'm gonna read it
(17:35:32) SxyCuteThang069: hold on
(17:35:38) T7g: the origional on lys's computer would say so
(17:35:44) T7g: because linux is slick like that
(17:35:55) T7g: since I copied it from her pc
(17:36:00) T7g: it says aug 1st on my pc though
(17:36:09) T7g: because it was created on my comp today with the copy command
(17:36:30) T7g: but yeah
(17:36:33) T7g: not trying to swindle you
(17:36:43) T7g: ask lys herself ;p we were laughing about it down here.
(17:37:09) T7g: and t7g
(17:37:11) T7g: is me to Emma
(17:37:14) T7g: t7g77 is me to alyssa
(17:37:17) T7g: if that makes it less confusing
(17:37:21) SxyCuteThang069: I want the whole conversatio with just you and Emma talking
(17:37:23) SxyCuteThang069: I know you have it
(17:37:30) SxyCuteThang069: I'm not gonna be pissed
(17:37:33) SxyCuteThang069: Its just
(17:37:34) SxyCuteThang069: I KNOW YOu
(17:37:35) T7g: no no
(17:37:37) SxyCuteThang069: and i KNOW you have it
(17:37:39) T7g: honestly, I looked for it
(17:37:42) T7g: I promise you
(17:37:45) T7g: I fucking swear
(17:37:47) T7g: I'll look harder
(17:37:47) SxyCuteThang069: You have LOGGING ON
(17:37:53) SxyCuteThang069: How can you not find it
(17:37:56) T7g: but I cannot find that specific one
(17:37:57) T7g: I dunno
(17:38:05) T7g: It like clears them out when they get to a certain point I think
(17:38:06) T7g: hold up
(17:38:12) T7g: I'm not fucken lying
(17:38:14) SxyCuteThang069: PLEASE ROCKY
(17:38:16) T7g: I have no reason to
(17:38:17) T7g: but sec
(17:39:15) T7g: Connection to closed.
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]#
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]#
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]#
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]# cp /mnt/AutumnTravesty/nfs/.transfer/2004-07-29.132702.txt ../for_rianna
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]# ls
2004-07-29.132702.txt 2004-08-01.161942.html 2004-08-01.164652.html
[root@TheEndOfTime for_rianna]# cd /home/t7g/.gaim
[root@TheEndOfTime .gaim]# ls
accels blist.xml dict gaimosd.so logs smileys
accounts.xml blist.xml~ gaimosd-gtk.so icons prefs.xml status.xml
[root@TheEndOfTime .gaim]# cd logs/aim/t7g77/rainbbright666/
[root@TheEndOfTime rainbbright666]# ls
2004-07-29.220121.html 2004-07-30.113036.html 2004-07-31.231002.html 2004-08-01.164652.html
2004-07-30.011826.html 2004-07-31.150847.html 2004-08-01.161942.html 2004-08-01.172736.html
[root@TheEndOfTime rainbbright666]# grep "inside" *
[root@TheEndOfTime rainbbright666]# grep "inside" *
[root@TheEndOfTime rainbbright666]#

(17:39:41) T7g: lemme do a bigger grep, sec....
(17:39:47) SxyCuteThang069: k
(17:42:26) SxyCuteThang069: please....rocky....please
(17:42:47) T7g: all I can find are
(17:42:53) T7g: the ones
(17:42:55) T7g: between lys and I
(17:42:58) T7g: but like
(17:43:02) T7g: if I had gaim open
(17:43:06) T7g: and X windows crashed like it does
(17:43:14) T7g: then it can fuck up the logs
(17:43:19) T7g: I use a journalled filesystem
(17:43:30) T7g: remember how I bitched about losing files when we would unplug the computer on each other?
(17:44:45) T7g: fawk wth?
(17:44:48) T7g: my lastlogs are gone too
(17:45:00) T7g: [root@TheEndOfTime t7g77]# last

wtmp begins Sun Aug 1 04:02:10 2004
[root@TheEndOfTime t7g77]# last

wtmp begins Sun Aug 1 04:02:10 2004

(17:45:04) T7g: it's a new month
(17:45:12) T7g: all the logs get emptied at the beginning of the month
(17:45:41) SxyCuteThang069: Oh
(17:45:48) T7g: I have an html file of it :/
(17:45:52) T7g: so you can read it better
(17:45:55) T7g: because I have my convo to lys
(17:46:00) T7g: and hers to me
(17:46:03) T7g: but like
(17:46:15) T7g: emma's didn't get saved
(17:46:20) T7g: I promise I haven't deleted anything
(17:46:41) T7g: I'm too busy messing with all these pcs to spend any time forging stuff
(17:46:58) T7g: and
(17:47:20) T7g: I really have no reason to
(17:47:26) T7g: I wouldn't touch Emma with a 10 ft pole now
(17:47:32) T7g: Or any girl with that mentality
(17:47:47) T7g: One of the reasons I fell in love with you was because you're mature to a good degree.
(17:47:52) T7g: I could never be in another childish relationship.
(17:48:17) T7g: I could never be in another relationship...
(17:48:29) T7g: And be as happy as I am with you, so I don't bother.
(17:48:33) T7g: The way I see it
(17:48:41) T7g: If you won't love me, my computers will
(17:48:44) SxyCuteThang069: :-D
(17:48:44) T7g: ;p
(17:48:54) T7g: so fuck other bitches
(17:48:58) T7g: it's you or nothing
(17:49:11) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(17:49:15) T7g: It's the pure bliss I feel when we make love, or I'll just stay cellebate
(17:49:34) SxyCuteThang069: download Vi3 uh...lemme get the name of the song
(17:50:22) SxyCuteThang069: eyes closed so tight
(17:50:29) SxyCuteThang069: It was annoying when I heard it before
(17:50:33) SxyCuteThang069: but now I think its cute
(17:50:43) T7g: getting it
(17:50:44) T7g: and you know
(17:50:57) T7g: While you've been out
(17:51:05) T7g: I've gotten so many music download programs
(17:51:10) T7g: and all that rot ;p
(17:51:14) SxyCuteThang069: :-P
(17:51:18) SxyCuteThang069: all that rot
(17:51:22) T7g: all that rot ;)
(17:51:24) T7g: but anyways
(17:51:48) T7g: For most of this, you were my sole motivation, you really should come you know, see it? =)
(17:52:11) T7g: If you'd just let me
(17:52:20) T7g: I'd do my best to make your life oh so very happy, happy, happy =)
(17:52:28) SxyCuteThang069: I am gonna go see if the food is dobn
(17:52:29) SxyCuteThang069: e
(17:52:29) T7g: happyhappyhappyhappy
(17:52:33) T7g: HAPPY!
(17:52:39) T7g: :)
(17:52:41) SxyCuteThang069: Then after I'll see if I can use the car
(17:52:48) T7g: Alright
(17:52:52) T7g: I'll be around ;p
(17:52:57) T7g: back to the USE="" variable
(17:53:29) SxyCuteThang069 logged out.
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