
They drove around your house like 100 times they said

Nov 16, 2007 22:43

Conversation with sxycutethang069 at 2004-08-02 20:08:18 on T7g77 (aim)
(20:08:22) T7g: Evening :)
(20:08:29) SxyCuteThang069: Hey :-)
(20:08:38) T7g: So I just got done cutting grass
(20:08:40) T7g: but I got new clothes!
(20:08:43) T7g: and shoes
(20:08:44) SxyCuteThang069: Really?
(20:08:49) SxyCuteThang069: I wanna see
(20:08:50) T7g: I'm much less of a bum and much more sexy now!
(20:08:55) SxyCuteThang069: lmao
(20:09:15) T7g: I ended up getting like three pairs of pants, six shirts
(20:09:18) T7g: I grabbed this pair of jeans
(20:09:28) T7g: I figured that would entertain you ;p
(20:09:32) T7g: but my mom put em back
(20:09:34) SxyCuteThang069: YES IT WOULD
(20:09:40) T7g: mebbe next time
(20:09:46) T7g: mebbe next time you come shopping with me?
(20:10:01) T7g: and I'll hold your hand, jump up and down, and exclaim HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY!
(20:10:10) T7g: because I would be ;)
(20:10:17) T7g: and you could dress me up like your lil' barbie doll
(20:10:28) T7g: or whatnot ;p
(20:10:40) T7g: love me and I'll even let you cut my hair too
(20:10:44) T7g: any way you want.
(20:10:52) T7g: ;p
(20:10:57) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(20:11:02) SxyCuteThang069: I want it back how it was :-P
(20:11:12) T7g: okay!
(20:11:20) T7g: Well, it's a relatively simple deal ;p
(20:11:24) T7g: So, it's upto you muwahahaha ;p
(20:12:05) T7g: but yeah
(20:12:14) T7g: I have some new clothes 'n stuff!!!!
(20:12:33) T7g: and I'll be home all night I think.
(20:12:38) SxyCuteThang069: I'm curious
(20:12:38) SxyCuteThang069: What idd you buy?
(20:13:00) T7g: three pairs of pants, six shirts, and some new shoes?
(20:13:04) SxyCuteThang069: I know that
(20:13:06) T7g: oh
(20:13:07) T7g: okay
(20:13:09) T7g: hum
(20:13:10) SxyCuteThang069: but what do they all look like
(20:13:13) T7g: Oh, well
(20:13:17) T7g: I would love to describe them to you
(20:13:23) SxyCuteThang069: BUT
(20:13:25) T7g: but that just wouldn't do it the justice a fashion show would
(20:13:28) SxyCuteThang069: YOu want me to see them
(20:13:29) SxyCuteThang069: lmao
(20:13:31) SxyCuteThang069: I knew it
(20:13:35) T7g: you know
(20:13:41) T7g: I'll use any trick in the book to get you over here.
(20:14:01) T7g: because I want you ->here<- with ->me!<-
(20:14:02) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(20:14:16) T7g: note the emphasis on you here, and with me!
(20:14:21) T7g: =)
(20:14:31) SxyCuteThang069: for some reason my lj doesn't update my friends list over here
(20:14:35) SxyCuteThang069: Its like a day behode
(20:14:38) SxyCuteThang069: behind*
(20:14:43) T7g: but er yeah, I'll admit to it
(20:14:51) T7g: I'm doing anything and everything I can to get you to come see me
(20:14:58) T7g: Because I love you and miss you so much, you just don't even know ;p
(20:15:11) T7g: mmm, on that note
(20:15:16) T7g: That song you wanted me to listen to
(20:15:23) T7g: I heard it yesterday
(20:15:28) SxyCuteThang069: When are we gonna go to dinner together?
(20:15:36) SxyCuteThang069: Cause I know you said you wanted to
(20:15:42) T7g: Anytime you want to?
(20:16:05) SxyCuteThang069: like?
(20:16:16) T7g: like, by 9 I should have around 30$
(20:16:21) T7g: I spent 114$ today on clothes
(20:16:33) T7g: and shoes
(20:16:35) T7g: boots ;p
(20:16:48) SxyCuteThang069: by 9?
(20:16:51) SxyCuteThang069: I don't get it
(20:17:12) T7g: I just finished mowing the neighbor's lawn and they're supposed to just be getting the money for me when they're out at Food Basics
(20:17:19) T7g: I deal with this delay thing every time I mow their lawn.\
(20:18:18) T7g: but er
(20:18:42) T7g: yeah, anytime you want.
(20:19:04) T7g: and
(20:19:08) T7g: my evil dad works nights right now!
(20:19:13) T7g: that means hes gone all night
(20:19:23) T7g: and sleeps all day
(20:19:57) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/pictures/phpquickgallery/dir.php?gallery=Car%20Crash/
(20:19:59) T7g: You missed that
(20:20:02) T7g: crazy shit
(20:20:07) SxyCuteThang069: What is it?
(20:20:12) T7g: just pop to it
(20:20:18) T7g: don't look at any of the dark pictures in detail
(20:20:26) T7g: you're not allowed, thats our roo
(20:20:27) T7g: room*
(20:20:30) T7g: you have to come here to see it ;p
(20:20:42) T7g: I took those photos earlier
(20:20:59) SxyCuteThang069: What car crash?
(20:21:10) T7g: August 2nd 2004's car crash?
(20:21:22) T7g: number 1 of 3,961?
(20:21:27) T7g: Dunno
(20:21:36) T7g: Was sitting in mom's room
(20:21:40) T7g: and all of a sudden
(20:21:41) T7g: BAM
(20:21:55) SxyCuteThang069: In front of the house?
(20:21:55) T7g: White car T-boned red car
(20:21:57) T7g: yeah
(20:22:08) T7g: the cars were on the lawn's of the neighbors accross the street
(20:22:12) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(20:22:25) T7g: I reached in and turned off the white car and gave the keys to the driver
(20:22:31) T7g: She was in complete fucking shock
(20:22:40) T7g: Just got out, sat down on the ground and curled into a ball crying
(20:22:52) T7g: car sounded really bad and was smoking like fuck
(20:22:59) T7g: trans fluid all over the street
(20:23:07) T7g: and then
(20:23:14) T7g: the passenger of the red car was hurt
(20:23:17) T7g: I dunno if they were faking or not
(20:23:34) T7g: but the two drivers were fine
(20:23:37) T7g: funny enough
(20:24:43) T7g: cept for the whole shock thing
(20:24:51) T7g: all of em were a bit loopy
(20:24:59) T7g: but I remember what it was like
(20:25:05) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(20:25:05) T7g: sucks
(20:25:10) T7g: sucks really bad.
(20:25:21) T7g: Totalling your car on a side-street
(20:25:32) T7g: Did you want to go to dinner tonight?
(20:25:51) T7g: If not, I am hungry and was going to go collect up food and such.
(20:26:02) T7g: subway
(20:26:04) T7g: mmmhmm
(20:26:11) T7g: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(20:26:19) SxyCuteThang069: OMG
(20:26:21) T7g: y0 quiero taco subway
(20:26:22) SxyCuteThang069: That sounds so good
(20:26:26) T7g: mmmhmm
(20:26:27) SxyCuteThang069: You suck rocky
(20:26:30) T7g: I'll make you a deal
(20:26:34) T7g: just uh
(20:26:35) T7g: Come see me
(20:26:43) T7g: I need a macro
(20:26:46) T7g: or I just need to make
(20:26:56) T7g: !@! translate into come see me
(20:27:08) T7g: with text replacer thing
(20:27:27) T7g: Well yeah
(20:27:32) T7g: if you were here right now
(20:27:35) T7g: you'd already have subway
(20:27:36) T7g: and loves
(20:27:41) T7g: and you'd see me in my sexy new clothes
(20:27:44) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(20:27:47) SxyCuteThang069: I dunno
(20:27:50) SxyCuteThang069: I have t oask
(20:27:58) SxyCuteThang069: cause you know the whole gas thing
(20:28:03) T7g: I have money ;p
(20:28:08) T7g: cause you know
(20:28:13) T7g: no more excuses for not coming to see me ;p
(20:28:16) T7g: just do eit
(20:28:22) T7g: nike style?
(20:28:27) T7g: JUST DOO IT!
(20:28:29) T7g: ;)
(20:28:51) SxyCuteThang069: I'll go ask
(20:28:57) T7g: At this point, theres really no way to be cute about it. I just have to say it flat out. I need _you_ _here_ _now_ because I miss you so much =)
(20:29:31) SxyCuteThang069 has gone away.
(20:35:43) SxyCuteThang069 is no longer away.
(20:36:05) SxyCuteThang069: Hey
(20:36:05) T7g : I'm the Anti-Christ. You get me in a vendetta kind of mood, you will tell the angels in heaven that you had never seen pure evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you.
(20:36:10) SxyCuteThang069: Uh
(20:36:13) SxyCuteThang069: Ok?
(20:36:28) SxyCuteThang069: She said I can take the car but I have to but $5 in gas in to
(20:36:31) SxyCuteThang069: it*
(20:36:40) SxyCuteThang069: cause Sean has to work tmm
(20:37:10) T7g: hi
(20:37:18) T7g: Alright ;)
(20:37:23) SxyCuteThang069: HI! =)
(20:37:28) T7g: =)
(20:37:36) T7g: So, that means, you're gonna come over and tackle me? :D
(20:37:44) T7g: and we'll eat subway and listen to music and all that fun stuff?" :)
(20:38:10) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(20:38:11) SxyCuteThang069: Yup
(20:39:04) SxyCuteThang069: OK I am gonna go..I am gonna check on the baby and my mom wants ME to see if I have money to buy HER alcohol(of course) then I'll be over
(20:39:17) T7g: =)
(20:39:22) T7g: Alright
(20:39:28) T7g: I'll see you in a bit then ;)
(20:41:50) SxyCuteThang069 logged out.
(01:06:30) SxyCuteThang069 logged in.
(01:17:59) T7g: It really is beautiful
(01:18:04) SxyCuteThang069: No its suck
(01:18:05) SxyCuteThang069: s
(01:18:07) SxyCuteThang069: OMG
(01:18:07) T7g: I'm enjoying the breeze upstairs
(01:18:12) SxyCuteThang069: AS SOON AS I PULLED UP
(01:18:15) T7g: I love breezes
(01:18:17) SxyCuteThang069: EMMA AND JOEY DID TOO
(01:18:21) T7g: heh
(01:18:28) SxyCuteThang069: They drove around your house like 100 times they said
(01:18:31) T7g: they following you?
(01:18:36) T7g: thats creepy.
(01:18:40) T7g: I'd never do that to you, heh
(01:18:42) SxyCuteThang069: I guess they came to my house like 10 minutes after I left
(01:18:48) SxyCuteThang069: My mom told them where I was
(01:18:50) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(01:19:01) T7g: lol
(01:19:06) T7g: still, creepy ;p
(01:19:09) SxyCuteThang069: Then they just kept driving around your house till I wasn't there anymore
(01:19:18) T7g: really.creepy.
(01:19:31) T7g: but anyways ;p
(01:19:34) SxyCuteThang069: yeah
(01:19:41) T7g: What're you upto?
(01:20:05) SxyCuteThang069: Watching my brother and Steven outside
(01:20:06) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(01:20:09) T7g: heheheh
(01:20:43) T7g: I have work tomorrow
(01:20:53) T7g: but I'll be home between 5-7 and then after 9
(01:20:54) SxyCuteThang069: Thats always fun ?
(01:21:01) SxyCuteThang069: *hint hint* lol
(01:21:05) T7g: =)
(01:21:22) T7g: you don't have to come over if you don't want to =) Just letting you know my schedule.
(01:21:25) T7g: So you know
(01:21:31) T7g: If you... you know.. wanted to see me.
(01:21:33) T7g: You could =)
(01:21:42) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(01:21:45) SxyCuteThang069: =)
(01:22:12) T7g: I'm gonna poke around on the internet before bed for some more music=)
(01:22:20) T7g: Ashlee Simpson? ;p
(01:22:39) T7g: And whatever else I can find =)
(01:23:13) T7g: I was hoping you'd like all the music. I made it a hobby of mine for a short while.
(01:23:31) T7g: downloaded like mad for three or so days straight
(01:23:39) T7g: filled up the girls' computer harddrive
(01:23:49) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(01:24:12) T7g: the playlist is music from all the computers ;p
(01:24:34) T7g: I'm gonna take the time one of these days to get them all together
(01:24:41) T7g: because I have tons more that just aren't on the list.
(01:25:16) T7g: but anyways, brb.
(01:25:26) SxyCuteThang069: k
(01:26:49) T7g: gonna make hamburgers
(01:27:23) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(01:27:26) SxyCuteThang069: -k-
(01:27:27) T7g: I kinda didn't eat all day because I thought we might be going to Greektown
(01:27:32) T7g: but I got dicked out of that money
(01:27:34) T7g: they never pay me on time
(01:27:37) SxyCuteThang069: We should
(01:27:40) SxyCuteThang069: soon
(01:27:41) T7g: We will =)
(01:28:10) T7g: I think I have a pretty good handle on what it takes to be happy =) I just want to share that with you.
(01:28:17) T7g: and only you!
(01:28:35) T7g: but yeah, we should go to greektown, we never went out to cute places on cute dates and dressed up
(01:28:46) T7g: and we should!
(01:28:49) T7g: :)
(01:28:53) T7g: hamburgers,brb
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