
I'll give you more hugs~

Nov 16, 2007 22:40

Conversation with sxycutethang069 at 2004-08-01 15:09:35 on T7g77 (aim)
(15:09:35) SxyCuteThang069: Hey
(15:09:35) T7g : I'm just so tired...
Won't you sing me to sleep?
and fly through my dreams....
So I can hitch a ride with you tonight..

And get away from this place, have a new name and face.

It just ain't the same without you in my life.

Late night drives... All alone in my car.. I can't help but start... Singing lines from all our favorite songs...

and melodies in the air, singin' life just ain't fair...

Sometimes I still just can't believe you're gone.

And I'm sure the view from heaven...

Beats the hell out of mine here..

I hope that all is well in heaven....

Because it's all shot to hell down here...

Because I'm so....

Lost without you down here.
(15:09:49) T7g: Hi.
(15:09:55) SxyCuteThang069: =)
(15:09:58) T7g: =)
(15:10:01) T7g: I gave you...
(15:10:04) T7g: 12345 hugs
(15:10:17) T7g: More than anyone else I've ever seen use those things ;p
(15:10:21) SxyCuteThang069: What'cha doin?
(15:10:24) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:10:26) T7g: just sittin'
(15:10:30) T7g: Whatchoo doing?
(15:10:36) SxyCuteThang069: You have t owork?
(15:10:40) T7g: Nope.
(15:10:47) SxyCuteThang069: Today is the baby's Birthday party thingy
(15:10:53) SxyCuteThang069: you know...cake...ice cream
(15:11:00) T7g: No
(15:11:02) T7g: I do not know
(15:11:06) T7g: What birthday parties entail ;p
(15:11:14) SxyCuteThang069: Yes you do
(15:11:18) SxyCuteThang069: Psh
(15:11:19) T7g: I haven't had one in ten years ;p
(15:11:21) T7g: I forgot
(15:11:27) SxyCuteThang069: If nothing else there are enough at my house
(15:11:59) SxyCuteThang069: How do I see how many hug I have?
(15:12:21) T7g: http://www.livejournal.com/users/sexycutethang/30282.html
(15:13:35) SxyCuteThang069: =)
(15:14:08) T7g: I don't believe there is anyone else who has devised a way to give someone that many hugs.
(15:14:21) SxyCuteThang069: Just so you know..Me and Emma aren't back together...I was just there visiting Her Ash...heh Renae and Steve-o
(15:14:32) T7g: I wasn't gonna yell at you for going over there?
(15:14:35) T7g: You know what I thought to myself?
(15:14:53) SxyCuteThang069: What?
(15:15:02) T7g: "Maybe she's just staying over there to see everyone, and well, then at least she has a better chance of being able to see me on Sunday?"
(15:15:07) T7g: Which is why I'm online ;p
(15:15:21) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(15:15:44) SxyCuteThang069: I was gonna go to that coney place that we went to yesterday but I didn't
(15:16:02) T7g: Downriver?
(15:16:05) SxyCuteThang069: Cause I wanted you to be there too
(15:16:08) SxyCuteThang069: Of course
(15:16:09) SxyCuteThang069: silly
(15:16:19) T7g: Just making sure I knew which one you were talking about.
(15:16:27) T7g: You and your chicken tenders ;)
(15:16:30) SxyCuteThang069: I have been like craving chicken strips like no other
(15:16:34) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:16:44) SxyCuteThang069: I know
(15:16:56) T7g: I'll make you a deal, come see me and I'll get you all the chicken strips you can run with?
(15:17:10) SxyCuteThang069: I was gonna get some yesterday( I got my coffee) but I bought 2 shirts instead :-( now IO regret it
(15:17:11) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:17:28) T7g: heh
(15:17:31) T7g: well rocky has lots of money
(15:17:39) T7g: he doesn't even count it anymore
(15:17:42) T7g: I just stuff it in a cup
(15:18:07) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:18:22) T7g: seriously
(15:18:25) T7g: Our little cup too
(15:18:28) T7g: our change cup
(15:18:31) T7g: has even grown up
(15:18:45) SxyCuteThang069: I would say we can go get some....but because I can't put gas in the car I am not gonna be able to take it I don't think
(15:18:53) T7g: ahem
(15:18:55) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:18:56) T7g: I have teh moneyz0rz
(15:18:58) SxyCuteThang069: It frew up huh
(15:18:59) T7g: I want to see you
(15:19:07) T7g: Come see me now, I miss you.
(15:19:18) T7g: I'll give you 12,345 more hugs.
(15:19:22) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:19:36) T7g: I'm serious =)
(15:19:39) T7g: You think I'm kidding? ;)
(15:20:41) T7g: I would seriouslt
(15:20:45) T7g: Seriously*
(15:20:56) T7g: For the last howevermanyoddnights
(15:21:12) T7g: I would've seriously walked to Oakwood and Fort just to say goodnight to you.
(15:21:21) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(15:21:37) T7g: I have too much love for you and it has nowhere to go
(15:21:45) T7g: You need to come take some off my hands=)
(15:22:00) T7g: It's free!!!
(15:22:04) T7g: You just have to pick it up ;)
(15:24:19) T7g: or even if not
(15:24:23) T7g: you just have to say
(15:24:28) T7g: "ROCKY COME GIVE ME LOVE!"
(15:24:29) T7g: and I would
(15:24:36) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(15:24:37) T7g: even if I had to crawl the entire way
(15:24:51) T7g: So
(15:24:57) T7g: I'm gonna roll this joint=)
(15:25:00) T7g: And when
(15:25:11) T7g: You need me, I'll be here.
(15:25:14) SxyCuteThang069: stop that
(15:25:28) T7g: hm?
(15:25:53) SxyCuteThang069: I hope I can take the car
(15:26:00) T7g: yeah uh
(15:26:06) T7g: Tell her I'll give her whatever she wants in gas money
(15:26:20) SxyCuteThang069: Heh my mom called last night and told me I could've had her car all night
(15:26:26) SxyCuteThang069: as long as I didn't drive fucked up
(15:26:44) SxyCuteThang069: Its always nice to know I now have that option
(15:26:51) T7g: We could've gone to Cooper
(15:27:42) T7g: Well, now that you've advertised you have that option ;p
(15:27:50) T7g: It leaves you with much less of an excuse for not seeing me! ;p
(15:28:18) SxyCuteThang069: I don't make excuses...Its just sometimes I CAN use the car...at will..other times she bitches
(15:28:43) T7g: I'm just joking sweetie.
(15:28:47) T7g: It's a beautiful day
(15:28:53) T7g: It's started with you as a part of it for me
(15:29:07) T7g: I'm not chastizing you, I'm just smiling and laughing along with? =)
(15:30:30) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(15:30:43) SxyCuteThang069: This guy commented in my journal and LOVES DONKEY TOO
(15:30:50) T7g: Tot's friend
(15:30:54) T7g: She says he's a stalker
(15:30:57) SxyCuteThang069: he lives near council point park
(15:31:16) T7g: I personally wouldn't go near tot's friends unless I had a 10 ft. pole ;p
(15:31:24) T7g: with barbs on the end
(15:31:27) T7g: mmmmhmm yea ;D
(15:31:56) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:32:20) T7g: If I walked around saying I love Brittany Spears, I'm sure I'd eventually find a lot of other people that felt the same way.
(15:32:54) T7g: However
(15:33:03) T7g: I just walk around singing Brittany Spears
(15:33:07) T7g: This way
(15:33:11) SxyCuteThang069: :-P
(15:33:13) T7g: People that hate her, hate her more
(15:33:16) T7g: People that like her, hate her more.
(15:33:32) T7g: snicker, snicker ;p
(15:33:34) SxyCuteThang069: :-D
(15:33:53) SxyCuteThang069: What was your "snicker snicker" in Renae's journal about?
(15:34:04) T7g: you two fighting
(15:34:08) SxyCuteThang069: Shes just pissed cause I told Steve-o last night that she is playing him like a hoe
(15:34:10) T7g: thats a snicker, snicker thing ;p
(15:34:19) SxyCuteThang069: With Patrick
(15:34:22) T7g: Ah
(15:34:26) SxyCuteThang069: Yeah
(15:34:31) SxyCuteThang069: Emma told me yesterday
(15:34:35) SxyCuteThang069: and I was like fuck that
(15:34:45) SxyCuteThang069: Steve-o and me are straigh I can't lie to him
(15:34:46) T7g: Steve-0h's a good guy.
(15:34:48) SxyCuteThang069: You know me
(15:34:51) SxyCuteThang069: Not telling is lying
(15:34:54) SxyCuteThang069: He is
(15:34:56) T7g: ahem ;P
(15:35:03) SxyCuteThang069: and doesn't deserve to be played like that
(15:35:05) T7g: I know you, however, I wouldn't reinforce that point ;p
(15:35:17) SxyCuteThang069: :/
(15:35:30) T7g: Because the situation you just described is quite familiar
(15:35:48) T7g: and when it came 'round that time. There was a different methodology for dealing with that.
(15:36:01) SxyCuteThang069: C'mon lets not get into this now....I was just telling you she is pissed
(15:36:05) T7g: Oh, I know =)
(15:36:09) T7g: God, I love you to fucking death ;p
(15:36:17) T7g: I just can't let you get away with saying that without pointing that out ;p
(15:36:23) T7g: If you can recognize it now, (Which is very good)
(15:36:34) T7g: Then it's just a step forward
(15:36:53) T7g: But I want you to realize you also have to apply that to your own thinking and actions, if you're going to shoot Renae down.
(15:37:31) T7g: Not telling is lying, and it's even worse when you don't tell someone something and then accuse someone else of lying about something.
(15:38:01) T7g: Nothing more than a brief life lesson, and thusly deserves a snicker, snicker ;p
(15:38:20) SxyCuteThang069: OMG
(15:38:31) SxyCuteThang069: If I knew we would sit and talk about it
(15:38:38) T7g: hm?
(15:38:48) SxyCuteThang069: I would've just kept it to myself
(15:38:53) T7g: Oh
(15:38:56) T7g: I apologize.
(15:38:58) T7g: Look, sorry
(15:39:01) T7g: My fault.
(15:39:09) T7g: I didn't mean to upset you.
(15:39:30) T7g: I'm not bitter
(15:39:33) SxyCuteThang069: It's just I tell you everything these days
(15:39:36) SxyCuteThang069: and for the most part
(15:39:37) T7g: I know=)
(15:39:39) SxyCuteThang069: ever
(15:39:40) T7g: and I tell you what I think
(15:39:41) T7g: You told me
(15:39:45) T7g: "Tell me what you honestly think"
(15:39:48) T7g: And I'm just doing that.
(15:39:53) SxyCuteThang069: I just didn't think you would bring soemthing liek that up right now
(15:40:01) SxyCuteThang069: cause I think we have been getting along great
(15:40:04) SxyCuteThang069: and I love it
(15:40:09) T7g: We are getting along great?=)
(15:40:16) T7g: and I love it too
(15:40:36) T7g: If I sit in this basement alone for any discernable period longer however.
(15:40:45) T7g: I'm gonna go crazy again and start trippin' out.
(15:40:49) T7g: So you gotta come rescue me =)
(15:41:39) T7g: Sanity is a constant battle
(15:41:50) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(15:41:54) T7g: and
(15:42:02) SxyCuteThang069: I am gonna go see if my mom needs any help setting things up
(15:42:05) SxyCuteThang069: I'll get on
(15:42:06) T7g: I can only fight it so long without having you close to me
(15:42:10) SxyCuteThang069: or call you later
(15:42:16) T7g: Alright :)
(15:42:19) T7g: Hey, wait!
(15:42:29) T7g: Guess what?
(15:43:01) SxyCuteThang069: Yes?
(15:43:02) T7g: I love you!
(15:43:10) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(15:43:12) T7g: :)
(15:43:17) SxyCuteThang069 logged out.
(16:52:48) SxyCuteThang069 logged in.
(16:53:28) T7g: Watch your ass
(16:53:38) T7g: Emma might start trippin'
(16:53:43) T7g: She asked me if I was talking to you
(16:53:54) SxyCuteThang069: Huh?
(16:54:23) T7g: (16:48:24) Emma: I feel it my feeling r alwayz right
(16:48:24) T7g: I don't even know whats going to happen tomorrow.
(16:48:31) Emma: I bet I do
(16:48:33) T7g: How could you?
(16:48:36) Emma: She is gunna come see you
(16:48:45) Emma: I know
(16:48:57) Emma: i feel it
(16:54:56) SxyCuteThang069: What IM convo's did she read?
(16:55:13) T7g: Not quite sure
(16:55:20) SxyCuteThang069: Well
(16:55:23) T7g: Like
(16:55:24) SxyCuteThang069: I'm sure that YOU sent them
(16:55:25) SxyCuteThang069: So
(16:55:30) SxyCuteThang069: Which ones?
(16:55:31) T7g: for_emma
(16:55:34) T7g: is a symlink
(16:55:37) T7g: to our convo log dir
(16:55:44) SxyCuteThang069: What?
(16:55:56) T7g: Any conversation we have goes directly to that directory when it's written
(16:55:59) T7g: because it's just a portal
(16:56:16) SxyCuteThang069: Did you send her the link?
(16:56:47) T7g: yeah, today when she asked for it, as well as when she was reading em back in the day
(16:56:56) T7g: She says it pisses you off when she reads them and you're by the computer.
(16:57:16) SxyCuteThang069: Cause she like trips out
(16:57:19) SxyCuteThang069: Its crazy
(16:57:22) T7g: hahaha
(16:57:22) SxyCuteThang069: I'm not even with her
(16:57:30) SxyCuteThang069: and she is still getting pissed at me
(16:57:32) T7g: Well, thats why I warned you =)
(16:57:40) SxyCuteThang069: Gimma the link'
(16:57:50) SxyCuteThang069: Gimme*
(16:57:54) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/for_emma/2004-07-29.142146.html
(16:57:59) T7g: wait
(16:58:03) T7g: thats the one I was lookin' at
(16:58:10) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/for_emma/
(16:58:13) T7g: Thats the directory
(16:58:26) T7g: Unedited
(16:58:37) T7g: Except for the definite proof that I slashed Sean's tires
(16:58:39) T7g: That shit had to go
(16:58:44) SxyCuteThang069: Wtf rocky?
(16:58:59) SxyCuteThang069: All our conversations are no longer personal
(16:59:04) SxyCuteThang069: Thats stupid
(16:59:12) T7g: Well, actually
(16:59:16) SxyCuteThang069: I feel like I am being spied on....I AM
(16:59:18) SxyCuteThang069: Fuck
(16:59:22) SxyCuteThang069: Its bullshit
(16:59:31) T7g: No, I just promised Emma I wouldn't keep her in the dark
(16:59:43) T7g: Just so we don't have that bouncing back and forth shit anymore
(16:59:44) SxyCuteThang069: Why does she need to know now?
(16:59:46) SxyCuteThang069: I MA SINGLE
(16:59:48) SxyCuteThang069: REMEMBER
(16:59:52) SxyCuteThang069: MY FUCKING GOD

(16:59:56) T7g: Well
(17:00:00) T7g: You see, the idea is not only
(17:00:12) SxyCuteThang069: NO
(17:00:14) SxyCuteThang069: STOP

(17:00:15) T7g: So you can't have both Jay and Jane
(17:00:23) SxyCuteThang069: I DON"T HAVE ANYONE

(17:00:28) T7g: mmmhmm
(17:00:29) T7g: I know
(17:00:42) T7g: I'm quite well aware of your reluctance to re-integrate me into your life.
(17:00:53) SxyCuteThang069: So then why should my personal conversations with you or anyone else be but on the internet
(17:01:26) T7g: They're not anymore
(17:01:29) T7g: Done and over with
(17:01:34) T7g: Be as pissed as you want
(17:01:39) T7g: and take it as you will.
(17:01:45) T7g: I put them there
(17:01:49) T7g: because I was tired of getting played.
(17:01:57) T7g: So I wanted to make sure you couldn't run game
(17:02:21) T7g: You asked for that yourself
(17:02:39) T7g: You can't write two different people notes saying you'll always come back to both of them.
(17:02:45) T7g: Thats disrespectful.
(17:02:55) T7g: Just as you were saying about Steve-O and Renae
(17:03:04) T7g: You did the exact same thing, I'm just playing the part you played last night.
(17:03:06) T7g: Devil's advocate.
(17:03:32) SxyCuteThang069: you can have Emma
(17:03:40) T7g: k
(17:03:41) T7g: Seeya.
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