
just keep shakin' it

Nov 16, 2007 22:39

Conversation with sxycutethang069 at 2004-07-30 21:21:25 on T7g77 (aim)
(21:21:25) SxyCuteThang069: I wanna dso something
(21:21:27) SxyCuteThang069: BADB
(21:21:30) SxyCuteThang069: LIKE NOW

(21:21:40) T7g: Come over?
(21:22:04) T7g: Uh, I do have plans to go out tonight, but they aren't till later.
(21:22:09) T7g: I'm so fucking tired.
(21:22:23) T7g: Since I work such shitty hours, I usually spend the middle part of my day doing something for someone
(21:22:26) T7g: Today it was fixing joe's car
(21:23:11) SxyCuteThang069: Where are you going?
(21:23:28) T7g: I dunno ;p
(21:23:37) T7g: Mebbe it's a secret
(21:23:41) T7g: Don't you like mystery? ;p
(21:24:10) SxyCuteThang069: not today
(21:24:11) SxyCuteThang069: please
(21:24:14) SxyCuteThang069: just tell me
(21:24:22) SxyCuteThang069: Sean is drunk and being an asshole again
(21:24:27) SxyCuteThang069: Thats my news for the day
(21:24:30) T7g: then come let me save you
(21:24:32) SxyCuteThang069: Remember last fucking time?
(21:24:35) T7g: I don't get this ;p
(21:24:36) T7g: I mean
(21:24:53) SxyCuteThang069: So where are yo ugoing?
(21:25:15) T7g: I think I'm relatively cute, I'm really nice, I'm intelligent, I love you to death, and I'd take care of you always.

But you just don't come see me ;p
(21:25:21) T7g: As the away message said, toxic waste dump.
(21:25:33) SxyCuteThang069: I DON"T HAVE THE CAR
(21:25:35) T7g: I need some more objects
(21:25:36) SxyCuteThang069: Sean took it
(21:25:41) SxyCuteThang069: drunk
(21:26:01) T7g: mmm, Well I apologize for stressing you.
(21:26:05) T7g: It's just a question that puzzles me.
(21:26:57) SxyCuteThang069: Your not
(21:27:00) SxyCuteThang069: Its ok
(21:27:03) SxyCuteThang069: I am just stuck here
(21:27:08) SxyCuteThang069: and I need to get out
(21:27:36) T7g: Well, I miss you, so terribly much, and if the opportunity comes for me to be going out tonight. I will come get you.
(21:27:42) T7g: I really want to see you regardless though
(21:28:50) T7g: Joe said after he gets back from Scott's
(21:28:55) T7g: but I don't know when exactly that will be
(21:29:11) T7g: So if we could find another method to rescue you, I would be all for it.
(21:30:17) SxyCuteThang069: Where are you going?
(21:30:24) SxyCuteThang069: You still haven't answered me
(21:30:25) T7g: Cooper School.
(21:30:35) T7g: My apologiez
(21:30:38) T7g: s*
(21:30:39) SxyCuteThang069: Its ok
(21:30:48) T7g: I refer to it as "the toxic waste dump"
(21:30:50) T7g: To everyone
(21:30:55) SxyCuteThang069: Why?
(21:30:56) T7g: Simply because it's just how I think of it
(21:31:02) T7g: and if you ever go in there
(21:31:04) T7g: you'll know why
(21:31:22) SxyCuteThang069: can I make my IM's not make noise when I send them?
(21:31:25) SxyCuteThang069: and get tehm
(21:31:27) T7g: yep
(21:31:31) T7g: It's in preferences
(21:31:36) T7g: One of the drop down menus
(21:31:55) T7g: Oh god, did I tell you about the voice pitch/tempo modulation thing?
(21:32:13) SxyCuteThang069: yup
(21:32:30) T7g: heheh, yeah ;p
(21:32:37) T7g: thats been quite a source of entertainment for me
(21:33:09) T7g: I could probably rip em to disk too ;p
(21:33:20) SxyCuteThang069: What?
(21:33:24) SxyCuteThang069: yay it worked
(21:33:32) T7g: mmhmm =)
(21:33:37) T7g: and I mean
(21:33:38) SxyCuteThang069: Good shit
(21:33:49) SxyCuteThang069: Cause I hate listening to music and hearing every IM I send
(21:33:49) T7g: How could you not want a lover thats cute, funny, and good with computers!?!!?!
(21:34:10) T7g: That demystifies one of the most imposing parts of modern day life =)
(21:34:22) SxyCuteThang069: What time are you leaving
(21:34:29) T7g: As I said earlier, Not sure
(21:34:32) T7g: It's Joe,
(21:34:36) T7g: Hes flaky as fuck
(21:34:39) SxyCuteThang069: Yes he is
(21:34:40) T7g: but I really pushed to go there tonight
(21:34:50) T7g: and made sure to beat it into his head.
(21:34:55) T7g: and I fixed his damn car for him
(21:35:03) SxyCuteThang069: I am gonna go back to my moms but you can call anytime cause my dad is gone for the weekend
(21:35:10) T7g: hm
(21:35:11) T7g: Well
(21:35:22) T7g: Okay =)
(21:35:24) T7g: I will
(21:35:27) SxyCuteThang069 logged out.
(22:24:42) SxyCuteThang069 logged in.
(22:25:09) SxyCuteThang069: I just drove our old car for the first tiem since we got the lincoln
(22:25:10) SxyCuteThang069: Heh
(22:25:18) SxyCuteThang069: Kinda weird driving that thing again
(22:26:55) SxyCuteThang069: WTF
(22:26:55) T7g : I'm the Anti-Christ. You get me in a vendetta kind of mood, you will tell the angels in heaven that you had never seen pure evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you.
(22:26:59) SxyCuteThang069: BULLSHIT
(22:32:35) T7g: no, no no
(22:32:37) T7g: =)
(22:32:41) T7g: You know what?
(22:32:53) SxyCuteThang069: what?
(22:32:59) T7g: hahaha
(22:33:02) T7g: you seem used to this
(22:33:08) SxyCuteThang069: yeah
(22:34:00) T7g: You know what I want to say... =)
(22:34:41) SxyCuteThang069: what is that
(22:34:45) SxyCuteThang069: =)
(22:35:06) SxyCuteThang069: yup yup
(22:35:17) SxyCuteThang069: you said it
(22:35:20) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(22:35:31) SxyCuteThang069: smile silly
(22:35:33) T7g: :)
(22:35:34) SxyCuteThang069: :-D
(22:35:44) SxyCuteThang069: :-*:-*:-*
(22:36:28) T7g: :-*
(22:37:22) T7g: What do I have to do to have your heart forever dear?
(22:37:24) T7g: I'll do anything.
(22:39:05) T7g: Just to hold you in my arms..
(22:40:31) SxyCuteThang069: ???
(22:42:31) T7g: ???
(22:42:38) SxyCuteThang069: :-*
(22:42:53) SxyCuteThang069: just keep shakin' it
(22:43:57) T7g: Stop it
(22:43:59) T7g: I didn't reply
(22:44:01) SxyCuteThang069: ahhh
(22:44:02) SxyCuteThang069: ahhh
(22:44:02) SxyCuteThang069: ahh
(22:44:03) T7g: I said I didn't know
(22:44:04) SxyCuteThang069: ahhhhhhhh
(22:44:06) SxyCuteThang069: I KNEW IT
(22:44:11) T7g: You knew what?
(22:44:22) T7g: heh, I don't know what you think you know ;p
(22:44:23) T7g: but
(22:44:30) T7g: I didn't do anything with that girl
(22:44:33) T7g: Believe me or not
(22:44:35) T7g: Love me or not?
(22:44:42) T7g: Your fucking choice, I've proven time and time again
(22:44:54) T7g: that I am so terribly in love with you and only you.
(22:45:00) T7g: Why would I bother if I didn't love you?
(22:45:02) T7g: Really?
(22:45:24) T7g: and why would I lie?
(22:45:31) T7g: I didn't fuck Renae or Lynn
(22:45:33) T7g: Or anything else
(22:45:36) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(22:45:41) T7g: I promise
(22:45:47) T7g: geez
(22:45:49) T7g: you know
(22:45:52) T7g: I've only been doing my best
(22:45:54) T7g: to improve myself
(22:45:58) SxyCuteThang069: 98lbs?
(22:46:02) SxyCuteThang069: Tell her to eat something
(22:46:09) T7g: I've tried so hard.
(22:46:14) SxyCuteThang069: Brown hair
blue eyes
if you wanna know n e thing else E mail me at Luckynome7@aol.com
(22:46:16) SxyCuteThang069: lmfao
(22:46:26) T7g: And my one and only want/goal/focus - is you..
(22:46:51) T7g: I so wish, I had someone who thought of me this much or cared this much, or tried this hard.
(22:47:58) T7g: Why won't you ever see that I'm in love with you?

I'm in love with you.
(22:48:17) SxyCuteThang069: I need to hear some sappy emo love songs
(22:48:25) T7g: I have so many
(22:48:27) T7g: You've never heard
(22:48:33) T7g: That are to you..
(22:48:35) SxyCuteThang069: I'm sure
(22:48:41) T7g: they're all so cute..
(22:48:43) T7g: You have no idea.
(22:48:55) T7g: May I link you to one?
(22:49:10) SxyCuteThang069: I can't hear them
(22:49:17) SxyCuteThang069: Cause the connection is to oslow
(22:49:28) T7g: Call me, I'll sing them to you. =)
(22:49:56) T7g: Theres just noone...
(22:50:03) SxyCuteThang069: I have a question...
(22:50:17) T7g: Ask away.
(22:50:18) SxyCuteThang069: Did you go back to the Broderick with Lyn...Be honest
(22:50:28) T7g: Nope.
(22:50:35) T7g: I only went back once since then
(22:50:36) T7g: With Joe
(22:50:39) T7g: July 5th
(22:50:41) SxyCuteThang069: LuCkYnOmE7: lyn wants to know why you wrote whore b her name
(22:50:52) T7g: Your buddy Sean is related to her.
(22:50:59) SxyCuteThang069: Yeah
(22:51:04) T7g: He has nothing better to do than mimic me
(22:51:06) T7g: So
(22:51:10) SxyCuteThang069: He pissed me off last time
(22:51:12) T7g: He probably went without you on a few occasions
(22:51:14) SxyCuteThang069: I wanted coffee so bad
(22:51:19) T7g: He's an ass
(22:51:21) T7g: Thats why I hate him
(22:51:28) SxyCuteThang069: Where is he now?
(22:51:32) T7g: I don't know.
(22:51:32) SxyCuteThang069: He has no life
(22:51:36) T7g: Don't keep tabs on him
(22:51:38) T7g: He doesn't...
(22:51:43) T7g: I told you all this before we fell in love=)
(22:52:21) T7g: I wrote that note, before you went on vacation.
(22:52:38) SxyCuteThang069: how can I fond out someone's number
(22:52:43) T7g: I've done my best to become everything I said I wanted to be in it, the only part that is missing is you.
(22:52:46) SxyCuteThang069: Janice gave me her home number
(22:52:50) SxyCuteThang069: but I don't know where it is
(22:52:56) SxyCuteThang069: and I wanna call her and say hi
(22:53:03) T7g: Probably not listed
(22:53:06) T7g: You'd have a very hard time.
(22:53:12) T7g: It's more than likely not in her name.
(22:53:30) T7g: Alright, humor me for a moment?
(22:55:01) T7g: I've sang, whistled, and ran this song through my head countless times lately thinking about you.
(22:55:03) SxyCuteThang069: I think I figured it out
(22:55:07) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(22:55:09) T7g: You've more than likely never heard it..
(22:55:10) SxyCuteThang069: I'm listening
(22:55:19) T7g: Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason

I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone

And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do
You are my only my only one

Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one
(22:55:35) T7g: I had this really cute abstract post, that had a secret relation to you, but you never picked up on it.
(22:56:19) SxyCuteThang069: When was it?
(22:56:38) T7g: I'll point you to it.
(22:56:53) T7g: http://www.livejournal.com/users/t7g/67064.html
(22:56:56) T7g: Read the end...
(22:57:02) T7g: \x1B06F
(22:57:09) T7g: Thats where my little part to you starts ;p
(22:57:20) T7g: If you wanna know what that means, you can open up windows calculator and find out easily.
(22:57:44) SxyCuteThang069: Huh?
(22:57:46) T7g: and the mp3 link is a link to that song I just sent you.
(22:57:50) SxyCuteThang069: I got the song part
(22:58:01) SxyCuteThang069: but what about the other thing
(22:58:11) T7g: Open up calculator
(22:58:15) SxyCuteThang069: uh huh
(22:58:24) T7g: When it's open, switch it to scientific mode
(22:58:50) T7g: and when you've done that, let me know ;p
(22:59:04) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(22:59:08) SxyCuteThang069: I'm not slow just so you know
(22:59:10) SxyCuteThang069: :-P
(22:59:19) T7g: alright, see an unmarked radio button that says hex next to it?
(22:59:29) SxyCuteThang069: uh huh
(22:59:32) T7g: click it
(22:59:34) T7g: then enter
(22:59:39) T7g: 1B06F
(22:59:53) T7g: and then click the button by where it says dec
(23:00:04) SxyCuteThang069: heh
(23:00:14) SxyCuteThang069: Ok
(23:00:17) SxyCuteThang069: I get it now
(23:00:20) SxyCuteThang069: I had no idead
(23:00:23) SxyCuteThang069: idea*
(23:00:33) T7g: Well, now you do...
(23:00:33) SxyCuteThang069: I was like wtf is that
(23:00:38) T7g: =)
(23:00:47) T7g: I may seem like a mystery but...
(23:00:58) T7g: I'm really transparent when it comes to certain things.
(23:01:44) T7g: You missed out on a lot of cute emo songs..
(23:01:50) T7g: I still sing them though
(23:01:56) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(23:01:57) T7g: Still think about you every day..
(23:02:14) T7g: and I don't think that will ever stop
(23:02:16) T7g: Which is why
(23:02:30) T7g: The only thing I want is to be with you for the rest of our lives.
(23:04:17) T7g: I suppose it's silly of me to expect to you to realistically commit to something like that right now.. but, I don't know. I really wish I could just take you away and make you happy like I used to. You're far too important to me for me not to take this time and effort.
(23:04:21) T7g: And I can't just simply let go
(23:04:36) T7g: The funny thing is, I am kinda a very negative person in certain ways.
(23:05:16) T7g: but some part inside of me knows that you're in love with me too, and that no matter what neither of us will ever find a replacement for each other.
(23:06:09) T7g: While I `need` you, I don't need you in the way that a lot of other people do. I don't need you to do anything for me other than just spend time with me.
(23:06:20) T7g: during which time, as always, I would be doing my best to make sure you're happy =)
(23:06:37) T7g: One thing that runs through my head on occasion is how we used to go to Meijer's with my mom when you lived here.
(23:06:40) T7g: And when you'd be sad
(23:06:54) T7g: I'd just grab you and jump up and down with a smile on my face and say, `happy happy happy!!!`
(23:07:14) T7g: I can't do that now, and thats what kills me about all of this, and kinda why I trip out and destabilize at times.
(23:07:50) T7g: When you're not feeling well, I can't just throw my arms around you and let you know that everything's going to be alright, that you don't have to worry.
(23:09:43) SxyCuteThang069: I kno
(23:09:43) SxyCuteThang069: w
(23:09:58) T7g: I know I'm being quite redundant with all of this
(23:10:07) T7g: and I apologize.
(23:10:24) T7g: I'm crashing down, I've worked quite a bit in the last few weeks and have done quite a bit.
(23:10:40) T7g: and I just miss you more and more everyday.
(23:10:55) T7g: Keep thinking of so many things to show you, to tell you, to do with you..
(23:10:59) SxyCuteThang069: I know
(23:11:03) SxyCuteThang069: and I haven't been there
(23:11:09) T7g: actually
(23:11:13) T7g: I wasn't going to repeat that ;p
(23:11:17) T7g: ;ppppp
(23:11:18) T7g: uh
(23:11:20) SxyCuteThang069: I am jsut really trying to get things with college straight now
(23:11:44) T7g: and more than anyone, I respect that.
(23:12:08) T7g: I'm just saying
(23:12:38) T7g: I am completely convinced that you are the love of my life. And if that may not be true
(23:12:43) T7g: You should start convincing me otherwise
(23:13:03) SxyCuteThang069: Wait
(23:13:12) SxyCuteThang069: T7g77: I am completely convinced that you are the love of my life
(23:13:16) SxyCuteThang069: but if?
(23:13:20) SxyCuteThang069: If you are sure
(23:13:24) T7g: I am sure
(23:13:29) SxyCuteThang069: THERE ARE NOT IF ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT
(23:13:32) T7g: mmm
(23:13:36) T7g: Sweetheart
(23:13:39) T7g: Must I bring up
(23:13:45) T7g: The shit with the bouncing back and forth?
(23:13:51) T7g: I love you Emma? I love you Rocky?
(23:13:54) T7g: Back and forth back and forth
(23:13:58) T7g: I am convinced
(23:14:09) T7g: but you haven't been doing much lately to lead me to believe that I'm right.
(23:14:26) T7g: Not to chastize you
(23:14:36) T7g: this isn't a kiddie relationship
(23:14:40) T7g: we're not playing marbles
(23:14:52) T7g: you hold my heart.
(23:15:03) T7g: What keeps me alive? you know?
(23:15:18) T7g: It's yours... has been for a long time.
(23:15:40) T7g: You don't need to disassociate yourself with me or keep our relationship at a distance because of school.
(23:15:58) T7g: I've done a lot to become responsible. I think I'd only do to help further you in life.
(23:16:19) T7g: and if we were meant to be forever, then you wouldn't need to seperate yourself from what we have to live your life.
(23:16:28) T7g: and if you do have to, then what do we have?
(23:16:44) T7g: Furthermore...
(23:16:51) T7g: My feelings have not changed throughout all of this.
(23:17:02) T7g: I still love you more and more, miss you more and more everyday.
(23:17:26) T7g: And I've been without you for.. around seven days now.
(23:17:29) T7g: Since I last saw you
(23:17:37) T7g: and since I really spent me and you time?
(23:17:41) T7g: it's been a couple months
(23:17:47) T7g: I used to see you every sixteen hours.
(23:18:08) T7g: You held me while I was in the hospital, and all of a sudden I'm just completely cut off from you.
(23:18:11) SxyCuteThang069: You used to see me 24/7
(23:18:15) SxyCuteThang069: If you remember
(23:18:28) T7g: Of course I do, it was the happiest time of my life.
(23:18:45) T7g: my god
(23:18:55) T7g: Do you know what I would give right now to fall asleep next to you?
(23:19:23) T7g: I would definately go as far as giving away something I can't replace or regrow.
(23:20:39) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(23:20:45) SxyCuteThang069: just not...nvmd
(23:20:50) T7g: ;p
(23:21:17) T7g: I'm telling you how infinitely much I love you in every connotation possible.
(23:21:36) SxyCuteThang069: I know
(23:21:47) T7g: you're supposed to put down the hockeystick
(23:21:52) SxyCuteThang069: I am
(23:21:52) T7g: We're soulmates
(23:21:55) SxyCuteThang069: I was just saying
(23:22:06) SxyCuteThang069: don't cut the the the....yeah of
(23:22:10) SxyCuteThang069: off*
(23:22:12) T7g: haha
(23:22:13) T7g: I know ;p
(23:22:17) T7g: I thought that was rather entertaining
(23:22:21) SxyCuteThang069: Me too
(23:22:23) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(23:22:26) T7g: :)
(23:22:28) T7g: and I wouldn't
(23:22:30) T7g: that is for _you_
(23:22:32) T7g: and only _you_
(23:22:46) T7g: and do you even realize how bad the sexual frustration gets? :/
(23:22:53) T7g: I still don't masturbate
(23:23:03) SxyCuteThang069: but your and yout "wet dreams"
(23:23:06) T7g: uh
(23:23:08) SxyCuteThang069: same difference
(23:23:11) T7g: that empties out the chambers
(23:23:12) SxyCuteThang069: :-P
(23:23:14) T7g: doesn'tclear the head.
(23:23:28) T7g: there is no orgasm involved
(23:23:39) T7g: and you don't feel anything in dreams anyways, much less remember most times.
(23:23:42) SxyCuteThang069: What I love the most...is when we're done...and you have that clear head
(23:23:58) T7g: I've been waiting for you=\
(23:24:03) T7g: I have the most romantic setup:/
(23:24:08) T7g: cutest candles ever
(23:24:40) T7g: and
(23:24:42) SxyCuteThang069: and you lay there
(23:24:45) SxyCuteThang069: with this look
(23:25:00) SxyCuteThang069: I enjoy it more when you finish as well
(23:25:19) T7g: I always enjoy it
(23:25:20) SxyCuteThang069: cause like you I THINK ABOUT YOU during
(23:25:32) T7g: I think about you too =)
(23:25:35) T7g: the entire time=)
(23:25:44) SxyCuteThang069: I want YOU to have the clear head, i'm so tired feeling I get
(23:25:49) SxyCuteThang069: damn
(23:25:53) SxyCuteThang069: got that feeling
(23:25:58) T7g: and I do my best to make each moment as passionate as the next
(23:26:27) T7g: as loving as the next...
(23:26:36) T7g: as intimate as the next..
(23:26:40) SxyCuteThang069: As sweet are you "It all about you" theory is...I want you done too
(23:26:54) T7g: =)
(23:27:06) SxyCuteThang069: :-D
(23:27:11) SxyCuteThang069: cause I love that face
(23:27:21) T7g: you're the only one that has ever or will ever see them
(23:27:26) T7g: I know I never made them before.
(23:27:38) SxyCuteThang069: That grin you get
(23:27:44) T7g: I've never stared so far into anything as I have your eyes...
(23:27:48) SxyCuteThang069: What about whats her name
(23:27:58) T7g: I was rather unanimated, honestly
(23:28:01) T7g: both times before
(23:28:11) T7g: the first time there was nothing
(23:28:22) T7g: the second time, there was no passion or intimacy
(23:28:28) SxyCuteThang069: huh?>
(23:28:30) T7g: that refers to #1 and #2
(23:28:41) T7g: Whose names you already know.
(23:28:59) T7g: You know my sexual history, dear.
(23:29:33) T7g: I am also very much so convinced that when other people make love it isn't half as amazing for most of them as it is for us...
(23:29:34) SxyCuteThang069: Do I
(23:29:39) T7g: mmmhmm
(23:29:44) SxyCuteThang069: All of it?
(23:29:46) T7g: Jenica/Emma
(23:29:57) T7g: yep
(23:30:02) T7g: You know _all of it_
(23:30:08) T7g: My body, my mind, my heart, my soul.
(23:30:11) T7g: It's _all yours_
(23:30:14) T7g: all yours
(23:30:18) SxyCuteThang069: Wait
(23:30:20) SxyCuteThang069: you say
(23:30:22) SxyCuteThang069: with Emma
(23:30:31) SxyCuteThang069: no passion
(23:30:31) SxyCuteThang069: how is that so
(23:30:31) SxyCuteThang069: You loved her
(23:30:40) T7g: She didn't love me back
(23:30:48) SxyCuteThang069: There is passion in your touch though
(23:30:52) T7g: in mine
(23:30:54) T7g: not in hers
(23:30:58) T7g: there is passion in your touch
(23:31:04) T7g: when you touch me..
(23:31:11) T7g: and passion in my touch, only when I touch you.
(23:31:27) T7g: I don't get that from anyone else.
(23:31:29) T7g: Thats why
(23:31:30) T7g: The last time
(23:31:34) T7g: you were here
(23:31:45) T7g: When we were going to make love (but I agree, I really would rather hold you all night afterwards)
(23:31:55) T7g: While you were driving back to my house from Nanna's
(23:31:57) SxyCuteThang069: you wanted it so bad then
(23:32:00) T7g: I had to touch your arm
(23:32:00) SxyCuteThang069: done lie
(23:32:02) SxyCuteThang069: don't*
(23:32:12) T7g: I never lied, yes, I would have loved to make love to you.
(23:32:26) T7g: I didn't deny that then
(23:32:28) T7g: but I agree
(23:32:36) T7g: Or much rather
(23:32:38) T7g: Agree that
(23:32:46) T7g: I would rather hold you after
(23:32:50) T7g: I didn't want to make it a quickie
(23:32:56) SxyCuteThang069: remember
(23:32:59) T7g: When we make love, I try to make it as passionate as I can=\
(23:33:02) SxyCuteThang069: you picking me up when yo uwere at work
(23:33:15) SxyCuteThang069: and us running home first
(23:33:18) SxyCuteThang069: just so we could
(23:33:25) SxyCuteThang069: and then sam bitching
(23:33:26) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(23:33:28) T7g: haha
(23:33:29) SxyCuteThang069: and the park
(23:33:30) T7g: who cares=)
(23:33:31) SxyCuteThang069: car
(23:33:33) SxyCuteThang069: lol
(23:33:35) T7g: yeah.. I've thought about that lately too
(23:33:40) SxyCuteThang069: my bed
(23:33:42) T7g: cadillac?
(23:33:43) SxyCuteThang069: hah
(23:33:50) SxyCuteThang069: Tatis bed
(23:33:50) SxyCuteThang069: LMFAo
(23:34:09) T7g: I dun remember tatis bed?
(23:34:15) SxyCuteThang069: remember it made a mess on her bed
(23:34:17) SxyCuteThang069: yes you do
(23:34:18) T7g: oh
(23:34:18) T7g: yeah
(23:34:20) T7g: heheheh
(23:34:28) SxyCuteThang069: YOu didn't remember :-(
(23:34:46) SxyCuteThang069: Its not funny
(23:34:50) SxyCuteThang069: You hurt my feelings
(23:34:52) T7g: I'm sorry=\
(23:34:55) SxyCuteThang069: by saying that
(23:35:01) SxyCuteThang069: :-(
(23:35:07) T7g: ...sigh
(23:35:13) T7g: I apologize.
(23:35:29) T7g: I'm really tired and sometimes I just can't hold up the conversation
(23:35:38) T7g: and you have me thinking about all the times I've made love to you
(23:35:38) SxyCuteThang069: but but
(23:35:48) T7g: and that just drives me crazy
(23:35:59) T7g: there haven't been any better moments in my life..
(23:36:17) T7g: Nothing is as or will ever be as beautiful as the times we've shared that close to each other.
(23:36:48) T7g: and honestly?
(23:37:29) T7g: I miss having you that close to me.
(23:37:41) T7g: You know, the reason I get so upset when people like Eric and Sean shittalk about me
(23:37:45) T7g: And say I threw everything away
(23:37:47) T7g: When I think back on it
(23:38:14) T7g: I feel like losing you was my fault.
(23:38:45) T7g: I don't care about any of the others, but I still have regrets about that.
(23:38:55) T7g: What if I never introduced you to drugs or Emma?
(23:38:59) T7g: What if you did get pregnant?
(23:39:02) T7g: I think in both cases
(23:39:23) T7g: We'd both be happy
(23:39:37) T7g: Much happier than we are now so far away from each other, with all this bullshit drama with all these stupid people
(23:39:45) SxyCuteThang069: hold on I gotta catch up
(23:40:04) SxyCuteThang069: I was talking to brother
(23:40:09) T7g: It's okay.
(23:40:31) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(23:40:34) SxyCuteThang069: Yeah I know
(23:40:39) SxyCuteThang069: Hah
(23:41:00) SxyCuteThang069: I am listening to Britney spears version of I love rock n roll
(23:41:00) T7g: My kingdom
(23:41:01) SxyCuteThang069: lmao
(23:41:21) T7g: For another chance at living the rest of my life with my only one.
(23:42:37) T7g: I feel like I'm sounding so redundant though, and I most likely am.
(23:42:54) SxyCuteThang069: stop this
(23:42:56) T7g: It's just, I can't get you out of my head, or my heart.
(23:42:58) SxyCuteThang069: YOu are
(23:42:58) SxyCuteThang069: but its ol
(23:43:02) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(23:43:04) SxyCuteThang069: Its me your talking to
(23:43:07) SxyCuteThang069: Remember
(23:43:10) T7g: mmm
(23:43:15) T7g: But I'm starting to feel like Emma
(23:43:15) SxyCuteThang069: I know you through and through
(23:43:18) T7g: I just want to scream
(23:43:21) SxyCuteThang069: all the way around
(23:43:30) SxyCuteThang069: everythign I can I know..and what I don't'
(23:43:38) SxyCuteThang069: I WILL find out
(23:43:52) T7g: I will tell you
(23:44:05) T7g: I'd walk through hell for you...
(23:44:25) T7g: My soul is useless... without... you.
(23:45:19) T7g: You see
(23:45:23) T7g: I wanna say all these cute things
(23:45:44) T7g: I want to make you smile, and sing the cute songs to you I listened to.
(23:45:46) T7g: But I feel weird
(23:45:49) T7g: Because I'm standing here
(23:46:00) SxyCuteThang069: your sitting hun
(23:46:03) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(23:46:09) SxyCuteThang069: at least I think
(23:46:11) T7g: repeating in different iterations just how very much you are the greatest thing since sliced bread
(23:46:19) SxyCuteThang069: I like bread
(23:46:19) T7g: and well
(23:46:25) SxyCuteThang069: sliced bread rock
(23:46:28) SxyCuteThang069: toast
(23:46:31) T7g: I feel like Emma begging you to say you love me.
(23:46:31) SxyCuteThang069: OMG
(23:46:32) T7g: And in a way
(23:46:33) T7g: I am.
(23:46:34) SxyCuteThang069: I love toast
(23:47:04) T7g: toast is pretty kewl~
(23:47:11) T7g: ;p
(23:47:19) SxyCuteThang069: Yes...it is
(23:47:30) T7g: and I feel...
(23:47:33) T7g: kinda childish
(23:47:46) T7g: You say I talk different
(23:47:48) T7g: well yeah
(23:47:59) T7g: When I'm around you, when we were together.
(23:48:08) T7g: I was so lighthearted and carefree
(23:48:13) T7g: Because I had you.
(23:48:16) SxyCuteThang069: that you talked soft
(23:48:21) T7g: When I don't have you, I can't be like that
(23:48:25) SxyCuteThang069: mellow
(23:48:28) T7g: I have to be on my guard=\
(23:48:33) SxyCuteThang069: now you sound sover powering
(23:49:10) T7g: I always drop my hockeystick when you look into my eyes and you kiss me.
(23:49:26) T7g: and look at right now
(23:49:30) T7g: I'm being hella childish
(23:49:42) T7g: I have this semi-conscious dialogue of two parts of me trying to talk here.
(23:49:54) SxyCuteThang069: be YOU
(23:50:08) T7g: This is me, but when we're US
(23:50:18) T7g: I'm different to you
(23:50:26) T7g: At least sometimes.
(23:50:41) T7g: I can't be that unless I have your comfort, your warmth, your security, your love?
(23:51:01) T7g: So thats why I sound cold and evil until you some see me
(23:51:20) T7g: My heart melts everytime I look into your eyes.
(23:52:08) T7g: You seee
(23:52:11) T7g: I'm on this mission
(23:52:15) T7g: I have been for a long time.
(23:52:30) T7g: yeah, don't know how I'm going to work that song lyric into that=\
(23:52:42) T7g: god, I wish I wasn't so tired and disorganized.
(23:52:48) T7g: I finally get a break
(23:52:53) T7g: tomorrow and sunday off
(23:52:56) T7g: Please come see me?
(23:53:11) T7g: ;p
(23:53:14) T7g: I'm begging ;p
(23:53:46) T7g: You are the only one who ever sees me stoop to levels like this;p
(23:54:04) SxyCuteThang069 has gone away.
(23:57:29) T7g: There is one thing I don't get.
(23:57:29) SxyCuteThang069 : brb

(23:58:25) T7g: bah, nvmd ;p
(23:59:19) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/pictures/gallery/room/dsc01930.jpg
(23:59:50) T7g: http://theendoftime.no-ip.org:7777/pictures/phpquickgallery/photo.php?gallery=Hide%20obvious%20things%20in%20the%20open/&file=dsc01914.jpg
(00:00:41) T7g: Really, creepy, nightmarish shit.
(00:00:41) SxyCuteThang069 : brb

(00:03:07) T7g: I need some coffee
(00:03:11) T7g: Joe needs to get here.
(00:03:28) T7g: Today's plans require a screwdriver and a crowbar.
(00:12:03) SxyCuteThang069 is no longer away.
(00:12:08) SxyCuteThang069: Sorry
(00:12:12) SxyCuteThang069: I was singing to mysel
(00:12:13) SxyCuteThang069: f
(00:12:16) SxyCuteThang069: Cause I'm bored
(00:12:20) T7g: What were you singing?=)
(00:12:24) SxyCuteThang069: everything
(00:12:28) T7g: Like?
(00:12:42) SxyCuteThang069: from black velvet to pink you make me sick to psh EVERYTHIGN
(00:12:45) SxyCuteThang069: Its just fun
(00:12:55) SxyCuteThang069: There is no one here so why not
(00:13:02) T7g: I'd rather be there to hear it.
(00:13:09) T7g: This is the honest truth
(00:13:14) SxyCuteThang069: not with this voice
(00:13:16) T7g: I've always thought you have a lovely voice, dear.
(00:13:45) T7g: Not bullshitting
(00:14:01) T7g: I only sing sweetly to you
(00:14:04) T7g: Or thinking of you
(00:14:12) T7g: Every other time, I make it as sarcastic as possible.
(00:15:23) T7g: You should check out those links.
(00:16:30) T7g: I'll be back in a moment...
(00:16:45) SxyCuteThang069: ok
(00:16:47) SxyCuteThang069: :-)
(00:18:23) T7g: back :)
(00:18:32) T7g: I'm trying to stay up to wait for Joe
(00:18:35) SxyCuteThang069: good
(00:18:36) T7g: I want him to come over
(00:18:39) T7g: I want to pick you up
(00:18:43) T7g: and I want to take you to the school.
(00:18:44) SxyCuteThang069: What is he doing?
(00:18:51) T7g: bullshit over scott's
(00:18:54) T7g: on demand cable
(00:19:01) SxyCuteThang069: oi vey
(00:19:11) T7g: but you do realize
(00:19:18) T7g: If you ask me to come get you and take you away
(00:19:34) T7g: I'm going to tackle you and hug you and kiss you, I don't think I could help otherwise.
(00:19:44) T7g: So if you have any objections ;p
(00:21:38) SxyCuteThang069 has gone away.
(00:31:53) SxyCuteThang069 has become idle.
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