Aug 28, 2006 12:05
I'm getting a cold. Colds knock me out more than a lot of people I think, like I start to feel really tired and hazy in the head and slightly stoned. Which I don't suppose would be bad if it didn't also include ouch in the ear canals, followed by snuffling, followed by losing of voice and coughing up of lungs. It always goes in that order. YAY COLD.
I've got work next week but not this week, and temp agency lady called me this morning and said she got feedback from Boss S from my old job. Apparently Boss S said I was very professional and she understood my reasons for quitting and "handled it well". I'm not sure if the "it" I handled well was the job itself or the fact that I was completely screwed, but this just confirms my understanding that professionalism and good handling of things gets you no rewards and people have other agendas that involve taking advantage of these qualities. After all, I got screwed and Retard Drunkard got a job offer he didn't even merit. WHEE I'm not bitter. My ears hurt when I swallow otherwise I wouldn't mention it.
Oh dear lord it's hideous
The bottle graced his desk and he said it was good
I said, Surely it's healthy but aw man
It looks like sick
It's good, said he, but why trust someone who mixes coffee with milo
There is nothing natural about drink that looks like swamp mucus
At last I tried it and lo
It does not taste like sick
It tastes like spirulina with mysterious healthiness
But dude
It looks like sick