Pluto kicked out of "planet" ranks. Take that, Pluto. Neptune reclaims place as furthest-flung planet in solar system. Mwahahaha.
Whatever shall the astrologers do now? I know somewhat sign is attached to Pluto, can't recall which. *checks* Oh dear, it's supposed to be the ruling planet for Scorpio, the star sign I've adopted as my own since the sign I was born under is a far from me as one can get. But really, whatever shall the poor astrologers do? Will they ignore this decision, will they relegate Scorpio back to whatever planet it was associated with before Pluto's discovery, or will they try and incorporate the bigger-than-Pluto rock clump Xena into the astrological equation? I'm curious since I'm fairly interested in astrology (while simultaneously thinking it's a load of bull). I'd defintely believe in astrology if I'd been born under a water sign, but I was born under a completely-dissimilar-to-me fire sign, so all I can do is laugh at the idiocy when astrology converts try and insist that I am such-and-such when if they would look at the actual evidence it's painfully clear I am not. I digress, again.