
Sep 26, 2017 18:44

9/26/2017 6:44 PM

Had to take a detour around the White House today, but I was expecting it today - Spain's Prime Minister is visiting.

I was requested to pull some logs from a web server. Some irregular activity was noted from a Chinese IP address. Once I was in the log, I was amused to see requests for /wp-login.php - someone hoping to log in to a web site running WordPress with the default password (or one easy to guess). I see these all the time on my own webserver. (I might recommend that you not run WordPress, since it's clearly a prime target for hackers. I also see frequent vulnerability announcements for WP's many modules - they're what make it so popular with website owners, and with hackers as well.)

Saudi Arabia is going to allow women to drive. Finally.

[This entry was originally posted as https://syntonic-comma.dreamwidth.org/921676.html on Dreamwidth (where there are

driving, internet, webhosting, women, work

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