Mon Jan 23 11:10:14 EST 2017
I've been catching up on some friends journal entries, and I'm impressed by and proud of how involved some of them have been with the Inauguration Friday and the Women's March Saturday, and all manner of stuff leading up to these.
I, by comparison, have simply been going to work as usual, and holing up on the weekend (also as usual). Normal routine may be a coping mechanism. Friday (Inauguration Day) was a holiday for federal employees, but not for contractors. And the markets (Wall St., etc) did not take a holiday, so the system I help manage did not have a day off either; some of us needed to be available to answer questions and resolve problems. I could have worked from home, but I somehow felt compelled to bike to the office, even with the iffy weather and prolific road closures. Perhaps I needed those endorphins. Driving to the office (which I don't do under normal circumstances) would have been a horrible choice (traffic-wise), and transit wouldn't have been a picnic either.
Going to work is probably a better coping response than binge drinking.
The weather is bad again today (more rain, and high winds - leftovers from the tornadoes that hit Mississippi and Georgia over the weekend?) so I need to watch for gaps for my commute.
[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are