I was going to bike to work today, but I turned back after about 3/4 mile (1.2km). I decided it was just too hot. I felt like I was absorbing heat. I had been inside where it was cool, and I was fine at the outset, but I thought that in 4 or 5 miles once my core temperature rose, I wouldn't be able to radiate any body heat because the ambient temperature was even warmer, and I was going to be in trouble.
Walking out the office door this week, it's been stunningly hot and humid, even close to midnight. Strangely, it was cooler in the car (the days I drove). I've concluded it wasn't actually any cooler; if anything, the car should have been warmer from residual heat after doing the greenhouse thing all afternoon. I think it was the same temperature inside the car, but much less humid, so skin evaporation kicked in and it felt cooler. (The (humid) air coming in the vents felt very warm.)
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