I saw the dentist this morning, and things are fine, as usual. The weather is really nice here today, and should be nearly as nice tomorrow. If it holds, I may try out some cycling routes to work. Yesterday evening I drove up a dead-end street that (for pedestrians and bicyclists) connects with a residential neighborhood to make a low-traffic segment for my longer potential route-set. It also leads to a possible back-way in to the office (through some hilly woods) that would shorten the route and avoid more cars. I found the showers when I was leaving the office today. There's also a fitness center that the contractors apparently don't have access to (although I didn't notice that the door was card-coded, or even lockable), but there's nothing to stop people from using the showers.
Today, the end of my 2nd week of work, I did my first sys-admin task - deleting core-dump files on a couple of servers with full /var partitions. Some process was running amok, and they both filled up again pretty quickly. Other people familiar with the applications (and recent problems) identified the parent processes that needed to be killed. The logging system to document this took as much time as the task itself.
There was congestion on the highway heading into town when I left work today - doubly surprising for the direction and the time of day. Not far along there were 2 police cars and 3 other cars on the shoulder, and (at least) 2 of the 3 had apparently made contact. The delay was entirely rubbernecking.
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