We got home about 00:30, so we did the return trip in 6 hours. Stops in Somerset, PA (potty, snacks) and Breezewood, PA (gas, McD's, potty). Eastbound on the PA Turnpike we saw westbound construction delays, but nothing much for us. There's a stretch of I-70 in Maryland that consistently has severe congestion when we get there late on Sunday afternoons; no problem tonight, sailed through. There was some construction on southbound I-270, but it had minimal effect that late at night. The first thing that seemed strange walking into the house was air conditioning. (Somehow A/C in the rest stops didn't count?) Next was light switches in the rooms. Imagine that, light whenever you want it! No worries about charged batteries. (Open flames in tents are prohibited at Pennsic. With housing that dense, a lot of tents could go together.)
We brought the ice chests, other food, and instruments indoors from the van, and various other things that were in the way for getting to those. The tent and all the tarps that still need to dry out are on the deck. We've got plenty to do tomorrow. I disconnected the van's battery, because we could clearly hear something still running - probably permanent power to the fuel pump. Like power to the van's computer, pulling fuses didn't affect this. (I had tried that before we left camp. Too bad I didn't hear it before I left the repair shop. I barely heard it at camp, over the background noise from I-79. But it was very audible in our driveway at 1 AM.)
Dog-sitter Derek has clippered (poodle) James' body and given him a bath with people soap, so he's much cooler and better smelling. Things on the deck and in the carport looked tidier too, so I think he's done some cleaning up. And now that we're back, he can go on his beach trip this weekend. We're hoping
dglenn's trip home was uneventful and getting to rehearsal worked out. After 7 hours on the road (I dragged DGlenn north to Slippery Rock so I could get the van back), having any energy and attention left isn't a given.