It was 08:30 07:30* when I got in line after I locked my bike. The line was out the door of the school, but it was moving. The man in line behind me said he and his wife had come at 06:00 (when our polls open) and the line was much longer, so he decided to try later. The line was shrinking as we waited, and it was well inside the door when I left.
Waiting, getting checked in, and voting took 23 minutes. This year we had a choice of new scanned paper ballots or the touch-screen machines we've been using. There was an additional wait for the 6 touch machines, and no wait for paper. I preferred paper anyway because there's an audit trail. (I'm a programmer, and we're
fools to trust our elections to machines that use proprietary code that's not available for public inspection to spit out an answer at the end of the day that can't be validated.) Using the touch screen was probably faster than carefully penciling in all the little ovals, so it was probably about the same, time-wise.
Now where do I find a
Ben & Jerry's and a
Krispy-Kreme? (Forget Starbucks, since I don't drink coffee. Although
they are just about everywhere....)
*Apparently I don't tell time well that early, or the primitive brain/sunlight clock was still on DST? But I had a radio, and it was not the same NPR funny morsel that I'd heard at 06:30, so it couldn't have been 08:30 yet. (And there's LJ's timestamp on the entry.)