Pennsic XLVIII, War Week, Freyasday

Aug 09, 2019 08:13

Fre Aug 9 08:13:47 EDT 2019

I woke around 06:00 again today, but managed to get back to sleep until 08:00. A few minutes after that I heard someone blowing a bugle (natural horn?) and summoning Calontir to muster at 09:00 - for the war's final battle?

Laptop at 21%.
The solar panel was not charging in the early sun. The tent east of me finally has its awning poled and staked, and it was blocking the sun. I've shifted the panel and I'm getting 0.6 amps in.
The iPhone is at 27% charge, and the iSound backup battery is flat. I got 2 phone chargings out of it, and this year it lasted more than the 1st week. I can charge both the laptop and the phone from the 12v battery. The laptop was down to 17%, and it's charging now.

There are only 2 classes I'm interested in today - 1 hour at 12:00, and 3.5 hours at 18:00. I may not bother with either.

One thing I might try to do today is set up the (work) iPhone as a WiFi hotspot and try to connect my laptop through it. If I get that to work, I'm likely to start posting to DW/LJ - which is a terrible way to spend my time here.

My webserver is not responding, but there can be many reasons for that. But it probably won't be on again before I get home.

Many people refer to Pennsic as "home". I'm not feeling it. Pennsic is special, but it's not the place I spend the most time. And in the sense of the place I'd most want to be, it's not that either. It's not a real place. It's a place where I'm better than myself, but I don't think I can be that better person indefinitely.

Freyasday 08:36

More bugle calls for muster in ½ hour.

We've already seen people packing and leaving, but I was also still seeing people coming in through Troll Wodensday; I didn't notice any yesterday, and I don't think Troll is open today (and certainly not tomorrow - they want us out of here).

Scott is leaving today; he has to be at work tomorrow. ☹

Freyasday 09:25

Solar charging 1.8amp. I need to design and build a rotating clockwork solar-panel mount. That would get a ton of power out of this panel every (sunny) day. I don't know what I would do with it - run a web server at Pennsic? Stream medieval audio to anyone who cared to listen?

Freyasday 14:04

I've seen 3amps coming in from the solar panel. I've charged the (found-on-the-trail) Serfas 150 bike light, the laptop is charged, and the iPhone is at 99%.

We're having a lazy afternoon. The Pennsic merchants have to close by 17:00. I haven't done any shopping this war.

I think I'm going to listen to last Sunday's Big Broadcast.

Interesting classes I didn't go to today:WhenWhereNameInstructorDescription
12:00 1.0 hrSerenity Studio (208)Intro to Kanzashi FlowersLady Christina Von TannenbaumAn introductory class in making basic 6-petal Kanzashi flowers, which are traditional hair ornaments worn in Geisha hair styles from the Edo period. Each student will be provided with all necessary materials needed to complete their very own Kanzashi flower in this class.
18:00 3.5 hrLivonia Smithery (170)TinsmithingLord T WA basic but complete course in the fundamentals of tinsmithing. Students will make a glass-globed hurricane lamp with hand tools.
Freyasday 19:38

This has been an idle day. Solar charging has been good; I've been here to keep the panel aimed at the sun.

We should have been doing more to get the camp packed. Tomorrow is going to be hectic. I don't know yet whether I'm going to be heading home tomorrow or staying over until Sunday. I think I'd like to get home tomorrow, and I'm probably OK to drive into the night - I'm normally on a late-night schedule, and I haven't been getting to bed early at all this war. And traffic going southeast through Maryland will be much better than any afternoon/evening. (I don't know what the problem is, but I-70 south/east gets bad.)

Freyasday 22:59

Chicken stir-fry for dinner. On a typically-late Caer-Edgemere schedule.
It's chilly tonight. I'm going to brush my teeth and get to bed.

Saturnsday 09:57

Laptop at 99%.

Everyone around us is packing to leave. I'm getting as much as possible in my tent ready to load into the car. I can't be sure that we'll be ready to leave here at a decent time, so I may still want to stay the night and drive home in daylight tomorrow. (And leave early enough not to hit the bad traffic on I-70? Is that possible? Or is going late enough to miss it the only option? We've never left early enough to find out....)

[This entry was originally posted as on Dreamwidth (where there are

chorulus, camping, wamu, pennsic, traffic, website, weather, sleep, batteries, kwc, food, caer edgemere, solar, laptop

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