Surely I have something to say...

Apr 06, 2007 21:04

Going into my last exams for the two classes I'm taking I have a 99 and a 93 average. This means I can make a 62 and an 82 respectively and still get an A. Yes, this is really motivating me to study. O_o

brain_o_shaner talked to his mom and the plan is they roll into town April 29 or April 30. It would be better for my schedule if they'd come in a week earlier.

It's possible it'll reach freezing on the Saturday overnight after a whole day of chilly rain. This is fundamentally wrong. It should NOT be this cold less than 2 weeks before my birthday! On the upside, all those people who traditionally camp out days in advance at the city parks to reserve their free patch of grass for their Easter Sunday festivities are going to freeze their 'nads off and brain_o_shaner and I might do a drive-by to point and laugh. heh heh

How 'bout that chocolate Barack Obama/Jesus? Did you hear it's anatomically correct? Jokes abounded on what's the equivalent of eating the chocolate bunny ears... *cackle*

I've got nothing else.


update, random, easter, school

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