Apr 26, 2011 02:13
I'm going to see one of my friends from Exeter on Wednesday. I've really missed them all, and I'm looking forwards to it. I've also managed to cram in a visit to my aunties in Bognor and to take my granddad from them to London with me when I return, so I may achieve the maximum amount of win out of my journey. If I'm in the mood for it, I might also come out about my transsexuality to my aunties, as it's beginning to be silly and affect my mood.
My friends from Exeter are something a of a sore spot for me. Most of them were female. They let me into their lives, they trusted me and they treated me more closely female than anyone ever had without me even realising it. And I rewarded all of this by turning my back on them and walking out of their lives. I feel pretty ashamed about that, and it hurts a lot because I have only myself to blame for it.
The one I'm going to see is one of two male friends from that group. He did physics with me and we had a lot of fun, talking about gaming, WW2 (he was a bit of a military history buff) and how much we hated certain parts of physics (he produced some brilliant covers of our textbooks replacing some of the words with funnier ones, which helped relieve stress through a very stressful period, I still have them).