堀北真希月9主演!!(news translation)

Aug 20, 2008 19:17

堀北真希 不幸な生い立ち负けずに纯爱


堀北演じる主人公・秋山佳音(かのん)は、幼いころに両亲を杀害された上、兄がその杀人容疑で逮捕されるという设定。街では杀人犯の妹として冷 たくされ、アルバイトもできず、上京して见つけたハウスクリーニングの仕事场で运命的な男性と出会う。次々に困难が袭いかかるが、负けずに生きていく现代 のシンデレラとして描かれる。

「イノセント・ラヴ」は、ドメスティック・バイオレンスなどを题材に若者の孤独を描いて话题を呼んだ今年4月クールの同局「ラスト・フレンズ」 と脚本(浅野妙子氏)、演出(加藤裕将氏)、プロデューサー(中野利幸氏)が同じ。今回も「现代の孤独」をキーワードに、若者がそれぞれ抱える孤独と戦い ながら爱する人を思い、前向きに生きていく姿を描く。

堀北は07年7月クールのフジテレビ「花ざかりの君たちへ~イケメン♂パラダイス~」で男装する高校生を演じて话题を呼ぶなど、これまでさまざ まな役柄に挑戦。今月17日からは14代将军徳川家茂の正室・和宫役でNHK大河「笃姫」に登场。9月末の大河のクランクアップまでは、大河と月9の二足 のわらじを履くことになる。


堀北真希 富士月9 Love Story 初挑战
Horikita Maki Fuji Monday 9pm Love Story First Challenge

年轻实力派女优堀北真希(19) 主演10月开始的富士电视台连续剧『Innocent Love (暂定)』(星期天晚上9点),在19日公布了。
On 19th,the news of young & talented Horikita Maki (19) will be the main cast of Fuji Televison drama 『Innocent Love (temporary)』 were announced .

现在在NHK大河连续剧笃姬演出皇女和宫的堀北是第一次真正挑战爱情故事。以"现在的孤独"的关键词,描写现在年轻人恋爱的原创作品,『Last Friends』的 hit maker 浅野妙子小姐负责剧本。
This is the first time for Horikita Maki who is currently playing as one of the character 和宫 in [Atsuhime] to challenge love story drama.

堀北演出小时候父母被杀害,哥哥因为杀人嫌疑被逮布的主角. 秋山佳音。再一次又一次遭遇的困难中开朗向前,爱上一个男性的女性。
The character that Horikita Maki will be acting is a girl whos parents got killed when she was young & her brother was arrested for suspect in a murder. Her name is 秋山佳音(Akiyama Kanon). Although she faces many hard challenges in her life, she still keep getting forward happily. She will be in love with a man.

Horikita Maki will act as a modern cinderella in her first Monday 9pm drama.She felt nervous because she will be 20 in October. She hope that this drama will be a production to present the new 20 years old Horikita Maki.

(资料来源: Sanspo)


堀北真希是10月期"月9"的新女主角! 热演现代灰姑娘
Horikita Maki is the new main cast of Monday 9pm drama in October! She will be acting a modern cinderella.

女优堀北真希在19日发表了主演10月开始的富士电视台"月9"连续剧『Innocent Love(暂定)』。"月9"初主演的堀北在这作品里 要演出"现代灰姑娘"。高兴的表示『10月要成为20岁的我要演出月9这个时段,有跟以往不同的紧张感,可以获得这个很棒的起点觉得非常高兴』。
Horikita Maki annouced that she will be the main cast of Monday 9pm drama of Fuji Television 『Innocent Love (temporary)』 in October. She will be acting as a "modern cinderella" in her first Monday 9pm drama.[I felt nervous because I will be turning 20 in October when i flim for this drama. The feel of nervous are different from before. I am very happy that I have this excellent strating point.]

这个作品里堀北是演出两亲被杀害,唯一的亲人哥哥还因为杀人嫌疑被逮捕,背负著过度残酷命运的主角秋山佳音。在各种困难中不被打倒爱著一个男性, 跟她等身大的女性,以"现代的孤独"为主题的原创故事。剧本是『神啊,请多给我一点时间』,『恋爱世代』,今年以『Last Friends』热门,让大 家印象深刻的浅野妙子负责。
In this drama, orikita will be playing a girl ,秋山佳音, whos parents got killed, her only brother got arrested for being suspect in a murder. She fought through many challenges & fall in love with a man. The scprit is written by 浅野妙子, who had also written [Kamisama, mou sukoshi dake], [Love Generation] and the latest [Last Friends].

堀北在去年播出的『给像花一样盛开的你们~帅哥乐园』(富士电视台)以男装造成话题,在现在播出的大河连续剧『笃姬』里演出跟女优宫崎葵饰演的笃 姬形成"女人战争"的皇女和宫。这个作品中真正第一次挑战 Love Story 的堀北有干劲表示『希望能成为跟20代的开始一样,新的堀北真希,现在 的紧张感转变成努力,请大家期待』。
Last year, Horikita played in [Hanazakarino Kimtachihe] had been a hot topic. She is now playing as 和宫 in [Atsuhime] with MIyazaki Aoi. This drama will be the first time for Horikita to challenge love story drama. [I hope there will be a new start in 20's with a new Horikita Maki. I will transform my nervousness to work hard, please look forward for it.] said Horikita.

连续剧『Innocent Love (暂定)』,10月开始每周星期一晚上9点播出。
Drama 『Innocent Love (temporary)』 will be airing on every monday 9pm starting this October.

(资料来源: Oricon)

extra picture:

source: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=467976609

Credits to KuBz in Baidu for Japanese News
                lililin666 in Baidu for Chinese translations.

A/N: tried my best to translate it~~may not be very accurate~~

堀北真希, translation

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