|GP| Century 世紀

Jul 29, 2008 00:25

Century 世紀

The distance between them are 100 years,
will they ever have the chance to meet each other ?

サユリ姫 & ケン君

ユキコ姫 & シニチ君


サユリ姫(小百合姫、Sayuri Hime)
The royal princess of Japan in 1908
The eldest daughter of the King of Japan


ユキコ姫(雪子姫、Yukiko Hime)
The royal princess of Japan in 1908
The second daughter of the King of Japan


ケン君(黒崎 健、Kurosaki Ken)
The richest bachelor of Japan in 2008
The only son of the founder of Kurosaki Co.


シニチ君(秋山 深一、Akiyama Shinichi)
The most popular bachelor or Japan in 2008
The only son of the leader of Yamaguchi-kai,the largest Yakuza Association in Japan.






***please don't post my production anywhere without asking me.
thanks for co-operation!!
disclaimer: any similarity in the characters descriptions are only coincidences!!

Well,another series of graphic by me~
i am inspired by the beautiful picture of Maki in kimono~
so elegant & beautiful~
& the idea of adding Erika & Shota just suddenly popped up when i am doing the picture of yamaki~
so here you go~~
i like Maki's pics the most~
she is just so beautiful in kimono~(of course,not only in kinomo!!)

by the way,since i am free~
so i'v added the icons for this series of graphic~

戸田恵梨香, graphic, 松田翔太, 堀北真希, 山下智久, 『Century 、世紀』

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