I am recovering slowly from the cataract surgery. The follow up eye appt was good: No issues after one day. I am seeing a little better in that eye as the days go by. It is, ofc, going to take a while, and I need the surgery on the other eye before my total vision will be stabilized.
Funny... I close my left eye and open my right, and I see white and bright. I reverse and I see dim amber colored everything. Wow! I had not realized how amber hazed my vision had become! It is a dramatic difference between my right and left eye! It kind of makes me dizzy and queasy at times when using both eyes together. I can't wait until the other eye is done now!
I took the right lens out of my glasses because I still need to wear my glasses (or glass!) for my left eye. This is interesting. But not a lot of work to clean, really. 😉