Pokemon White Nuzlocke Pt 7 Notes

Dec 28, 2011 11:22

Let's see how far this rabbithole goes before visiting RELIC CASTLE, THE CASTLE OF THE RELICS THAT ARE IN A RELIC CASTLE.

  • Captured L25 Stunfisk @ Route 8, nicknamed "Derpfish"
  • Okay, the ice all over the place was cute at first, now it's starting to piss me off. I'm tempted to time travel just so that all the ice is gone. ARGH.
  • Yeah, that didn't last long. Ren Faire rejects camped at the Route 8 exit. I guess we gotta go to the castle of relic castle relic castle relic.
  • Huh. You can find Maractus in the desert. Who knew? I mean, aside from everyone else.
  • ...I know that's the entrance to BRAIN PALACE, Cheren. That's where everyone said to go. WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME, CHEREN.
  • TEAM PLASMA GAUNTLET PART THE INFINITY. Man, so sick of these freaks.
  • Man. Fucking HATE Super Fang. Fucking Watchogs.
  • I am seeing very little Relic in this Castle, you know. And way too many Watchog. They shoulda called it Watchog Castle.
  • And Alder is having an epic staredown with Goatse--I mean, Ghetsis, this whole time. I guess that's alright.
  • "Illness" took Alder's pokemon. Yeah, Nuzlocker. Got hit with Poison. Probably Toxic. :I
  • Guess I'll go to Nacracka City like the railroad wants me to, but after that, a detour I forgot I should take.
  • Am I okay with punching N's face in? FUCK YEAH.
  • Okay, now for that last detour I mentioned. Mistralton Cave. Gonna go in there and... well. I don't think I wanna FIGHT the legendary unless I have to, but I'll certainly raid its house.
  • Thank god for infinite use TMs. I can Flash in peace, knowing I just need to boot up Grass Knot to get that accursed move off Parrrsnips again.
  • ...not so much so with Strength. Fortunately, Payback is a TM, so I can get it back after a trip to Mistletron City again.
  • Welp, this is technically my first battle here, so! (hooray repels)
  • Captured L31 Drilbur @ Mistralton Cave, nicknamed "Mogu"
  • ...This has a completely seperate name. I can't NOT count it, for Nuzlocke purposes.
  • And there's no enemies in this area except the Legendary. Hm. Okay, let's do this.
  • KAWBRAA. And Legendary battle music.
  • Play by play: Rerun eats a Retaliate, throws out a Thunder Wave. Switch to Wriggle, who eats a Retaliate, then throws out two Bulldozes (whilst Cobalion wastes turns being Paralyzed and using Helping Hand, respectively.) Switch to Parrrsnips, who tosses an Acrobatics at him to drop him into red health. He eats another Retaliate for his trouble. Knowing I've got mons who can survive Sacred Sword, I start chucking Ultra Balls. Or rather, I chuck one and catch him right away. HURR. Luck, I has it.
  • Captured L42 Cobalion @ Guidance Chamber, nicknamed "Mazinger".
  • New Clause: Legendaries (aside from Zekrom, for thematic reasons) are not to be used in main game challenge. They may, however, be used in post-game.
  • ...Actually, another Detour I should take right now - Deep Pinwheel Forest. There's bound to be rare candies or TMs I've missed.
  • And another legendary. (I knew he was here, but had to go back - I originally raided Deep Pinwheel BEFORE Mistralton cave.)
  • Play by play: Rerun eats a Giga Drain before tossing out another Thunder Wave. Switch to Wriggle, who eats a CRITICAL Retaliate (in a panic moment) before tossing out Two Steamrollers, flinching on one and getting a Giga Drain on the other. Switch to Tetsuo, who throws two Rock Slides, getting it down to practically no HP. Start chucking Dusk Balls. Capture on the second ball.
  • Captured L42 Virizion @ Rumination Field, nicknamed "Aphrodite". See if you can guess what I'll name Terrakion!
  • For some reason, capturing Virizion brought Spring to the land! Huh. Who knew. (Obviously, I pushed my DS clock to Januray, just so I could thaw out goddamn Icirrus, the Moor, and Route 8 to gather the items, fight trainers, and capture something that wasn't a Stunfisk in the Moor. It will be changed back by the end of the update.)
  • Ironically, this also means I'm forced to explore Twist Mountain more (there's an item on the wrong side of Icirrus Town I can't reach, so I figured I'd take the long way) and get stuff from there.
  • TURNS OUT, While I DID get stuff from Twist Mountain, the item I can't get in Icirrus, as well as the house there... is only accessible in Winter. URGH. Y U DO THIS, GAMEFRIK.
  • Caught L30 Shelmet @ Moor of Icirrus. Nicknamed "Knave". You better believe I'm getting Sakon to help me evolve this later if need be.
  • And now time has returned to normal. :B
  • OH HI Random Bianca fight! STOUTLAND VS STOUTLAND. HEAVEN OR HELL, etc etc.
  • Ah, I see we've reached the point where Full Restores are in vogue. I'll stick to my Moo Moos for now, mostly.
  • fffffffff okay, definitely going to need to do something about Wriggle before the E4. If a Musharna can soak up an X-Scissor from a higher levelled Scolipede AND almost OHKO it with Psywave? I don't stand a chance against E4 psychofetus. Or any other fully-evolved Psychic, for that matter.
  • A full restore? You're all right, Bianca.

Saved at Tubeline Bridge Gate, 25:47. 0 Pokemon Lost.

Team thoughts: (Levels/Movesets have hardly changed since last update)
Rerun is doing a lot better than I expected, all things considered - Ice Fang isn't showing its use yet, but I'm all but relying on it for the next gym. Her sturdiness and moderately high attack mean that while things don't always die in one Super-Effective Hit, they tend to die in two.

Tank is definitely outshining RM Steel, now that they're both using Rock Slide as their Rock-type attack - Tank can branch out and hurt other rock and ground types, even if Water/Rock versus Ground is a dangerous matchup. Regardless, there's a lot more type coverage, in exchange for a little Attack and Defense. Regardless, Stealth Rock and Surf HM-Slaving aside, the two of them are filling an identical role in the party, meaning one is redundant. The problem is figuring out which one.

Parrrsnips is surprising me still - Seed Bomb remains a Water-type killer, plus he has Grass Knot to hit physical tanks. Acrobatics is starting to lag behind in damage even at 110 power, though - while it still gets the job done, dealing with Scrafties and Throhs may cause problems in the future. I'm thinking of putting a move in the place of Leech Seed, as it's kind of lost its utility in a non-metagame scenario, now that I'm basically guzzling milk by the boatload to get healing in.

I'm still on the fence about Tetsuo. He's proven beefy, as a trade-evo should. However, having Brick Break as his strongest (reliable - DynamicPunch can go straight to hell) STAB is worrying a little. Like he can't reach the full potential most Fighting types do. If I can get him Hammer Arm and/or Superpower soon, I think he'll be a keeper.

Wriggle... is powerful, but he's also a glass cannon. Poison is a REALLY bad defensive typing to pair up with Bug, considering that Psychic types that aren't oneshotted by X-Scissor will eat him for lunch. Considering I distinctly remember the E4 Psychic leader having both a Musharna AND a Reuniclus, that spells bad news for his future usability. There's also the factor that, really, Poison Jab and X-Scissor are IT, there's pretty much no better moves for him to learn. 80 power, while good, is not GREAT on a mon with Attack not much better than Rerun's. At the same time, getting rid of him means I have NO way to deal with psychics - not just in my team, but in my entire captured lineup - unless I train either Megadeus (Golett) or Willow (Litwick), or pull in a different type with a non-STAB attack. (Beartic and Excadrill both TM Shadow Claw, as examples.)

Wriggle and the two Rock types seem to be my biggest flaws in the current setup, things are working fairly well... for now.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Original at http://swordianmaster.dreamwidth.org/87149.html

did you say pokefag tiems

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