Nov 14, 2005 18:19
So yeah, I'm gonna need a tetanus shot. A big ass staple went THROUGH my thumb. Like, in one end and poking out the other. It was up near the tip of my thumb, came out beside the edge my fingernail. I kinda freaked. If you know anything about me, you might know that one of my top phobias is of sharp objects, aka "aichmophobia". So when I saw that bastard just chillin' there in my flesh, I, well, freaked. Not a loud, embarassing kind of freak-out, but more of a dancing-around-while-humming, and then feeling-nauseous freak-out. So now I'll need a fucking tetanus shot. Great. I get to be stabbed again.
But I did see an absolutely fantastic movie yesterday called "3-Iron". Jon Brooks recommended it to me when he was in town. It might just be up there in my Top 20. Or 30, I don't know. Actually, fuck lists, it's just one of my all time favorite movies now.
It's a Korean film about a silent drifter who breaks into random vacationers' homes and just lives there until they get back. While he's there he'll fix anything that needs fixin', he'll do their laundry and whatnot, but he NEVER steals from them or harms their belongings in any way. That's pretty much all I'm willing to tell. There's a love story that emerges and there's a few startling moments of violence, but I'm a firm believer that knowing virtually NOTHING about a movie when you go into it can really help you appreciate it the way it should be appreciated. AVOID ANY TRAILERS for this movie. They give a helluvalot away. I urge EVERYONE that reads this to check it out.
Awright. Time to go home and bullshit my Contemporary Art paper! Hoo-rah.