
Feb 29, 2008 00:17

One book shouldn’t form your outlook

Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:19 PM PST
Reading has declined in America precipitously, according to a report last year by the National Endowment for the Arts. Forty-plus percent of Americans under 44 did not read a single book - fiction or nonfiction - during the year.

The proportion of 17-year-olds who read nothing outside of school more than doubled.

I am old enough to recall the phrase, “reading is fundamental.”

People who read one book, albeit the “good book” or any other single tome, are not readers.

When one book forms your worldview, consensual problem-solving is generally the victim.

It is amazingly arrogant to assume that you can dictate a “proper way of life” for others based on your own personal belief structure. Stated even more plainly, you wouldn’t survive my chosen lifestyle path, but I would love to make you die trying.

Perspective can be a friend or a savage enemy. I am willing to let you live your life as long as you don’t also try and live mine.

As an aside, the school shooters were on drugs every time. They all took prescribed and properly administered anti-psychotics that produce clinically documented violent or suicidal side effects. You won’t find that info in Mark or Galatians.

The economy is not doing well, nor are we taking proper care of our veterans. Bankruptcies and foreclosures are at an all-time high and the corporate media who conspired to make them veterans in the first place ignores our needy returning soldiers’ plight.

If you believe these are the end times and that there is a better life beyond, please go, go now, with my blessings. Just don’t continue to try and take the rest of us along. That’s not very Christian of you.

Kirk Oakes

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