:D Dekita~~! Here they be! It is really quite short. He talked about BLACK STONE for a bit and the rest is about cars. *faints* Don't know anything about car! >_< Anyone here who drives around or are very into cars? If you think any of the terms I used to describe some things are wrong, feel free to correct me. :D
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[number] = more explanation of the sentence below
xxx = more detailed explanations
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(xxx) = other meanings of the word or literal translations or missing word/words not specifically mentioned. For e.g. (The fans) screamed when he entered!
I: The new Single “BLACK STONE” has an unusual ‘drive’ feel to it and you can feel the ‘separation’ from the lyrics. Did you perhaps create this with 'graduation' in your mind?
G: Uhm, I didn’t really think about that. It’s not that I wanted to create a fast-beat song [specifically], but the completed work just turned out to be that way…… One more thing, the reason I made this song was to commemorate (someone). One of my close friends passed away and I wanted to create something to commemorate him and so, BLACK STONE (was created). That is all there is to it.
I: You could indeed feel the ‘separation’ and yet there is an image of moving on from the melody as well. What is the meaning of the word “BLACK STONE” by the way?
G: It is the name of my friend who passed away. That is all. The people around me would definitely wear black onyx beads (bracelets) on their hands as a symbol that we are a family. All my family members wear them.
I: Indeed, onyx is a black stone.
G: That is also [part of the reason] and it so happens that it is the name of my friend as well. There is something that I’ve felt really regretful about. It is not really directly related to his death. Maybe it is not related at all but coincidentally, close to 3 days before he passed away, his (onyx) beads broke and he came to me and said, “Gaku-san, please give me a new one!” But of course, I cannot make it immediately and so I told him, “I’ll order it for you. Wait a while.” And he passed away just like that. I really wanted to give (the beads) to him because the beads will also protect its owner. [1] And because I keep thinking about that, no title name other than “BLACK STONE” comes to mind.
[1] And so maybe his friend would not have passed away. His friend died in a bike accident. He doesn’t know whether it will work for his friend but if he had given the beads on time, then maybe his friend’s death could be averted. That is what he regrets and always wonders about.
I: Hmm, I see.
G: What I wanted to say through this song is not “I keep thinking about you”…… Of course, I felt sad but now I could smile already. That is what I wanted to say. That “(I’m) ok”
I: A song that makes you want to move on forward. And this song became the tie-up [1] song for cars?
G: Yes.
[1] tie-up song. Could also mean it is related to cars. Because this song was used in the Daihatsu “MOVE” car CM.
I: It is a song that makes you want to drive when you listen to it. (laughs)
I: By the way, why do they tend to use men to represent cars?
G: They tend to be men. Because (we )are fools (laughs). In my case, cars are female. (laughs)
I: How so? (laughs)
G: They are unmanageable. (laughs) and difficult to deal with. I like that type of cars. I’ve always driven (those type of cars) because I don’t like to keep changing my car. I like cars which will slowly become better.
I: You mean tune-up your car?
G: I do tune-up so often it’s not even funny. (laughs)
I: (I wonder how his car checks go?) So, you spent a lot on cars?
G: I could have bought so many Diablos [1] with it (the money spent) (bitter laugh).
[1] The only thing I managed to get from the internet is that Diablo is a racing car.
I: Your car is surely complaining, “Pump the tire more”
G: No, my car will not say anything. Something like, “I would be a good girl for you!” (laughs)
I: Isn’t there any other car that you would like to have?
G: There is. There is but I made a promise with my staff…… Well actually, I decided to do so (make that promise) myself. I will buy a new car only after all my staff members have bought one as well. It’s not that I don’t want (a new car), I just don’t want to be the only one buying one. If all my family members can drive a good car [1], I will buy a new one. That’s why…… everybody, hurry up and buy a new car! (laughs) No, actually it should be ‘work even harder!’ [2]
[1] Not actually ability to drive but the fact that they can afford it. Literal translation is have become able to ride on a good car.
[2] I think he meant work even harder so that they would be able to earn more money to buy a new car
I: It is already well-known that Gackt-san likes cars. Is there anything in particular you look for in a car?
G: (A car) that only I could drive. I alter (弄る ijiru: to touch; to tamper with) every part of the car. (laughs) Which is why it is so difficult to drive. It is a moving collection car. Even if you display it in (car) exhibitions, it would not lose out to the others. [1]
[1] I believe what he meant here is he altered it so much that the car has become very unique. Something worthy of collection. And normally, people do not really drive collection cars, they park it somewhere safe, so his is a moving collection car. And even though his car is old (he ‘upgrades’ his car and does not buy a new one), it would still not lose out to the new cars in car exhibitions. That is how amazing his car is.
I: To… to such an extent? (laughs)
G: What I look for in a car is existence, unpredictability (lit. be able to surprise) and safety (lit. ease, peace). As well as a car that is difficult to control. An unbeatable and incomparable car. [1]
[1] A car so powerful, so strong that no other car could be compared with it.
I: It is like an army tank. (laughs) Wouldn’t you feel nervous riding such a car?
G: You can feel at ease. (happy) Isn’t it amazing? When I talk about it with anyone, (they say) that I look like someone who will drive a very mashin mashin [1] car.
[1] mashin mashin. Machine. Something advanced like an army tank…
I: Don’t you?
G: Let’s take the buttons in my car for example… Buttons. A normal car would have a lot of switches (in it), right? But mine do not have any except for the button to start the engine.
I: Eh?
G: When I drive, the only thing in front of me is the handle.
I: ……
G: (I do not keep) all the other useless parts. Though I do not want to destroy the shape of the car. [1] That the car is also comfortable to live in [2] is also important.
[1] What he meant was, much as he alters the inside of the car, he does not want to change the outer appearance of the car or change the shape.
[2] I believe he meant sleep and not really live. Because you can’t live in a car, right? RIGHT?
I: In that case, rather than “machine”, it should be called a…
G: spaceship. (laughs) And the meter panel is in the center. And you cannot see it. (laughs)
[1] Normally the meter panel is right in front of the handle so that the driver can look at it as he is driving. But his is in the middle. In between the driver and the front-seat passenger.
I: Isn’t that inconvenient? (laughs)
G: It’s not. All of you have the image of (my car being) a mekamekashii [1] car or like a F1 car, right? Right!? (excited) But there is no other car which is more comfortable to live in than mine. Because even the seats are fully flat. [2] Isn’t it amazing? Fully flat even though it’s a sports car.
[1] Mekamekashii. Almost similar to mashin mashin. My Japanese friend said that it gave her the image of something square and has lots of buttons.
[2] The seats are flat down. Almost 180 degree instead of the normal 90 degree. You can ‘sit’ down on it and sleep.
I: Not that I understand why [1] (laughs)
[1] As in why Gackt-san wants to have flat seats in a sports car.
G: And you can even have sex in the car.
I: Fully flat seats are not (created) for that purpose. (laughs) But it is more like a house if you can do even that.
G: Yes, a house! A house!
I: So (you are) the type who pursues comfort in living (in car)… And do you drive safely generally?
G: Fuhahahahaha…… Hahahaha…
I: Oya? (hmm?)
G: Hahahaha… No, you see, my car is not an ‘attack’ car. [1] My car is not what you call a sports car but a sporty car instead. But my car is a good place where you can pass the time leisurely and comfortably. It is more fun to drive a manual car when you (want to) drive fast. (lit. fly) Mine is an auto car though. [2]
[1] Could mean that he is not aggressive. Doesn’t ‘attack’ other cars.
[2] He also said because here. Which gives the impression that he does not drive fast (‘fly’) because he drives an auto car. This answers the interviewer’s questions on whether he drives safely or not.
I: Don’t you have sudden changes frequently when you are driving? Your feelings (lit.character or personality) would change and you would suddenly “I wouldn’t let you overtake me!” Something like that.
G: I won’t say anything [1] Because I won’t drive when I’m angry. Well… Other people call me “red comet” (laughs) [2]
[1] Literal translation. It could also mean “I’m not bragging, but…”
[2] See, he said at first that he drives safely and does not drive fast (drives auto) but that is only what he himself thinks. Other people don’t think so. They call him (his car) the “red comet”. Shows that his driving is actually very fast, like a comet. And could be that his car is red, which is why they call it the “red comet”.
Additional news: As most of you know, Gackt is a huge fan of Gundam and "Red Comet" happens to be the nickname of his favourite character in Gundam, Char Aznable, as well. Thanks,
gaqk for this information!! ^^
I: Right? (laughs)
G: I cannot say much, but I was quite legendary in the past. (laughs) [1]
[1] Literal translations. The legend still remains even till now.
I: By the way, till which area would you drive to?
G: I would drive till pretty far. If traveling up from Tokyo… (till) somewhere near Yamagata. And I think I went till up to Kumamoto on the south.
I: Till so far away? It would take you quite some time if you drive continuously, won’t it? Don’t you feel tired?
G: Because I would drive slowly and enter a parking (lot) in the middle (of the journey). I would drive while enjoying the beautiful scenery. If there were any particular streets I like, I would drive slowly along the street in the afternoon. [1]
[1] I believe he normally goes for those long drives during nighttime, so could be that he would stop by and drive around the street in the afternoon.
I: With such an eye-catching car? (laughs) I wonder what will happen. (laughs)
Translated by: Sweiled
Own comments:
Had a killer time translating this! And doesn't help that Gackt-san's car is so freaking different from others. *vomits blood* But I would really loooooove to see his car :0 Fully flat seats... o__0 And the sex bit... *blush* >___<
"existence, unpredictability, safety and difficult to control." Is it only me or do those don't go well together? Safe and yet unpredictable and difficult to control? 0_____0"
Such a cheeky boy he is when he was talking about his driving speed. The "red comet"... Hahahahahahaha... But I'm glad that he stopped driving recklessly and dangerously anymore now. -__- And I thought it was rather sweet that he wanted all his staff members to have a new car before he buys himself a new one as well. I guess his car is not that easy to spot then? Because he said he didn't change much of its outer appearance.
Interesting that he didn't really 'plan' BLACK STONE. That the tune just came out and was completed that way. It really came from the bottom of his heart and fully expresses his feelings. Makes me like BLACK STONE even more.
I managed to keep my words! :D Doing the 30 questions from fans now. Keep a lookout for that as well!