Oricon Style 30 questions from fans

May 23, 2005 04:41

Here they be~~~ :D Only 30 questions this time round, but as interesting as the previous one. So, enjoy~~

1. Please DO NOT take my translations and use them for whatever reason without my permission.
2. Please DO NOT publish my translations elsewhere without my permission. Please kindly link back if you want, but DO NOT copy and paste them.
3. Please kindly spare a few minutes and COMMENT if you read it. What are your thoughts of it?

[number] = more explanation of the sentence below
xxx = more detailed explanations
[xxx] = what I felt a certain part of the sentence meant
(xxx) = other meanings of the word or literal translations or missing word/words not specifically mentioned. For e.g. (The fans) screamed when he entered!

~21 F~ = female, 21 years old
Qn 1: If you were an animal, what would you be? ~21 F~
Ans: Black panther. Or black dragon.

Qn 2: Don’t you ever feel depressed? ~15 M~
Ans: I do at times.

Qn 3: Which part of the recording process do you like most? And which part do you hate most? ~22 M~
Ans: I like the Edit and Mix part. The part I don’t like is waiting for preparation.

Qn 4: If you change profession, what would you like to do? ~18 F~
Ans: Resort planner

Qn 5: What would Gackt-san be when you’ve grown old? ~25 F~
Ans: The resident of darkness

An 6: Anything happened that shocked you recently? ~28 F~
Ans: That a lot of different types of people exist in this world.

Qn 7: What is the most terrifying incident that has occured till now? ~23 F~
Ans: The sudden death of the people dear to me.

Qn 8: If you met aliens, what would be the first thing you say to them? ~13 M~
Ans: “Can you speak Japanese?”

Qn 9: I’m planning to go for a holiday overseas for the first time. Where would you recommend? ~20 F~
Ans: Australia is pretty good.

Qn 10: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? ~30 F~
Ans: 1 packet of cigarettes.

Qn 11: Gackt-san belongs to the A blood type. Which blood type do you think you are most similar to though? [1] ~15 F~
Ans: B blood type.
[1] Referring more to characteristics.

Qn 12: I heard that you were born in Okinawa. Do you hate the sun? ~29 M~
Ans: I love it but I cannot stand it.
[1] He cannot stand lights. Which is why he always wears sunglasses.

Qn 13: What do you dream of becoming when you were young? ~22 M~
Ans: A killer

Qn 14: Do you believe in fortune telling? ~17 F~
Ans: I don’t.

Qn 15: Do you do your own cleaning at home? (Cleaning) the toilet or bathroom... ~25 F~
Ans: My staff does it.

Qn 16: “Nana” is very popular currently, is there any shoujo manga (girl comics) that you like? ~21 F~
Ans: “Piano no mori” [1]
[1] A manga about a genius young pianist. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from. By 一色 まこと. . Currently still running with 9 volumes out.

Qn 17: Were you a bully when you were young? Or were you a victim of one? ~19~
Ans: I save (people) more (than I bully or gets bullied)

Qn 18: I look forward to the Tokyo Dome concert! Please tell us the stage plan that is secretly in progress now! ~26 F~
Ans: No.

Qn 19: I’m a bean sprout. [1] What should I do so that I can have a body like Gackt-san’s? ~14 M~
Ans: Be determined and do the training from hell.
[1]Not the literal bean sprout vegetable. It is a word used to describe someone who is skinny. Someone thin and scrawly like a bean sprout.

Qn 20: Please tell us your favourite spot and street of Tokyo. ~23 F~
Ans: A parking lot in the capital highway.

Qn 21: Don’t you ever wish to have a child? ~16 M~
Ans: I would like to adopt a daughter. A cute foreign girl.

Qn 22: Please tell me the secret of getting girls! ~24 M~
Ans: “Spirit” [1] and “kindness”
[1] kiai. Fighting spirit, determination…

Qn 23: What is your (cell phone) ring tone? ~30 M~
Ans: Almost all are voices. [1]
[1] Normally people have melodies as their ring tone. His is of people speaking. An example of voice ring tones would be, “Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone!” or “Wake up! Wake up!”, etc…

Qn 24: The world is about to end. What would you eat? ~35 M~
Ans: “Human” maybe.

Qn 25: Would you throw away your under garments and socks which you have washed many times over? ~19 M~
Ans: If they are no longer in good condition. (lit. not pretty any more)

Qn 26: What kind of games do you play when you were young? ~18 M~
Ans: I don’t think I play often.

Qn 27: Are you satisfied with your own self now? ~22 M~
Ans: You will never be satisfied this entire life.

Qn 28: Please tell me what your schedule during your off day is like. ~19 F~
Ans: I go wherever I feel like going to.

Qn 29: Did you manage to snowboard with HYDE? ~23 F~
Ans: I didn’t this year.

Qn 30: Please tell me Gackt-san’s dream. ~27 F~
Ans: (To be) Ashi naga ojisan [1]
[1] A character from a very famous picture book. Ashi naga ojisan (Long legged ‘uncle’) is a kind, gentle, nice man. The story of a girl who receives help from ashi naga ojisan. There is a novel of it as well.

Own comments:
No 4: o___0? Of all the random things... Resort planner. *scratch head* Probably somewhere Europe?

No 8: >____< Hahahaha...

No 10: One packet a day... *peers into his lungs* At least he is working hard to quit smoking. Ganbatte, Gackt-san!!

No 13: o.0"

No 14: This do not surprise me at all somehow. Gackt-san seems to be the type of person who would change his course of life shall the need arise. He would strive to change even destiny. I can imagine it. Believe in yourself and believe in your own capability. That alone would be sufficient to guide you through life.

No 17: Does not surprise me again. Especially after readin the Arena translation.

No 21: :D

No 27: Very good answer indeed. Never be satisfied with the way you are now. Always strive to be a better person. A person can never be too good. There is always room for improvement.

No 30: ^^" Interesting.

Translated by: Sweiled

Special thanks to my friend, Ayaka-chan, for helping me out with this translation!! So remember to thank her too!! Not that she would read this, demo hontou ni arigatou yo!!! Especially for the part about the cars!! Could never translate it without your help. Arigatou!!!

Ok! :D I'm off to bed now. Thanks to my brother who hogged the computer just now, I get to sleep 2 hours less! :D Got to get up in the morning for some yam-cha/dim sum with my uncle. Oh great. And it's like 5 AM now and I've got to work at 4PM instead of 6PM tomorrow... *stabs brother while he is snoring away now*

*stretch* I can't believe I finished this Oricon just like that. :D It feels surreal... Anyways, will do B=Pass next. *Jeanne!!! how the hell did you manage to read that!!?? *faints* Muzukashii! Hanbun gurai shikawakaranai yo~~~!! *bows down to you**

Enjoy people! And thank you very much for reading!! ^^

magazine translations, oricon style

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