"I can still act at four a.m."

Sep 29, 2008 15:15

This is not the most articulate picpsam ever. But I just wanted to do a picspam after watching Kate Mulgrew at The SF Ball in Bournemouth from 2006. I just wish I had more caps from this panel because it is so bleeping hilarious. I would have taken shots myself but VLC won't allow screenshots of it. Shit. But oh well. These are as good as anything ♥

Ahhh the insanely beautiful object of adoration! Now, as much as I have heard people complain about Kate as a blonde, I don't frigging care. I love the blonde hair. I love it. ♥ The outfit. And that smile. That wonderfully warm and gracious smile. How is it, that just one person smiling, no matter how distant you are from them, can make you smile? It is such a profound phenomenon. Honestly. I am phenomenally lucky to know about this woman. And I can tell you this, if it wasn't for Kate Mulgrew, you all would probably not know about me . . . because I would probably be dead. I know that's not funny, but it's the truth. To those that don't know about her, you lot seriously don't know what you are missing. You are missing a fiercely intelligent woman and a damn wonderful actress.

Too bloody damn cute!
Kate: I'm sorry - I'm watching you crouch and I'm going with you pal.

I adore the second image more. I love this Saturday Panel so much. I loved when that tall man came up to the microphone and Kate was telling him to crouch down . . . and she was doing it with him. Crouching down. It's making me laugh just thinking about it. Kate was saying that she would like to sharpen her comedy skills . . . omg. Kate, love, you seriously don't need to! I tell you. Kate is the funniest person ever. Have you seen her at conventions? I have never laughed so hard in my life as when I'm watching her at conventions [via youtube sadly]. And even as Janeway when she has some awesome lines; they are delivered wonderfully.

Kate: Is this vodka?
Kate: Hmm vodka! Vodka!

No darling, I'm afraid it's just water :P You know, I just wish that that was vodka. Can you imagine Kate gradually becoming a bit tipsy. But then again with the way Kate was going to the water you would be saying, "Damn. She'd be passed out on the floor before you know it!" Ok, I do have problems don't I?

Ok? Was that actually vodka?
No, but isn't she cute!
The second one there looks like, "Yeh, I rock bitches! I iz the Goddess!". Damn, how much I adore this woman. This person. This radiant being. Yes missfoxie, I am stealing your word . . . again!

You see? There's that smile again! That wonderfully radiant smile. Wonderful beaming smile! And sorry Megs darling but I'm stealing your words too, "And she has this aura around her. Like, all you have to do is look at a picture and you feel better."

Kate: First of all, I always did it the night before. (realizing what she’s said and laughing). I’m just not a morning gal, you know what I mean?!

In every convention I have seen [via youtube] there is an unsurpassed amount of laughter. There is so much laughter from the audience, a lot of smiling and laughing from Kate herself. And there is a helluva lot of innundo . . . . innuendo. Sorry I was channeling Dinah from The Philadelphia Story. She is, in her own words, "deliciously naughty" and that is definitely ok in my book :P

Kate: ...but I would take the camera and I’d have to hit the mark within one - you know - inch, and I would get to Commander Chakotay. “What do you say, Commander?” (imitates a snore). You’re kidding! They’d all be asleep. Because of course it was so unspeakably dull. ‘Here she comes again’ (exaggerated yawn)

*le sigh*
She pulls the cutest faces ever, doesn't she? The smile and that second face *squee* Kate is just deliciously wonderful!

Come to me all fangirls. Make me your leader!

Kate: But who doesn’t have any clothes on? Who? Whose little fellow is standing right in front of you? “Lieutenant!” “Yes Captain?”
I absolutely adore her stories from the set of Voyager. I swear. The way she tells stories is like my mum. You can never keep a straight face when listening to a story from my mum about when she was younger. No matter how harrowing, or stupid the story is, my mum with have you clutching your sides. It's just the way she expresses everything. And I do the same thing. I seriously do.

I don't think I even need to say anything. But you can just see how engaged she is when people speak and how she formulates her answers. I both hate and love how fiercely intelligent she is and how wonderfully articulate she is. I hate it, because I wish I was as smart and I love it because she makes me smarter. She makes me think. She makes me analyse and become more interested in things and to understand a lot more around me.

Kate: I reckon I pretended. I was one of eight children - I pretended I belonged to a different family!
I’m all for the imagination, but I would say this to anyone, especially this child, in a coma (referring to an audience member) - start reading. We read when we were very young, and that opens up the imagination like nothing else.

Kate: I should be canonized. Oh yeah. You think?

Kate: I will sleep with no one. I hate to let Captain Kirk and Picard down, but I will sleep with no one. If you stop sleeping with my hair.

I adore how expressive Kate is with her hands and her face. She's just wonderful.

Our minds could invariably go straight to the gutter with a gesture like this but then again, I would like to think of myself as a somewhat intelligent human being and would think I'm above thoughts like that . . . how the hell am I trying to kid here?

Kate: What happened when the camera turned around, and it was my close-up? What happened? I don’t know. But I had to talk about the death of the commander of the other ship, and I had to say how fond I was of him, how much I admired his courage, his virtue, his passion....Phewt! A spitball! Right in the head. I said, “What? What’s it...” I looked at Tim Russ, I said... He said, “I didn’t”. In fact he stood up and he said “Whoever is responsible for that...” I said, “We will roll again, one more time. It’s now four o’clock. Do you see me? I’m on the edge, kids. Roll!” ‘He was a wonderful commander. Very fond of him. Courageous, passionate...’ And now I’m really getting into it, right? I can still act at four a.m. “And when I said to him...” Phewt! (indicates another spitball hitting) I looked and there he was. Tuvok. The man of no expression - and zero heart! I said, “You did it...” (imitating Tim Russ) ‘I don’t blah, blah...” I said, “You did it, and you’re going to pay. Don’t say another word to me. Love ya. We’ve got another six years together. Don’t say a bleeping thing, because you are dead.”

Bloody legend! I know the actual dialogue doesn't begin to express everything. The way that Kate speaks in inexpressably marvelous! Her voice is inexplicably sexy and wonderful. I could seriously talk about the way she speaks and communicates. I know I haven't been the most articulate because quite frankly, my mind has turned to mush thanks to Kate and the Saturday Panel of the SF Ball at Bournemouth in 2006. I am seriously flying tackle hugging and squishing codarose. You are a true dear!

picspam: kate mulgrew, quote: kate mulgrew, - picspam

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