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Comments 32

madzilla September 29 2008, 17:22:13 UTC
This is gorgeous! I've never seen it before. I only have the audio, (at least, I *think* it's the same thing), so it's nice to see the shots. :)

She does have excellent comic timing. It's slightly off-topic but in Waking Moments, when she said "...getting dressed?" to Tuvok - it was just perfect, and I don't know why, but for some reason it just tickled me and I laughed for about a minute solid. :D

Thank you for this hon! :D


sweetveritas September 29 2008, 17:32:00 UTC
You know what? If it was up to me and I had the audio, I would burn it to a disc and put it in the car and play it constantly. It's just wonderful. I tell you, I am like one more squee away from putting Tea At Five in the car.

Doesn't she? And omfg, baha. I love that scene SOOO much. Every time I watch that episode, and she just makes that adorable face and say, "...getting dressed?" I just laugh. I just laugh! And you know what my theory is behind Tuvok's nightmare - it's an ode to Tim's nakedness on the set. That's what I think. So funny.

And you are most definitely welcome sweetheart :)


madzilla September 29 2008, 17:23:00 UTC
Oh, and - don't worry, I'll mop up that drool I left in your journal. Sorry about that. >_>


sweetveritas September 29 2008, 17:32:37 UTC
No problem, and while you're doing that could you mop up mine lol ;)


xscylon September 29 2008, 18:11:39 UTC
Great picspam!...Now you are making me want to check YouTube for this! I've never heard anything of her from a convention! And SF Ball you say? Damn, I wish I knew two years ago (I am going to the SF Ball Feb '09)...or about FedCon 2007 for that matter...I need to see Kate at a con at least once :-D


sweetveritas September 29 2008, 18:20:58 UTC
Thank you :D

This specific convention isn't on YouTube but there are others. If you go to my main page here on lj, there is a comprehensive post about Kate on youtube and conventions are near the top. She is a scream!

And oh I know. I have to at least see her at a convention once. I am completely jealous of you going to the convention in 09. Have fun. And I will keep my fingers crossed that I will have the opportunity aswell, some day.


sweetveritas September 29 2008, 18:46:51 UTC
oh and darling. I just randomly nosied at your userpics - I do that :P and I noticed that you credited Madzilla for making the Riker & Janeway icon . . . t'was me :D Just fyi.


xscylon September 30 2008, 14:34:36 UTC
D'oh! I always save the name of the maker, but I guess I swapped you guys (what can I say, you both make icons of AWESOME!). Consider it fixed ;-)


dradiscontact September 30 2008, 03:00:49 UTC

I'm stealing all of these pictures cuz.. you have some I didn't. And they're going in queenie's page.

I can't even, like.. this was so.. *happy sigh*


sweetveritas September 30 2008, 11:41:32 UTC
Oooo grazie beans!!!

There are some you haven't seen? Wow. You know I have so many Kate sources :P


dradiscontact September 30 2008, 11:53:15 UTC
Well, yeah. The bigger, press releases at the top are what I didn't have. So I stole. Without shame XD


sweetveritas September 30 2008, 11:58:24 UTC
hehehehe I nicked them first without shame :D *innocent eyes*
Well there are GREAT but limited convention caps at The Tea-Team Europe page. So have fun.


sunspawn September 30 2008, 21:18:10 UTC
ILHER. I saw her in london at convention a few years and she's SO funny. and smart. And i love the blonde too!


sweetveritas September 30 2008, 21:21:55 UTC
I completely loathe and adore you. I am so glad that you saw her at a convention. As of yet I haven't had that honour but here's hoping the future will be kind :D And isn't she so witty! Every thing I've watched has had me in hysterics and the one thing that Kate Mulgrew is is smart. Frighteningly so but so smart.

Yay for the blonde loveage!


sunspawn September 30 2008, 21:31:12 UTC
I knoooow! and uses all these big words, which actually helped me extend my vocabulary because english isn't my first language. I really learned a lot!


sweetveritas September 30 2008, 21:34:19 UTC
Kate really has extended my own vocabulary just from listening to her, she's so engaging and engaged; it's wonderful. I tell you, I would learn so much from her in own real converation than I could at university. She is incredibly articulate.

And really? Gosh, I would not have known that.


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