"why are you pushing me?"

Sep 18, 2008 16:47

I knew yesterday's ease of enrollment was too good to be true. Now I'm stressing about the other half. Don't even talk to me about it because I will be an absolute bitch. I watched The Aviator last night before going to sleep. I was in such a foul mood that I wasn't receptive to it at all. I wasn't receptive to Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn. I was just a bitch. But I'll watch it again and be more receptive I'm sure. I didn't even finish watching it I was so unreceptive.

So to cheer myself up I made this picspam.

I had the image count in this thing up to TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN but I combined them all to make a lovely forty-two images instead. So yeh, image heavy.

Here she comes just-a-walking down the street corridor singing do-wa-diddy diddy-dum-diddy doo. She's strutting it like a pro and then what happens. The resident fur-ball, I mean morale officer-cook-ambassador shows up and breaks her 'I'm made of awesome' strut. Thanks Neelix *stands down 'Death Glare' mode* THEN. He utters something completely vague about "Last night went well" and then Janeway "was especially good" to which she replied, "Thanks Neelix, it's been a while." What? Sex? Now, when I first watched this episode with my innocence still intact I was wondering what the heck he was on about but now when I just hear the lines themselves...mind-gutter-introduction. Chakotay will fill us in laterz.

"But the highlight of the evening was definitely Kathryn Janeway portraying The Dying Swan" Whoa, whoa whoa. Hold up. Shift it back. Janeway will willing get up in front of people and do the hardest ballet choreography and yet she won't fall in love with the resident Native. Sure, she'll show the crew her legs in pink tights [assuming] but she won't snog the First Officer even though she wants to? Writers *shakes head* But I forgive them because this scene was just too damn cute with her giggling and being all cute.

Janeway: Come on Chakotay. There must be some talent you have that people would enjoy.*Besides covetting the Captain?* Maybe I can stand with an apple on my head and you can phaser it off.
Chakotay: Sounds great. If I miss I get to be captain.


Chuckles, you just had to say that didn't you! As sickeningly adorable as that scene was you just had to say, "I get to be captain" because no sooner had those words left your mouth, and never to return, did the 'oh shit, we're gonna die' alarms sound. Shuttle goes bouncy bouncy. Panels go sparkle sparkle. And yous go 'bollocks!'

Nice and turbulent panoramic scene to add to the tension...and desperation.
Oops, went to far. Sacajewea.

The opening titles happen somewhere during this scene. Great! Give us Janeway unconscious with Chakotay frantically feeling for pulse and cutting to the start up sequence. Feckers. Anyway, I love it that Janeway is flat out curplonked on the shuttle floor and Chakotay is comfortably smashed up against the console. He sits up, sees her, flings his seat around and immediately stops from his little boo-boo. His head has a bunch of shuttle crafts flying around it and he's singing, "With a hey nonny, nonny and a hey-hey-hey". He's immediately at her side feeling her wrist, neck- and he's wildly getting the medkit.

Computer: Warning. Hydrazine gas leak. Begin evaccuation procedures.
Thank you Captain Obvious.

Chakotay being the strapping young gorgeous man that he is, drags Janeway to the shuttle door and then he kills ME. He lifts her up. The way that Janeway just flops back kills me. Seriously. I cannot watch that scene without jumping up to stop her from falling. If I was Kate in this scene and about 40lbs lighter I would have cacked my pants if I fell back like that, especially with the way Robert gets up. Anyway. He takes her out of the Hydrazine gases and holds her closely. Then she flails back again. Is it just me or is it that in the bottom image, his hand insanely close to her.....

Every J/C shipper's heart probably skipped a couple of hundred beats with this. We get mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Ok, shoot me. It's not a kiss but it's the closest thing we'll ever get those two to lip-locking! Giggity!! Ok I'm going to be serious here. Chakotay, with all the love in his being, is trying to get Janeway to breathe. He's yelling at her, ordering her, pleading with her. His voice is just heartbreaking here. Robert was on supreme form in this episode. I mean, saliva is coming out of the dude's mouth and his bottom teeth are pristine btw. Then when all hope seems to be lost BA-DAAAAAAAAA Magic potion in a hypospray into her neck and she's immediately revived!! YAY.

Awwwww. Chakotay is all over her making sure she's alright. Beat still my shipping heart. And I never noticed this until I watched this episode again but he actually puts his hand on her stomach *eeep* Then he cups her face . . . . excuse me *defibrilates self* They were so fucking meant to be!!!

Chakotay goes all Action Man going back to the shuttle erm which is filled with Hydrazine gas... while Janeway sits up. I just like the image of Chakotay because it has a nice view of his ass.

Erm. I think I have a hand fetish :S But Captain Jane [sorry channelling Life Line] sets up a homing beacon *signal in brain goes* I'm coming!!!! *rushes out door while chair continues to spin uncontrollably for several seconds*

The plot thickens. It seems that a storm wasn't the cause of the crash or Chakotay's fateful recitation of those ill-chosen words but instead someone shot them down. But who? ooooooooooooo That is the big question *runs from side to side waving arms randomly* oooooooo

I love how Janeway despite being within spitting distance of being dead she's up and about with reduced cranial swelling and she's all ready to defend. Phaser drawn and giving orders. Oh and Chakotay scans.

Don't you just love the people. Not a very lively bunch
Then they meet the most....interesting species of the early Delta Quadrant - the wonderful and friendly bunch that are the Vidiians [/sarcasm]. But Chuckles and Jane haven't had the best of luck on this doomed away mission have they? Shot down, she almost dies, Chuckles gets shot and then she gets strangled to death. Sounds like a walk in the park, doesn't it?

OH MY GAWD. What's happened here? They iz bak in da shuttel. Oooooooooo.
The plot definitely thickens. Someone must have put in some cornflour. Chakotay and Janeway are back in the shuttle talking about her legs in ballet tights and her fucking awesomeness. But then Vidiians show up again and uh-oh warp core threatening to blow. Then shuttle blows up. Game Over flashes on the screen.

Back again. You know I would have loved it if they returned here and they were displaced momentarily and instead of sitting in their respective places, she was sitting on his knee. . . . a girl can dream can't she? It would've made for an interesting start anyways.
But Captain Janeway and her infinite wisdom and smarts thinks of a way to break this frakked up time loop. Yeh, as if they'd want to remain in a time loop where the same result is them dead? The shuttle glows a funky colour and a wicked ring goes out from it. It worked. She is so smart. S-M-R-T. Then they is all cute.

Home Sweet Voyager.
"I'd feel better about entering this region of space if I knew what caused the phenomenon" and then B'Elanna goes "Phenomenon" which means I have to type the fecking word out again, "Phenomenon, du-do-do-do-do, phenomenon, du-do-do-do". Then everyone begins to look at her like she's got three heads, spoutiing a tale and talking German [although they wouldn't know she was talking German cuz of the Universal Translator]. So the plot is spun more in this deep pot of 'WTF' soup.

Janeway reluctantly goes to Sickbay . . . I think you can nearly count on one hand how many times she's actually voluntarily gone to sickbay to be examined. But here she is, with the Doctor, a Padd and a sullen face. Never a good combination. "You've contracted a disease. The Vidiian Phage". Janeway's internal response, "Fuck!" but her external response and first reaction is to repeat the word and then ask if Chakotay has it. See. She loves him!!

Doc says he'll re-double his efforts in finding a cure for her. Gives her a sedative. She looks into his eyes, I look into hers. She falls asleep. Ain't she cute. Savour that cute, perfect, blemish-free porcelain skin.

Forty hours later. And people call me a lazy shite!
Anyways, Janeway wakes up in a very fetching surgical gown. It seems that in her sleep, a make-up artist went to town on her face, necks and hands. The Doctor says he hasn't any good news for her and that this strain [no wisecracks please] of the Phage is particularly fierce.

It is heartbreaking hearing the symptoms "You face a painful, lingering death marked by increased periods of dementia and eventual insantiy". Well, that's not what it said in the leaflet, 'So you have the Phage.' There's probably a smiley face on the cover. So his recommendation? Euthanasia. Erm... can I get a second opinion? So when he said he'd re-double his efforts, he meant he'd double it to forty hours. Bravo! It's heartbreaking to see Janeway's pristine face this scarred. But I love how dishevelled her hair is. If Chakotay was there.....

Doc doesn't think twice about filling the space of the surgical bay with a neural toxin. She tries to have his program deleted. Naturally the computer has to be a tramp and say, "A security code is required for that command" oh sure, if it was anyone else but the Captain in a pickle wanting to delete him, there would be no frakking problem. Was the computer programmed by some tit from Northern Ireland??? Anyway, she dies...again. Count now - 3.


We're back in the shuttle. Then out of nowhere comes a big shiny anomaly. . . . Megs, I don't think that's Caramel-K. I hope it ain't cuz that would mean that it's that bastard's matrix [oops spoiler]. Chakotay suggests going in. The Captain being well-that Captain says no. Let's see where this line of thought gets her, shall we?

Dead. That kind of thinking makes her whind up dead. With herself overlooking? WTF!
Yay. She gets to watch herself die. Fun. That's not going to give her any nightmares whatsoever. So here's Chakotay and herself plonked before her with the lightning flashing and making itself known [especially when it came to colouring the caps]. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation take two.

What can you do when someone [you love] is giving your CPR and he can't see or hear you? Crouch down beside him and watch his desperation as he tries to revive you. How fucking convincing is Robert here? You really do think Kathryn is dead!

This seriously trumps Worf's cries when K'Ehleyr and Jadzia died. Chakotay takes the cake for breaking the most hearts. He tries one last time. Realizes it's futile. And gathers her into his arms. *MY HEART IS BROKEN* Robert Beltran dude *puts a hat on and takes it off to him* Seriously. Everything about this scene is heartbreaking - the positions of his hands, his fingers, the agony in his eyes, his face - all in his anguish. And then when he lays her back down and how he holds her then and looks at her . . . *blows nose and quiveringly says* dude. Then he talks to her.

And for my next trick, I will make my hand pass right through him.
He talks to her and says, "We're going to get you back" and I'm freaking shivering as I'm typing this. And Janeway is probably thinking, "Yep, I'm boned!"

So they get her back to Voyager and to sickbay. 'The last time I lay on this bio-bed he fucking euthanised me, so what the fuck is that he's injecting into me!' So cortical stimulator this, pulse that, got a thready pulse whatever and Chakotay and ghost!Janeway watch on.

Sorry but that gash on her forehead really wigs me out!! It looks nasty!! Nurse Kes say's they have a thready pulse, Doc injects Janeway with something, they begin to lose her again. OH NOES! Doc says to use the cortical stimulator again, again and again. Kes questions him. He verbally bitch slaps her. Cortical stimulator. He calmly closes the tricorder and makes a note in the log. WTF. Chakotay just fecks off without saying a thing and Kes just looks at Janeway. Eh, what? And then she's told to activate the autopsy protocols. Erm, ew! Omg, just to inject this here and to demonstrate my stupidity at times. When I first saw, 'autopsy' written down I thought it was 'autospy' and I was wondering, why would something want a free autospy. Yes I be thick!

And for my next tricks I will walk through a door and then a person.
I absolutely love how Jennifer looks like, "I cannot hear her, I cannot hear her, I'm not listening lalalalalalalalalala". She looks like she's seriously concentrating on not listening to Kate walking along beside her.

The perks of being dead to everyone around you? You can see what your officers REALLY get up to in briefings . . . . absolutely fuck all! And they're not even smarter. She still had to hover over B'Elanna's shoulder and tell her what to do and since B'Elanna would be Janeway's bitch in like prison, she does what she's spiritually told.

Knock knock.
Who is there?
Drama who?

Ah. A big bright anomaly - the one from before remember - begins to form in Engineering. Janeway's all, "For fudging's sake, now what?". Enter, Daddy Janeway . . . O_O BABY SHOE!!!! [seriously if anybody gets that gag I will worship you for an hour].

He's being all kind and gentle, "Isn't it clear. You're dead". Thanks. What no option to sugar coat it? Just gave it to her right between the eyes. I guess we've learned where her tact came from. So Daddy Janeway is all knowledgeable and explains what the double you, tee, eff is going on. He also says that when 'he' died she was overcome with depression. Bless her. Wee pet. But her scientist's mind is still switched on.

But they iz looking for me! I'm gonna help 'em . . . but I got my eyes on you!! Eyes! Mine! Both of them! On you!

So Mr. Pointy Ears and Little Miss Decoratively Pointy Ears are in meditation mode and are trying to find Janeway. Erm, I can give you a hint - she's right there. Beside you. Then Kes quits. Wuss!! And then Tuvok gives a lovely little report into the computer which turns Kathryn to mush. Tuvok seriously looks like, "I'm standing here and saying this but I know she's there but she doesn't know that I know."

B'Elanna: When I came to this ship I resented the fact that Captain Janeway was responsible for our being stranded here in the Delta Quadrant. I didn't think that she made the right decision and I certainly didn't want to serve under her command. In the beginning I fought her. Even when she made me Chief Engineer I didn't trust her reasons. I kept looking for a hidden agenda. I actually believed that she'd set me up to fail. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. She saw, she saw something in me that I didn't see. She saw a worthwhile person where I saw a lost and hostile misfit, and because she had faith in me I began to have faith in myself. And when she died, the first thing I thought was that I couldn't do this without her. That I needed her too badly - her strength and her compassion. But then I realised that the gift that she gave me, and gave a lot of us here, was the knowledge that we are better and stronger than we think. I wish I had said these things to her, I wish I'd taken the time.


Harry: I would, sir. I know Captain Janeway wouldn't want us to be sitting around moping. She'd want us to be cheering each other up remembering the good times, like that away mission when we found all those bushes of over-ripe fruit. Must have eaten half a kilo. My hands and mouth were all purple, and the Captain, the Captain came and sat down next to me, and her mouth was all stained too. She put her arm around my shoulder and she said, she said 'Ensign, these are the times we have to remember'. It's, it's, sorry.

Dude. He made her cry! He made Captain Janeway cry. The second time ever!!! And I think the second of three instances that I can think of straight off the bat! But seriously, the tears that come down her face and how she screws up her mouth for that split-second . . . *dies* I love that woman. But as much as I loved B'Elanna and Harry's speeches, I would have killed to have known what Chakotay said.

Release the pod *jumps out airlock after it* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

For like a nano-second it seemed like Janeway was willing to leave but I was like, NO! BITCH YOU CAN'T!!! But he's trying to convince her to go with him but then BHAM HELLOTUVOKCHAKOTAYANDDOCTOR! The penny has been dropped!!!

And now it's face-off time.
Captain Kathryn Janeway vs some weird alien-being masquerading as her father so that he could suck her soul into his matrix where he shall feed off her. My money's on Janeway.
Chakotay is telling her to fight. Yay.
The alien is geting stronger. Boo.
The doctor knows what to do. Yay.[/panto reactions]
Janeway finds out about the fine-print. He needs her to go voluntarily. Erm yeh. Pig's will fly before that'll happen. I don't know what kind of technology they have in the 24th century so pigs may be flying then but from this perspective they don't and most likely won't. Because let's face it, who in their right mind would want to figure out a way to make pigs fly? Anyway, she spits distainfully, "Go back to hell, coward" - oh how many children would love to say that to their parent/father.

Chakotay looks down at her with a mixture of love and love whilst the Doctor looks down with a look of pride and pride in his awesomeness and oh some happiness about her being alive. And Tuvok just looks like Tuvok. All is right with the universal. They help her up. She says that her fath the alien kept telling her to let go but Captain Janeway being Captain Janeway just wouldn't. She put her foot down and it went through the deck plating. And it is just me or does she look ravashing with her hair that insanely messed up? They help her up. Chakotay puts his arm around her waist *eeep*

She's supposed to be taking it easy yet she's in her Ready Room sucking down on caffeine and reading. Her knight in red and black armour comes in. Scolds her for working. But relents and presents her with a pretty PEACH and YELLOW rose. [happy Megs?]

I'm sure Robert Beltran LOOKED in that first image! I'm sure he's eyes sneaked a gander!
But then we have Kathryn. "I cheated death. That's worth a celebration don't you think? Bottle of champagne. Moonlight sail of lake George. How does that sound?" | "Like something worth living for." They are so damn cute together. They sail together. THEY DRINK TOGETHER. They are meant to be together. They are awesome and so damn damn damn cute.


This snark brought to you by me, Aladdin and the Kind of Thieves, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Lee Evans, Madagascar, The Muppets, Futurama, Dara O'Briain and the awesomeness that is Robert Beltran and KATE MULGREW.

picspam: star trek voyager, tv: star trek voyager, voyager episode: s3-coda, - picspam

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