Most productive sickday ever.

Aug 22, 2006 21:47

This may be a bit cheese sandwich for some of you but I don't care.

Today I woke up and called in sick to work. I was a bit sore from running and it was really uncomfortable to sit in a chair, my legs kept cramping up. So I didn't go to my job. I did however decide to work around the house a bit. So at 9am I called my friend M and he came over and we started breaking apart concrete. how much concrete you ask. Well I didn't think it would be very much at first. Just 1 sidewalk along the side of my house and a small patio in the back along with the connecting sidewalks to the backdoor and the garage. so all in all 5 patio sections 11 sidewalk sections. So we started. and the work kept going and going and going. we worked from 9 until 5 and took a 45 min lunch break. At the end of the day we looked in the dumpster we had been putting all our concrete in and it was almost half full.

So we sat inside and did a few calculations. We estimated that since we had a 20 Yard^2 dumpster that was half full we had 9 or 10 yards of concrete. a cubic foot of concrete weighs 150 lbs. (yes that is a lot) and there are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. so we moved at least 36,000 lbs of concrete lifting each piece twice. once to put it in the wheelbarrow and once to put it in the dumpster. After that I dropped M off and home and my roommate DW came home and the contractor that is rebuilding my basement called saying he was coming tomorrow and not thursday. So... let the moving begin again. We moved everything in the basement except the washer and dryer 3-5 feet away from the outside walls to give the workers space to demolish 2 walls and an 18 inch section of floor all the way around the house. We then moved another 10 cubic yards of junk (old building materials from my first remodel job on the house) to the dumpster from the garage.

Lesson here. if you are going to move dusty items and throw them, don't breath while throwing them. I knew this and was therefore safe from flying debris and dust, DW however didn't and is now coughing and gagging like he has been gassed.

So now we have at 10PM finally stopped moving stuff and now just have to cover up all the air ducts in the house so the concrete dust doesn't blow all over.

So if you are looking for a good workout I would say try moving 6" square concrete blocks a few thousand times in the hot sun.

If I don't die during the night from muscle pain, I better wake up looking like a greek god.
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