Promises, promises

Jan 02, 2012 20:19

Whilst i admit to having spent most the first two days of the new year totally chilling out I have managed to fit in some creative work. Yesterday I put in a few hours graft with masque101 on the group music video project and today I spent another few hours at the computer working on my own music video that I'd left 'resting' for the last week or so. I made a deal with Katie that since Upton has charged ahead with her individual W13 video project we both needed to spend the week on ours and have at least a rough first copy by the weekend. Also I've told myself I will spend time this week on writing and attempt to finish up the story I promised Sam and various others!

I'm thinking I should go with an actual 'new years resolution' to try to fit at least an hour or two of something creative (writing, vidding, drawing) everyday. I'm guessing life might get in the way of this resolution sometimes but the idea is not to waste away any of the spare time I have.

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