One Month In...

Feb 09, 2012 13:50

Okay so the last post was my 'kind of' new years resolution, promising myself I would try to spend an hour or two everyday on something creative, I guess as February has rolled around already I should do a little self-assessment.

Not bad (and too much 9gag means I insert mental image of internet meme here... I may also have pulled the face as I type but I won't confirm that)

Had a couple of busy weekends where I didn't get much work done but I was spending time with friends and family or reading so I'm counting those as times definately not wasted.

Though I have completed bugger all I'm still working on a bunch of pictures, a story and a music video, they have not been abandoned. I've also started off two new projects involving some good ol' photoshopping.

So I guess I should just keep at it.

(mood: creative... see what I did there?? hehe)

drawing, writing, editing, me

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