(no subject)

Dec 13, 2011 21:28

I feel creative.

I also feel the stabbing pain of writers block, and to a lesser extent whatever the editing equivalent of writers block is called.


I shall press on however.

Currently I am writing my first piece of fan fiction *gasp* in about 10 years (unless you count my Verona Beach story) and working on editing my first music video in about 2 years. It feels very weird to be back doing both again but the buzz doesn't appear to have gone away even when faced with the skeletal outline of a story that seems to be fighting against having life breathed in to it and patchwork pieces of a music video I haven't quite worked out how to stitch together yet.

I'm sure i'll remember how to do this again. It'll come back to me. Like riding a bike an' all that.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

warehouse 13, via ljapp, writing, editing

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