Mar 31, 2008 05:40
New healthy food tip given me to a coworker/training partner who is also a healthy food fanatic:
Can't stand milk but still LOVE cereal? If you are like me and like milk only enough for wetting down cereal, but are left pouring said milk down the drain afterwards... try Almond Breeze. I refuse to switch to soy milk because it tastes AWFUL. Almond Breeze (to me at least) doesn't have any type of taste that will turn me off of it. And I can find it at Meijer, so I don't have to go to Fruitful Yield or Trader Joe's (read: Ch-ching!).
Now that being said, I also caution that the name should give it all away... It's obviously made from Almonds, so if you blow up like a balloon over such things, well then you know enough to steer clear. :)
Now that I've run 1 mile in my neighborhood (damn, it takes a while to adjust to pavement from treadmill) and eaten cereal, it's time for me to get ready for work. Hopefully I've nipped any case of the Mondays I had in the bud.