The Jahari Window

Sep 22, 2007 21:22

Everyone do the Jahari Window! It's either scaringly accurate or freakin' funny. COME ON, DO IT. You know you wanna XD

1) Get out something to write/type on and put 1, 2, and 3 with three bullets below each number, so it looks like this:

(just pretend those squiggly lines ar bullets)

2) Put your favorite animal for #1. List three things that come into your mind when you think of this animal (think adjectives)
3) Put your favorite color for #2. List three emotions that you feel when you're surrounded by this color.
4) Put your favorite body of water for #3. It can be a puddle, hot tub, bath tub, ocean, babbling brook, whatever. List three things to describe your favorite body of water.
5) Post or e-mail me your answers! I'm curious ^^;;;

1) The animal symbolizes the way people see you.

2)The color represents how you see yourself, descriptions and all.

3) The body of water is how you see sex. No, seriously.

1) Butterfly

2) Blue

3) Ocean

I don't know about the rest of you, but the word majestic isn't what I'd use to describe sex XD

Saw Resident Evil: Extinction today, and for a movie in that type of trilogy, it was pretty decent. There's lots of fighting scenes, explosions, and loud noises so it'll probably make some type of headlines. I still prefer the games though.

Made more new friends today ^___^ Earlier today, I talked to a person who is already married and has kids (she's 27) and hung out with another person who was in her early 30's and has already experienced marriage. So far, the people that I can see myself hanging out with are all significantly older than me, which normally isn't something I would notice. But when they start talking about guys they've kissed and dated, and whether or not they should get certain items for their kids/husbands/homes, I get a little lost lol. However, they are very spontaneous and easy-going, so we all get along very well. ^____^

I'm worried, though, that I won't be able to make friends that are within my age group. The people here are very different. Mind you, they are open-minded and supportive about everything (VERY supportive, actually), but for some reason, I just can't talk to them. Maybe it's because I'm shy, or maybe it's because I'm too different. I don't know.

I don't really see this as a setback, though. I'm perfectly happy with the friends that I have made ^___^

Things will be okay.
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