I really am such a sad, utter geek.

Jan 10, 2006 22:28

So, I was eavesdropping on this conversation at the shiny place o' coffee today. This guy was arguing with this girl over the definitions of third-person, first-person and omniscient points of view and how they affect a narrative. Yay English-geekery, right? But it gets worse. After about five or six minutes of listening to this, I suddenly realized I was thinking: Wow -- that's pretty hot.


...essentially, I am turned on by discussion of literary terms. How impossibly, how incredibly -- I mean, really -- how much of a geek am I??

Also, it was good music mojo day. I was at the coffee shop for two hours, and it was excellence all the way through. Right as I left, "Zebra" by the John Butler Trio came on and I got to internally squeal Ray Kowalski!

I have a new roommate. Although I miss the old one, I actually have a lot more in common with this one; I've already loaned her Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, and am working on getting her addicted to the Magnetic Fields. She shows promise.

The Insane Vidding Projects of my peers are warming up and turning out some great stuff. I hope to get started with mine next week, barring another chicken-out of moving my vidding computer to my dorm room. In the meantime, go forth and enjoy the fruits of those who are cooler than I:
pipsqueaky's The Moth (Gone with the Wind brilliance),
sdwolfpup's Jesus Walks (Braveheart! Kanye West!) and Head Over Feet (sweet Doyle/Cordelia),
dualbunny's A Place In Time (Doctor Who loveliness) and Black Black Heart (Spike/Spike's duster OTP!),
and finally, f1renze's freshly posted My Band (omgwesleyangelcordygunn! gowatchnow!).

So many good vidlets, and more to come! Go download, gape in awe, and leave feedback for these lovely vidders.

life_morrissey-esque, misc_geekery, life_roommatelove, recs_vids

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