Title: Just Make Do
Fandom: Original, see A/N.
Rating: Heavy PG-13, or very light R for crude references.
Word count: 1,000
Reason for being:
15minuteficletsSummery: She was supposed to be free of him.
A/N: It's original fiction, for once, sort of. It's based off a friend and mine's roleplaying characters that we use on our
site for Hogwarts Past. They're OCs and magic really has nothing to do with the story. went over the 15 minutes by a little, but I was inspired. I blame that. Yeah, that's pretty much it.
She thought things were finished with him. That once she’d said her vows, that she would finally just be free of him, and what they might have had together. He had disappeared after her wedding after all; neither her husband (his uncle) nor she could find him. It was like he had just vanished and not a moment too soon in her mind. He was only going to muck things up with her marriage if he stayed around. It might not have been a marriage of her choice, or wanting even, but she’d given her word, she’d promised to be that man’s friend and companion until he died, nothing more he’d promised her if she didn’t want, and that meant she would do it or die. And since she was only nineteen, dying didn’t seem to be much of an option. But damnit, she was supposed to be free of him.
The rounded belly that was such a part of her appearance now was a mocking reminder that she would never be free.
It was wrong, and she knew it. Her virginity should not have been lost to a hurried coupling on the floor, hours before her wedding. It should have been in a bed, with candles and whispers of how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. But it wasn’t. It was fast and breaking, and there were no whispers, only harsh pants and groans that haunt her now in her dreams. She’d let her bad sense get away with her and now she had to pay the consequences.
She’d known about the baby before any test could have told her. Her period was late and her breasts were sore and tender and she just knew that she was going to be having his baby days after it had happened. But he was gone by then. Disappeared to God knows where and she was alone and scared and pregnant, married to a man that she didn’t love and had yet to consummate that marriage with. It would be horrible if her husband found out, about the baby, about her love affair with his bloody nephew, about how she had in almost every essence of the word, cheated on him when all he wanted was her support. She shuddered to even think of what would have happened.
So she did the only thing she could think of. She went to her husband, whispered sweet words about being scared and alone and wanting comfort, especially of the sexual kind, she was sure to stress that, and by midnight that night, she did the one thing that would ensure her safety and that of her baby’s and the downfall of his love for her. She tricked her husband. She played his lusts and his body to ensure that she would always be cared for. After all, if she were to bare him a child, after years of him being heirless, then she would receive all of his money when he died instead of a portion like agreed upon earlier, which was surely not far off. She did it for her baby, and for herself.
He couldn’t help her anymore, and it didn’t seem that he wanted to. He left her and she did what was needed to survive.
It was with glowing pride, and a plastered smile that a month after their single night together, she told her husband that she was with child. He stared at her for so long, unable to comprehend what was going on, for surely, he was beyond the age of having children, but she insisted that it was his child and that in roughly eight months, they were going to have a baby in the house. She said roughly because she knew the baby would be at least a week early. Babies were born early all the time though. This one wouldn’t be any different and he would be her redemption. She’d sinned but she’d been given this baby as both a curse and a blessing and she vowed to herself, every night, over and over, that she would do anything necessary to protect her baby from harm. And if that meant leading her husband and the baby and him and everyone else in the world to believe that she’d had the former’s child, then that was just how life was going to be. If he had a problem with that, then she could just not be bothered to care. He gave up any right to her and the baby when he’d disappeared.
As predicted, her baby was born a week early, to the day. Her husband suspected nothing, and absolutely glowed with pleasure at seeing the screaming, red faced monster that had spent the previous twenty four hours trying to fight his way out of his mother’s womb. It hurt like hell frozen and warmed over all at once but just seeing him, she knew what motherhood meant. It meant protecting that baby you slaved to bring into the world from whatever harm might befall him, and since she’d already vowed to do that, then there really was no problem.
“What do you want to name him, my darling?” her husband asked as her son was laid in her arms by one of the attending nurses.
“Dylan,” she whispered, silently adding ‘after his great-grandfather’ to her words. It was his grandfather, not her husband’s, except perhaps by marriage, for the elder Dylan was his mother’s father. She had no idea really why she named her son after his great grandfather on his father’s side, surely any other name not connected to the man who gave him life would do just as well but then she remembered the whispered conversation she’d had with him one night when they were still in school. He always wanted to name his first born son after his favorite grandfather.
She just supposed that a part of her felt like it owed him this small favor, and she accepted that gracefully. It was just a name. Nothing more. Dylan’s father would not be around, and they would have to make do with that. They just had to make do.