Introducing... JATE MONTH!

Nov 02, 2006 14:24

I decided something last night. I could either let promos and the obvious yet tasteless turn into Skate world that TPTB (which by the way, I have no flipping clue what that stands for. I get that it's with the writers but that's about it) has taken bum me out.

Or I could rebel, fight the power, prove Jate superiority, proclaim far and wide the greatness that is Jack and Kate's love.

So I bring you; Jate Month.

During the long month of November, I will write 50,000 words worth of Jate. One shots. Interconnected short stories. Maybe even a chaptered story if I can work out the kinks of long story arcs to my liking. But there will be Jate and it will be plentiful.

There will be fluff. There will be angst. There may even be AU. But one thing is for certain; that when doubt about Jack and Kate ever being together arises, I will be there to prove they belong together. When Skate thoughts arise, I will be there to beat them away with the Jesus stick that is Jate. When the hiatus comes, I will make even Skaters believe it was really Jate that happened in the fall season instead of Skate.

Ignore the celebrating from Skaters. Ignore the writers' lack of common sense (srsly Damon, I thought you were a Jater. That's not Jate you've giving us, dude). Ignore even your little brother/sister who mocks you endlessly for "being wrong" about triangle (after giving them a good beating of course).

This isn't giving up or sinking into denial. Not by a long shot. I firmly believe that we will get Jate in the end. This is a means to ease the pain that season three has brought Jaters. This is a way to prove that I will stand by my ship, through all the mocking and lies, through evil promos and equally evil writers, through everything Jate will have to go through to find each other.

Because Jate is Fate.

I extend this challenge to every Jater in fandom. You don't have to write nearly as much as I am. That's my own personal challenge. But if you can, try to write something Jate. Not a writer? Make icons. Not a graphically apt person? Make pic-spams. Make fanmixes. Support those who take the challenge by commenting. Tell fellow Jaters about this challenge. There are a hundred things to do and only a month to do them in.

We best get started.

ETA: Now cross-posted to jackkatefans

jate month

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