Title: The Only Blow
sweetbelle07Fandom: Alias
Character(s): Michael Vaughn, Isabelle Vaughn, with references to Sydney Bristow-Vaughn and Jack Vaughn.
Rating: G
Reason for being:
15minuteficletsSummery: Isabelle has trouble coping with her mother's death.
Warning(s): Character death, spoilers up through the finale. Post-series.
A/N: I really have no idea why I wrote this because the last time I checked, I wasn't much of a fan of Alias anymore (both because it ended and I was really upset with the... stuff) but here we are and here it is existing.
If she hadn’t gone on that one mission, if she hadn’t listened to Dixon saying that she was needed, then perhaps he might still have a daughter.
The worst part was that it was his wife that he’d lost on that mission. His beautiful, amazing wife, that had spent her entire life working for a break from the spy life, something she’d achieved for all of three years, during which time they raised their daughter, before it came seeding back into their lives. First it was a mission here, an op there, and before either one of them knew it, they were back in the employ of the CIA again. They never went on missions together, because while they hated to even think about losing the either, if a mission went wrong, then at least one of them could be still be there for the kids.
It was Sydney’s turn to go on the mission of the week, and she went, partly at the insistence of Dixon and something had gone, horribly, utterly wrong. She’d been compromised. She fought with all the fury of heaven and hell.
But it wasn’t enough.
His darling, gorgeous, unbelievable Sydney was gone.
And somehow, she’d managed to take Isabelle with her.
There was nothing physically wrong with Isabelle. She had grown up a happy, healthy child, seemingly not bothered by her parents’ spy lives, and for fifteen years, she had been the epitome of what normal their lives had held. And then that mission happened and she was just as gone as her mother.
Though, Vaughn was sure that it was worse that she was still there with him and her brother, but not really there. He had a better time dealing with Sydney being gone than his daughter. Where before he’d had two amazing women in his life, now he had an empty bed and a cold shadow of a person in his house.
Isabelle blamed everyone but the person really responsible for her mother’s death. She blamed her father because he should not have let her go. She blamed Dixon for sending her. She blamed Jack because he was the last to see their mother. She blamed Weiss for being in Washington and not stopping her mother, even though he had no idea about the mission. She grew impatient and angry with anyone that tried to tell her that it was that man’s fault, the one who had killed her mother. She snapped. She threw things. She broke down into tears and ran out of the house, and then for hours on end no one could find her.
One day, she just didn’t come back. Not really. Her body was there but she had been lost.
It had been hard losing Sydney and he was sure that he would not be completely over it for a very long time.
But losing Isabelle, when he could still see her and touch her and while she still moved and while she still drew breath and thought but refused to use it, it killed him. It took his heart and his soul and ripped them into tiny little shards, and then used those shards to stab him over and over until he thought it impossible to bleed any longer.
It was horrendous to learn that he could live without his wife, the love of his life, but to find that he couldn’t even function without his daughter was devastating and Vaughn was sure that it was the only blow that he could never recover from.
Comments are love.